Not being able to find the information he wanted in the notepad, Hoshino Gen was not disappointed, after all, the real big shot was not this.

Then, Shimizu Yu, who was not very computer savvy, saw Hoshino Gen typing on the keyboard for a while, and a black page that looked like a programmer writing code appeared on the computer screen.

Then, Hoshino Gen squatted down and searched in the drawers under the computer desk for a long time, and finally took out a black USB flash drive and plugged it into the USB port of the host.

There was a"beep" sound in the computer, and then a small window appeared in the upper right corner of the screen showing that the file was being imported.

The black code page refreshed very quickly, and the secondary screen connected to the same host began to jump.

The YouTube software opened automatically and directly skipped the update stage to enter the account login interface.

After the code page refreshed several times, the account and password were automatically entered. Hoshino Gen clicked the login with the mouse, and the screen began to show loading. After a while, the login was successful.

Qingshui You who was standing by was stunned. Even though she didn't know much about computers, she knew that what happened just now was definitely not something that ordinary people could do. But then she thought, this guy even knows"magic", so it doesn't seem so incredible that he can also play tricks on the computer? Thinking of this, Qingshui You immediately calmed down, but she still couldn't help but ask Xingye Yuan curiously:"Do you also know hacking skills?"

"No." Hoshino Gen shook his head:"It's just a cracked file I bought from someone else."

"Oh."Hearing what Hoshino Gen said, Shimizu Yu was even more relieved. It turned out to be"money power". I thought this guy was omnipotent~

Hoshino Gen didn't care what Shimizu Yu thought. He held the mouse and clicked on the live broadcast replay page on the account homepage. However, the process was obviously smooth before, but at this step, there was an accident. No matter how many times Hoshino Gen refreshed the screen, he could not enter the live broadcast replay page.

In the end, the software crashed and the computer froze.

Hoshino Gen was surprised at first, but he soon found the problem. In the pocket where Qianjiang's mobile phone was imprisoned, a stream of cold air passed through the fabric of the clothes and floated on Hoshino Gen's skin.

It was like a The poisonous snakes were crawling and climbing on the body, which was chilling.

Hoshino Gen decisively took out his mobile phone, and saw that the talisman posted on the back of the phone had been burned by half at some point, and Qianjiang on the screen had bloodshot eyes and fluttering hair.

It looked scary, but Hoshino Gen was not afraid. He took out a new talisman paper and was about to replace the half-broken talisman. However, at this moment, something really surprised Hoshino Gen. The white web page showing the software crash turned scarlet as if it had suddenly oozed blood, and a snowflake noise flashed on the computer screen. When the noise subsided, a video appeared on the computer screen.

It was a live video from the host's first-person perspective......

The video played for more than two hours. Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu sat on the bed and watched the entire video without saying a word from beginning to end.

Rather than watching a replay of a live broadcast, it is better to say that they watched the chaos in the comment area for nearly two hours. At the beginning of the live broadcast, everyone said that Qianjiang was cute and beautiful, and enthusiastically discussed the content of Qianjiang's live broadcast. Later, the number of people in the live broadcast room soared, and the topic of the comment area also deviated to Qianjiang's past experience.

I don’t know if it’s because this is the memory of Qianjiang, who is a fierce ghost, or maybe too much resentment distorted that dark memory. The comment area in the video shown in front of Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu was full of negative comments.

Sarcasm, ridicule, and even many people began to make up dirty jokes and describe small stories based on Qianjiang’s misfortunes... Countless dirty and smelly remarks are almost unbearable to watch.

And Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu also witnessed the girl’s eyes in the video, from the bright and lively disguised at the beginning, to the panic and fear later, and then to the emptiness and dispersion in the end.

They watched the entire process of a"murder".

The video ended and the computer screen went completely black.

"Too much... really too much, how could they do this?"Perhaps it was the first time that he realized that there are so many bad people in this world, and it was also the first time that he realized that people can be so disgusting when they are bad, Shimizu Yu murmured with red eyes, and the shock he received seemed to be even greater than when he witnessed Hoshino Gen using his superpowers.

Hoshino Gen was very calm from beginning to end. After the video was finished, Hoshino Gen just calmly put the phone back into his pocket, and did not even replace the talisman that had been burned by one third.

If Hoshino Gen had thought that if Michiko was a kinder person during her lifetime, she might only hate the culprit before her death. The culprit is a scumbag teacher. After watching this video, which is most likely from Qianjiang’s own memory, then Hoshino Gen can be sure.

Qianjiang resents all the abusers who forced her to death, and all the"executioners" who hid behind the screen and used her as a vent for their disgusting desires and hostility on the Internet.

In this live broadcast that lasted more than two hours, there were at least thousands of IDs that left malicious comments in the comment section...

How to say it, it's quite a pity. Hoshino Gen had originally prepared himself to have the first evil ghost that concluded a human-ghost contract, and to change his job to a ghost master, but in the end, he worked in vain.

"What should we do next?"Shimizu Yu, who didn't know what Hoshino Gen was thinking, looked at Hoshino Gen with a tearful voice and asked.

Hoshino Gen didn't intend to hide it from her, and there was no point. Just when he was about to explain his original plan and the reason for the interruption, he suddenly remembered something.

Speaking of which... Chi-chan, who turned into a ghost, seemed to have the ability to travel through the online world?

The abilities of ghosts are often related to the obsession at the time of death, so if you associate it with the video you just watched... it's a bit intriguing.

Hoshino Gen realized a possibility. He didn't bother to answer Shimizu Yu's question. He took out his mobile phone and called the special affairs team number that had sent him Michiko's information before.

The call was quickly connected, and a familiar female voice came from the other side:"Good afternoon, let me guess, you must have something you want me to help you with?"

As soon as Xingye Yuan heard it, he knew that the owner of the voice was Qianlai Mingxiang. Xingye Yuan guessed that perhaps it was because this woman facilitated his cooperation with the special affairs team, and his future contact with the special affairs team might have to go through this woman...

But now he had no interest in nonsense, and asked directly:"The evil spirit mentioned in the information you sent me before, how many people did she kill?"

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