Chiyoda-ku is located in the center of Tokyo's 23 wards. Together with Minato-ku and Chuo-ku, it is called the three central wards. Its transportation is almost the best in Japan.

Nine JR stations and more than 30 subway stations form the backbone of Chiyoda-ku's transportation network.

At 8 a.m., an ordinary tram drove into the political and economic center of Tokyo with a not-so-harsh"clang clang" sound.

After getting off the train at the station, neither Hoshino Gen nor Shimizu Yu had the intention of sightseeing in this city that gathers various capital functions. Instead, they took a taxi and went straight to Higashisaka 2-chome.

With the official information provided by the special task force, it was really easy to find Michiko's home.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu was a somewhat old single-family house, far away from the city center, almost at the edge of Chiyoda-ku.

This is quite normal. After all, before Michiko became a well-known anchor on YouTube, her family conditions were not very good. It was the result of several generations of hard work to own a single-family house on the edge of Chiyoda District, where every inch of land is valuable.

As the boss, Hoshino Gen gave his employee Shimizu Yu an order to ring the doorbell.

Shimizu Yu didn't say a word about such a small matter.

The doorbell rang again and again, and a somewhat sharp voice came from inside the door:"Who is it?!"

Creak- the door was opened, and a spirited middle-aged woman appeared. She was thin, with protruding cheekbones, and looked a little mean.

She glanced at the two boys and girls outside the door with doubtful eyes, and asked:"Who are you? What's the matter?"

As the saying goes, appearance is determined by the heart. The moment she opened her mouth, Hoshino Gen had roughly judged the general character of the person in front of her.

He stopped Qing Shuiyou who was about to say something, and said with a smile:"Hello, we are temporary workers under the YouTube anchor department. Regarding the deceased Miss Hamada Michiko, we still need to confirm……"

Hoshino Gen was only halfway through his words when the middle-aged woman's face changed. She sank and spoke in a cold and sharp tone:"Michiko is already dead, what else do you want to confirm? Get lost, don't bother me if there is nothing to do!"

After that, the door was slammed shut.


The corners of Hoshino Gen's mouth twitched slightly.

Shimizu Yu did not gloat over his misfortune, but looked at Hoshino Gen with distress and asked,"Is that Chi-chan's mother? It seems difficult to communicate with her.……"

Gen Hoshino looked thoughtful, waved to Shimizu Yu, and walked around the one-family house. Finally, Gen Hoshino stopped behind the house.

He looked up at an open window on the second floor, thought for a while, and said to Shimizu Yu:"Give me your cell phone number."

Although Shimizu Yu was confused, she did not hesitate. In fact, she had wanted Gen Hoshino's contact information for a long time, but either she was embarrassed to ask for it or she had forgotten.

Gen Hoshino saved Shimizu Yu's number and dialed it directly.

Shimizu Yu thought Gen Hoshino was verifying whether the number was correct. When she saw her phone was dialed, she was about to hang up immediately. However, Gen Hoshino stopped her, snatched her phone, and answered the call.

"What are you doing?" Shimizu You's face was full of question marks, not understanding why Hoshino Gen was bewildering.

Hoshino Gen handed the phone that was in call mode back to Shimizu You:"Keep the call flowing, now go knock on the door again, and after that old lady goes out, tell her that YouTube is going to give compensation to Qianjiang's family or something like that. In short, try to keep that old lady outside and don't let her go back to the house."

Shimizu You followed Hoshino Gen's gaze and looked at the open window on the second floor, and said in surprise:"You are not planning to sneak in from there, are you? If you are discovered, you will be charged with trespassing!"

Shimizu You finally understood Hoshino Gen's intention, and felt that this guy was a little too bold, and he had the potential to go to jail.

Hoshino Gen spread his hands and smiled:"That's why I asked you to keep that old lady outside as much as possible"


Hoshino Gen interrupted with a serious face:"No buts, this is the order of the organization, go!"

After that, he pushed Qingshui You's back and urged her to act quickly.

After Qingshui You left, Hoshino Gen took out two pieces of talisman paper and pasted them on his calves, then put on the Bluetooth headset and listened to the movement of the front door from the phone.

Soon, the earphones heard the sound of the doorbell, the door opening, and the impatient voice of the old lady"Why are you here again?".

Without saying a word, Hoshino Gen took a running start and jumped up and kicked the wall.

In an instant, the talisman paper on his legs turned into ashes, and instead, a gust of wind rose from under his feet.

Stepping on the storm, Hoshino Gen seemed to have turned into a superhero in the movie, and"flew" into the window of the second floor of a single-family house in an extremely unscientific posture.

Behind the window was a master bedroom. Judging from the furnishings and the large bed that could be seen at a glance that someone often slept on it, Hoshino Gen knew that this should be the bedroom of the old lady.

Hoshino Gen had no interest in this place. He listened to the sound of Shimizu Yu stumbling and talking nonsense with the old lady in the headphones, and quickly left the bedroom and searched everywhere on the second floor for Michiko's former room. The

Hamada family was not big, and there were not many rooms.

Hoshino Gen quickly found the room that was suspected to be Michiko's bedroom.

When Hoshino Gen pushed open the door, he was greeted by a smell of dust that had not been cleaned for a long time. Even because Hoshino Gen pushed open the door, the wind came in, and the dust on the ground and objects even flew up. Under the sunlight in the early morning, the Tyndall effect was produced.

Hoshino Gen glanced at the room. The pink wallpaper was peeling off a little, and there was only a bare bed board left on the round princess. Some cute dolls were dirty and fell to the ground.

However, Hoshino Gen's eyes did not linger on those things. When he saw a computer host with a lot of dust under the computer desk placed in the corner of the room, he was almost overjoyed!

Hoshino Gen didn't think about it, he rushed into the room, picked up the computer case and ran, closing the door, trying his best to erase all traces of his presence.

Hoshino Gen jumped out the same window he came in through.

Because he was holding the computer case, his steps were a bit unsteady when he landed.

At the same time, hearing the voice on the other end of the headset, Shimizu Yu seemed to be unable to hold on any longer.

Hoshino Gen decisively issued the"retreat" order through the headset:"Okay, find a reason to leave, and we'll meet up at the station where we came from."

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