Although being stared at like this while eating made Hoshino Gen feel uncomfortable, he still nodded after a pause.

Tilina was satisfied, and then cast her eyes on Liz, who was eating with her cheeks bulging, and asked in English with a smile:"How is it, Liz, Auntie's cooking skills are not bad, right?"

Here, Liz, this little loli, seemed to have an inexplicable hostility towards Hoshino Gen, but she was like a little angel that matched her appearance to Hoshino Rin and Tilina.

She chewed the food in her mouth hard twice, swallowed it, and immediately praised Tilina in English with shining eyes:"Great! Auntie, your cooking skills will make even God drool!"

It was a bit exaggerated, but under that deliberately funny look, it was also very cute. Hoshino Gen felt that at this table, it was better to say that Liz, Hoshino Rin and Tilina were more like a family than himself.

But it was true.

After all, he and Tilina had lived together for only four years, including the three years when he was just born.

Hoshino Rin had never left Tilina since he was born.

Considering Liz's age, she had probably been hanging around Tilina since she was a child.

It was impossible for him to feel jealous.

Hoshino Gen just felt that it was a bit of fate.

In his previous life, he had no father or mother, no relatives or friends, but he had a master who was closer and more important than his family.

In this life, he had a complete family.

Both of his parents even had a huge family.

His blood relatives were countless, but no one gave him the feeling of being a family member.

Shaking his head slightly, Hoshino Gen hurried to finish his dinner. If he had time to think about useless things here, he might as well think about tomorrow's plan. Family and affection were not as important as the treasure of the evil spirit!......

The next day, Hoshino Gen got up very early. Because Liz was with him, Hoshino Rin didn't ask him to play games last night, so he went to bed early and got up early for once.

The people in the Hoshino family don't have the habit of getting up early. When Hoshino Gen was washing up, the house was quiet, so he left home quietly.

Hoshino Gen had already planned today's itinerary. First, he went to the antique shop to replenish the talismans, and then took the tram to Chiyoda District to find Michiko's address. From there as the center, radiate the surrounding area little by little to find an opportunity to resolve Michiko's resentment...

However, the plan was interrupted as soon as it started.

A beautiful figure in sportswear, jogging on the side of the road, appeared in Hoshino Gen's field of vision.

So Hoshino Gen suddenly realized, oh, by the way, I have an assistant!

At this moment, Shimizu Yu, who was jogging in the morning, also noticed Hoshino Gen. She didn't think too much, but was a little surprised that Hoshino Gen would get up so early on vacation.

You know, even if it was her, if she hadn't been taken home and scolded by her mother after the parent-teacher meeting yesterday, she wouldn't have been stimulated to decide to work hard and start a self-disciplined life... Oh, yes! This guy must be like me, because his mother scolded him because of his poor test scores, haha! Shimizu Yu, whose mentality was inexplicably balanced, stopped in front of Hoshino Gen and smiled at this guy for the first time:"Good morning."

"Um... good morning." Hoshino Gen looked up and down at Shimizu Yu's figure with a thoughtful look. The sixteen-year-old girl's figure was concealed by loose sportswear, but her general symmetry was clearly visible. A layer of fine sweat beads hung on the girl's smooth and white forehead, and the high ponytail added a touch of heroic spirit belonging to a sporty girl to the balance between cuteness and beauty of this silly girl. What a great candidate for a coolie.

Being stared at by Hoshino Gen so directly, Shimizu Yu's eyelids twitched. She remembered that the last time she was looked at like this by Hoshino Gen, she was fooled into signing a contract with unfair terms that afternoon.

She suspected that this guy with a bad heart wanted to cheat her again.

Shimizu Yu took two steps back calmly and forced a smile:"Haha, then I'll continue running. Bye."

After saying that, she took a step and wanted to slip away, but unfortunately, Hoshino Gen was much faster than her.

Hoshino Gen grabbed the hood of Shimizu Yu's white sportswear and said with a smile:"You can't leave"


Qing Shuiyou paused and forced a smile,"Well, I haven't had breakfast yet.……"

"It's my treat, what would you like to eat?"

"I have to study in the morning. My mother said that if I get such bad test scores next time, she will send me to a cram school.……"

"It doesn't matter, I can tutor you in the future."

Shimizu Yu, who was originally thinking of finding other reasons, was immediately happy when he heard this:"With your grades, you still want to tutor me? You didn't score a few more points than me. Who knows, you may not be as good as me next time!"

Hoshino Gen smiled but said nothing, and continued:"Why don't you listen to why I want you to do it?"

"……"Perhaps she felt that if Hoshino Gen was determined not to let her go, she would not be able to escape no matter what, so she simply stopped struggling. She turned around, pouted, and said resentfully,"I don't want to do housework.……"

"I didn't plan to ask you to do housework." Hoshino Gen said with a smile:"Didn't you claim to be very interested in supernatural events?"

When Qingshui You heard this, she immediately understood something. She asked uncertainly:"Do you want me to accompany you to solve supernatural events?"

Her eyes were about to light up when she suddenly remembered the day when she and Hoshino Gen really met. Thinking of the scene when she trembled under the knife of the evil swordsman that day, Qingshui You immediately stopped and pouted:"I can't help much.……"

Although she didn't want to admit it, after facing the evil spirit in the gym last time, she knew that ordinary people didn't have the capital to fight against evil spirits.

"I won't let you face the evil spirit directly." Xingye Yuan saw at a glance���Qingshui You's thoughts, after all, what this idiot is thinking is almost written on his face. Hoshino Gen smiled and said:"There is a high probability that there will be no evil spirits in this operation."

After that, he began to explain in detail the reasons and goals of this operation.

Especially in the middle of the way, Hoshino Gen also forwarded the information about Qianjiang sent to him by the special task force to Qingshui You.

The air in the early morning is very fresh, especially in Koto District, Tokyo, which is known as the watercolor city.

Dewdrops rolled on the leaves of green plants, and the rising sun sprinkled golden beams on the earth, and the city was gradually awakened.

When Qingshui You finished reading the information and raised her face, her pretty little face was already firm.

She looked at Hoshino Gen and asked seriously:"We are going to help Qianjiang, right?"

Hoshino Gen nodded:"Of course"

"Okay, I'll go with you then." Qingshui You said.

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