After giving instructions to his staff, Hoshino Gen ran away. It was not because he was afraid of being discovered for his"burglary" and being sent to the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, he was a"regular" special officer who was connected to the special affairs team. How could the work of the special affairs team be called stealing?

He just didn't want to waste time.

Because the phone between Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu was always open, Shimizu Yu caught up with him not long after Hoshino Gen arrived at the tram station.

She held her knees in front of Hoshino Gen and panted, just looking at the computer host in Hoshino Gen's arms with complicated eyes.

Just now, she, Shimizu Yu, a beautiful girl who was excellent in both character and learning (crossed out), morally noble, pure and innocent, born in a police family, and well-educated, actually assisted a bastard in completing a heinous burglary...

Shimizu Yu felt that she was not clean. In her jumping thoughts, she even thought of the scene where her father took out a silver bracelet with an indifferent face and announced to her,"You are arrested."

After catching her breath, Yu Shimizu pouted her face, her expression full of unhappiness. She asked Gen Hoshino,"Return it immediately after use!"

Gen Hoshino naturally did not comment.

The two took the return train together, and half an hour later, they appeared in the antique shop.

Because Gen Hoshino disliked the dust on the host, he changed to Yu Shimizu holding it halfway.

After giving orders downstairs for Yu Shimizu to clean the computer case and take off her dusty sports jacket, Gen Hoshino took the"porter" Yu Shimizu to the innermost bedroom on the second floor of the antique shop. The furnishings in the room were very new, and it seemed that it had just been renovated. Wooden floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, a large bed built on the platform, and a computer placed in the corner of the room made up this ordinary bedroom.

Gen Hoshino asked Yu Shimizu to move the host to the computer, and he went over to connect all his computer peripherals to this"illegitimate" host, and finally connected the power supply and pressed the power button.


The host computer lit up normally, but the sound it made when it started up really made people worry whether it would explode in the next second.

After waiting for a long time to boot up, the Win10 desktop finally appeared on the brand new monitor. Among the software icons covering the computer desktop, Gen Hoshino saw the coveted notepad icon at a glance, but before he could hold the mouse to operate it, the computer suddenly blue screened.

To be honest, this is most likely the computer host that Michiko used for live broadcasting back then. Even if it is put into today, the configuration is quite good, but unfortunately, time is really a sharp knife that can not only cut a critical hit on people, but also on electronic products.

After restarting twice, the result was that it was stuck and crashed. Gen Hoshino finally had no choice but to find tools and dismantle the host computer.

All the files in the computer are stored in the hard disk. In theory, as long as the hard disk is not damaged, as long as the hard disk is migrated to the new computer, all the data in the original computer can be read.

Tediously disassemble your own chassis, replace the hard disk, and then connect the peripherals back.

The computer started up, the fan started to spin with pleasant sounds, and gorgeous lights came on from the main unit.

The computer restarted.

Perhaps it was because the hard drive was aging and the hard drive reading speed was extremely slow, so even Hoshino Gen's top-of-the-line computer started up slowly.

During this time, Hoshino Gen took out the mobile phone he carried with him, which held Chi-chan.

He shone the screen of the mobile phone on the ground, and threw the old and disassembled main unit on the ground. He smiled and said,"Is this the main unit you used before?"

On the screen, Chi-chan's face flickered with a few scattered noises, and that face, although very weird, was still a little cute, became even more chilling. On the screen of the mobile phone, a line of words appeared that seemed to be written in blood.——"Liar".

Hoshino Gen raised his eyebrows. At first he didn't quite understand what this meant, but fortunately his mind has always been quick and he quickly remembered a detail. When he was playing"Red Skirt", before Qianjiang's favorability reached 60, such a question appeared in the game.

Qianjiang asked him as a player,"If I become unlovable, will you still like me?"

In order to improve his favorability and let Qianjiang show his true colors, Hoshino Gen naturally chose to do it without hesitation.

Perhaps in the eyes of Qianjiang, who was already full of resentment, he was deceiving her at the beginning.

Probably just like those"fans" who kept saying that they liked her and loved her, and finally"forced her to death" in front of the computer? Hoshino

Gen did not explain. After all, from Qianjiang's perspective, his choice at the time and his subsequent actions were undoubtedly a liar. Moreover, as a fierce ghost, Qianjiang was full of resentment and anger. Before resolving these resentments, nothing he said would be of any use.

He turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket, and turned his attention back to the computer. At this moment, the previous desktop had appeared on the screen.

Hoshino Gen did not hesitate and opened the notepad at the first time. Unfortunately, among the long paragraphs of garbled characters and meaningless words that made people worry about the mental state of the parties involved, there were only a few lines of words that people could understand. So sad, what should I do ? I will start to be an anchor today, come on, forget, forget, forget... die, die, die, die, die!!!!!!!!

So tired

If people who don't know the situation read it, they may just be confused. But when these are put in front of Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu who know what Chi-chan experienced before her death, they can intuitively feel how desperate and suffocated Chi-chan was in the last period of her life.

Shimizu Yu, who has said very little since he came back, suddenly had tears in his eyes, and asked Hoshino Gen beside him with a choked voice:"What can we do to help Chi-chan?"

Hoshino Gen is not as sentimental as Shimizu Yu. Although he also sympathizes with Michiko's experience, those are all in the past after all. No matter how awesome he is, he cannot change history. The only thing he can do is to help Chi-chan resolve her resentment, and then treat her better after the conclusion of the human-ghost contract, that's all.

The conclusion of the human-ghost contract is a later matter, but how to resolve the resentment of the evil ghost is the problem that Hoshino Gen has to solve right now.

The answer to this question is not difficult. You just need to understand what the evil ghost is resenting, and then help it get rid of all the people that the evil ghost resents.

Ghost control has always been a bloody and evil technique, and it is also the evil way of the people in the righteous way.

Hoshino Gen has no taboos about these, and he will never show mercy when he needs to kill...

But, in Hoshino In Yuan's opinion, the people Qianjiang resented were either those who left messages that"forced her to death" on her live broadcast, or the teacher who violated her.

If it was the latter, then it was easy to say.

Hoshino Yuan was absolutely happy to help human society get rid of a scum, but if it was the former...

then it would be very troublesome.

Not to mention that Hoshino Yuan did not have the ability to kill people along the Internet cable, even if he could track down those guys who had abused people in a live broadcast room several years ago after consuming a huge amount of manpower and material resources, he could not risk going to war with the Japanese government to kill everyone.

And this is why Hoshino Yuan must go to Michiko's house to look for possible intelligence. He needs to know whether he is wasting time.

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