"Hmm... Let me think, the Internet ghost... Well, since we observed her existence three years ago, according to incomplete statistics, at least 800 people have died at her hands across the country. Since she can travel freely in the online world, she is extremely difficult to capture and it is difficult for us to restrict her. It is thanks to your successful detention that I don't know how many more people would have died at her hands... But you ask this because you want to investigate Ms. Hamada's life?"

"Almost. After reading the information you sent, I feel a little sympathetic to the little girl."Xingye Yuan's tone was very cheerful. After getting this satisfactory data, his mind has become active again.

A girl who died from cyberbullying, after turning into a fierce ghost, even gained the ability to shuttle through the online world by obsession. Isn't this the real version of"shark you along the network line"?

Don't talk about when revenge will end. It is human nature to repay grievances and revenge, and it is the instinct of fierce ghosts!

If you think about it carefully, Qianjiang has been free for a while and has time to play"cultivation games" with herself. Combined with the data of"at least 800 people" mentioned by Qianlai Mingxiang, it is very likely that her revenge on those cyberbullies has been completed... If this is really the case, looking at Qianjiang's resentful appearance, the reason can only be that the culprit is still safe and sound.

Hoshino Gen thought, maybe it was because the scumbag teacher who had violated Michiko was still in prison without access to the Internet. Only in this way could it be explained why Chi-chan, who had the ability to travel through the Internet world, did not kill the culprit to avenge himself. Hoshino

Gen's mouth couldn't help but rise. If his inference was correct, it couldn't be better.

After chatting with Qianlai Mingxiang for a few more words, Hoshino Gen quickly hung up the phone. It wasn't that he didn't want to ask the other party for the address of the culprit of the"Internet ghost incident"... After all, he couldn't ask the official for the address just before he asked for the address, and then the official hung up. Isn't this obviously throwing evidence of his own crimes in their faces?

The contract the day before yesterday specifically emphasized that laws and regulations must be observed and supernatural powers must not be abused. It hasn't even been forty-eight hours since I signed my name, so I'd better not provoke the official and look for information myself.

Hoshino Gen put away his phone and suddenly noticed that Shimizu Yuu was staring at him without blinking.

"What are you looking at? Let's go." Xingye Yuan smiled happily.

He didn't even bother to clean up the mess on the floor. He stood up and walked out of the room.

"Who were you calling just now?" Shimizu You hurriedly followed, her tone full of curiosity.

She has always been curious, not to mention what Hoshino Gen just said, about evil spirits and information.

She seriously suspected that Hoshino Gen had secretly contacted Japan's official"superpower organization"!

You know, she was also at the scene when Hoshino Gen tortured that beautiful official lady!

After learning that Japan actually has an official"superpower organization", she went back that night excited and excited, and couldn't sleep for half a night in anticipation!

Hoshino Gen did not answer the question of this curious ghost.

He took Shimizu You out of the antique shop, pulled down the roller shutter, and said with a smile:"Shimizu classmate really has a special liking for other people's privacy.

Do you plan to be a policeman or a detective after graduation?" Shimizu was stunned.

She didn't understand why this guy suddenly changed the topic to future employment issues.

She blinked and subconsciously followed the rhythm of Hoshino Gen and answered:"I haven't thought about it yet, but I will probably be a policeman.


She suddenly stopped talking halfway, and said with a slightly fierce expression:"Don't change the subject! Tell me, who were you calling just now? Have you contacted the official superpower organization privately?"

Walking on the road warmed by the golden warm sun at noon, Hoshino Gen looked at the fierce Shimizu Yu and wanted to laugh for some reason. This idiot is really stupid. He can't even understand such obvious sarcasm. I really don't know whether to say he is heartless or too naive.

Hoshino Gen chuckled and ignored the angry Shimizu Yu.......

At noon, Shimizu Yu did not go home for lunch. She just called home and said that she was out playing with friends.

Hoshino Gen took her to eat ramen on the street, and then took the train again to Chiyoda District.

The process of finding the whereabouts of the"culprit" was very smooth. After all, the incident about Michiko was a scandal that shocked the world. Starting from the Hamada family, they checked the surrounding schools one by one. Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu soon got the information they wanted from the guard of a school.

"The name of the"culprit" is Takatsu Yu, who used to be a physical education teacher at school. After the incident of Michiko broke out, he was sentenced to eight years in prison for"rape crime" and is currently serving his sentence in the"Wushao Prison" located in the suburbs of Higashiikebukuro. After getting the information, Hoshino Gen took Shimizu Yuu to Higashiikebukuro by train without stopping.

Visiting a prisoner is actually quite troublesome for ordinary people, especially when the visitor is not a direct relative of the prisoner...

However, this is Japan, as the saying goes, the Japanese conglomerate is the conglomerate's Japan~ Hoshino Gen's Hoshino is also the Hoshino of the Hoshino Consortium... Things that are difficult or even impossible for ordinary people are actually very simple in front of him.......

"Gao Jin, someone is visiting me!"

During the exercise time after lunch, Gao Jinyou, who was squatting alone in a corner of an open space, suddenly heard the call of a prison guard.

He looked up at the prison guard and saw that the guard nodded to confirm that it was him who was calling.

Gao Jinyou was shocked.

���He could not help but feel puzzled.

He had few family members, only a father and an elder brother.

Moreover, when he was imprisoned a few years ago, his elder brother also cut off relations with him because he felt that being his elder brother was too humiliating.

His father had only visited him three days ago.

At that time, he seemed to be collecting bail money to bail him out early.

Could it be that his father had collected enough money?

Gao Jinyou was surprised. He had been in prison for five years. Although the treatment in Japanese prisons was not bad, as a rapist, he was at the bottom of the survival chain even among criminals. He had not had a good life in the past few years.

In fact, at the very beginning, he did not regret it in his heart. After all, the girl was really cute! Even compared to the idol girl on TV, he was not inferior. Thinking of the girl crying at that time, he really felt that it was not a big deal to go to prison for a few years just for that scene! However, as time went by, the afterglow of that time gradually faded, and coupled with the various difficulties and isolation in prison, he really began to regret it.

He regretted why he was not braver at that time. He should have killed the girl afterwards. Then he would not be harmed by her and fall into the current situation. It was all the fault of that bad girl! He obviously liked her so much!

If he had killed her at that time, even if it was a corpse, he could use it several times!

Gao Jinyou, who was following the prison guard, thought regretfully.

But forget it. When his father came to visit him in prison two years ago, he seemed to have said that the bad girl committed suicide. It was a pity. Otherwise, he would make up for the regret of the last time when he got out this time.

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