After the visit, Gao Jinyou finished sewing in the afternoon in a restless mood.

Japanese prisons are famous for their generous treatment, otherwise there would not be so many elderly people who deliberately commit crimes and then surrender to spend their old age in prison. The end time of the afternoon work is not much different from the time when high school students get out of school, and after that, they can basically move freely until before dinner.

Most other prisoners would get together to chat and play cards at this time, but Gao Jinyou, who was isolated, would usually stay in his room.

It is said that the quality of life in Japanese prisons is high. As long as you are not an important criminal who has committed a serious crime, you can even have your own single room. After Gao Jinyou returned to his dormitory room, he collapsed on the bed. He is still thinking about the visit in the afternoon and is afraid that his sentence will be extended.

However, as soon as he lay down, he suddenly noticed that something fell out of the pocket of his work shirt.

He sat up and looked back in confusion. It was an Apple mobile phone. He didn't recognize the model. It looked very advanced. It was probably a new model released outside after he was imprisoned.

When Gao Jinyou saw this phone that shouldn't be in his pocket, the first emotion that came to his mind was not doubt, but surprise!

This is a mobile phone! God knows how bored and lonely he has been in prison in the past few years! With a mobile phone, he can go online, read comics, read light novels, play games, and even watch movies!

Gao Jinyou didn't even think about where this thing came from. He was like an addict who saw white powder. He couldn't wait to grab the phone, hoping that it still had enough power and that this phone had no password. His palm trembled slightly and fumbled for the power button, and the screen lit up.

But Gao Jinyou was startled by the wallpaper on the lock screen. On the screen, there was a picture of a female ghost with her head down, wearing a bright red Lolita, and her skin was as pale as a dead person. Gao Jinyou cursed in his heart, what kind of bad taste do people have nowadays, and the wallpaper is so scary.

He swiped the screen with his finger to see if he could go directly to the desktop.

However, it didn't, and there was no interface that required entering a password.

Gao Jinyou thought that the phone did not recognize his finger. He swiped the screen again in disbelief. This time, he not only swiped up, but also swiped down, left, and right. However, the screen did not change at all... No, it changed!

Gao Jinyou suddenly noticed that the female ghost on the lock screen wallpaper had raised her head at some point.

Goose bumps appeared on his arms, and he seemed not to notice that he had held his breath.

A few drops of cold sweat overflowed from Gao Jinyou's forehead, because the head of the female ghost on the screen had been completely raised, with blood and tears flowing on her pale and strange face, and resentment and hatred in her scarlet eyes.

Even though it was far from the lovely and lively face in his memory, Gao Jinyou recognized the person in the photo at once.

After all, he had been thinking about that girl day and night for the past few years, and he had thought about it over and over again in his mind.

He would never forget this face no matter who he forgot!

But when this face really appeared in front of him again, all he had was the uncontrollable fear in his heart.


Screaming is an instinctive behavior when a person's fear threshold reaches a certain limit. This behavior can effectively release the pressure on the body's functions caused by excessive adrenaline secretion. It is also a way of self-help when you are so scared that your whole body is stiff... So after making this scream, Gao Jinyou immediately threw the phone in his hand fiercely.

The phone flew out, hit the wall, and fell to the ground.

Gao Jinyou gasped and began to comfort himself in his heart. Maybe it was just a face collision. Maybe the wallpaper of the lock screen itself was dynamic. Maybe someone deliberately set it like this. That's right! It must be a prank by those bastards who isolated him in prison! No wonder there was a phone with a malfunctioning touch screen in his pocket for no reason! It must be like this!

However, all the reasonable and unreasonable self-consolation disappeared in the next moment, because a pale hand stretched out from the phone that fell to the ground. The hand supported the ground, and a twisted body drilled out of the small screen.

Gao Jinyou slumped on the ground, using all four limbs to move backwards, fear and terror overwhelmed all his thoughts until the twisted figure completely emerged from the mobile phone screen on the ground.

Qianjiang stood in front of Gao Jinyou with her head down, motionless, and her scarlet eyes stared at the man in front of her who was already extremely terrified through the bangs hanging down in front of her forehead. Gao

Jinyou was trembling all over. He was so scared that he lost his voice and was incontinent.

Then, he not only felt a wetness under his buttocks, but also his cheeks became sticky and wet.

But he still didn't dare to move, until a scarlet flooded in his vision, and his body softened uncontrollably. Before his consciousness completely fell into darkness, he vaguely saw his own face through the yellow water stains on the floor tiles.

Blood flowed from his eyes and nostrils, and his entire face was covered.

Gao Jinyou's head hit the ground, his eyes were still open, but he was no longer silent.

In the silent room, Qian Jiang's figure turned into countless noise points and poured into the screen of the mobile phone on the ground. After a while, the talisman on the back of the phone burned, and a ball of blazing flames enveloped the phone. When the flames went out, the phone had turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.......

The Shimizu family has a sumptuous dinner today, because Shimizu You's father, Qing Hongze, invited a colleague to dinner at home today.

His mother was busy in the kitchen, and two middle-aged men were toasting each other on the dining table. Most of the delicious food on the table went to Shimizu You who was sitting on the side.

Just as Shimizu You was enjoying the meal, his father's colleague's cell phone suddenly rang.

This had nothing to do with Shimizu You, but when the other party answered the phone, his father asked him"what's the matter", and the other party's answer made Shimizu You drop a piece of crab meat on his chopsticks onto the table.

"In Higashi-Ikebukuro, a prisoner died in Wuchao Prison. He had a ruptured heart and brain vessels. The medical evaluation there said that he was frightened to death."

After that, Qingshui You could no longer hear what her father and his colleagues were saying. She mechanically stuffed the empty chopsticks into her mouth, and then her upper and lower rows of small white teeth knocked twice and chewed the air.

Her mind was blank, and there was only one question occupying her mind.

Did that guy do it?

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