After dinner today, the Hoshino family was very lively. The living room was lit with a beautiful crystal chandelier, and the large TV that took up half of the wall was playing the variety show that Hoshino Rin had recently participated in.

Tilina and Liz listened to Hoshino Rin telling the behind-the-scenes story, and from time to time, laughter came through the door and into Hoshino Gen's dimly lit bedroom.

Hoshino Gen sat in front of the computer desk, and on the screen was a strange black chat box.

A user with a blank avatar sent him a series of documents.

【Ghost School(1).docx】

【Ghost School (2).docx】

【Ghost School (3).docx]

This is the information on supernatural events that Hoshino Gen just requested from the Special Affairs Group. The other party obviously had no intention of being polite with him. He said straight out that this was a supernatural event that had been piled up in the database of the Special Affairs Group for a long time and was extremely dangerous. It was up to him to decide whether to accept it or not after reading the information.

Hoshino Gen was not a person without self-awareness. If the level of danger really exceeded his tolerance, he would definitely not be reckless. Otherwise, he would not have been chased out of the country by the female ghost in his previous life...

So this information naturally needs to be read carefully.

Just as Hoshino Gen was holding the mouse to open the document, his room door was suddenly knocked, and his mother Tilina's voice came from outside:"Xiao Yuan, do you want to eat some fruit?"

Hoshino Gen's fingers paused slightly, and then he said without turning his head:"No, thank you"

"I see. How about Xiaoyuan come out and watch TV with us? The variety show that Lin-chan participated in is very interesting."

"Sorry, I'm not very interested." Hoshino Gen politely and tactfully declined his mother's invitation.

There was silence outside the door for a while. Just when Hoshino Gen thought his mother had left and was about to get up to lock the door to prevent someone from opening it suddenly, Tilina's voice, which had become a little faint, rang again:"Remember to go to bed early, good night, dear."

Then there was the sound of footsteps moving away.


Hoshino Gen exhaled, and even he himself didn't realize that his slightly tense shoulders had relaxed.

He stood up and locked the door of the room, but when he returned to the computer, the picture on the screen had changed.

The familiar healing melody sounded, and in the warm pink room, the lovely Qianjiang stood inside and smiled at him.

Hoshino Gen was a little surprised. After all, although he had said to Qianjiang before,"If you have nowhere to go, come back to me," he didn't actually have much hope for it.

After all, the existence of evil spirits basically relies on obsession to drive their activities. When the obsession fades and the resentment dissipates, without the intervention of special people, some evil spirits will become irregular in their actions. Some evil spirits will stop moving and gradually disappear. And

Qianjiang can still remember his words after completing the revenge, which is indeed a bit beyond Hoshino Gen's expectations.

But this is also good, the original plan can continue to move forward.

After all, before this, Hoshino Gen had already made plans to sign a human-ghost contract and become a ghost tamer who embarked on the"evil path".

Gen Hoshino smiled at Qianjiang on the computer and said,"Welcome back. I will give you a new 'life' as agreed, but before that, are you willing to sign a contract with me?"

On the screen, the cute little girl tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.

Gen Hoshino explained,"After all, humans and ghosts are different. Without the intervention of special media, ghosts will have too much influence on humans. People's bodies will become weak and their wills will gradually become distorted... and similarly, evil ghosts will become more and more crazy if they suppress their murderous instincts for a long time."

On the computer screen, a dialog box popped up above Qianjiang's head:"If a contract is signed, there will be no such influence, right?"

"At least the ghosts who signed the contract and the people who signed the contract will basically not be affected."Xingye Yuan nodded.

"Then I am willing to do so." This line of words appeared in Qianjiang's dialog box.

Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"But I have to remind you that once the human-ghost contract is concluded, as a ghost, you will not be able to disobey my orders. Even your survival is in my hands."

In the dialog box, a series of fluctuating ellipsis appeared, but after a while, the words appeared:"It doesn't matter."

Hoshino Gen's eyes softened, he stretched out his hand and touched Qianjiang's cheek across the screen:"Thank you."

Qianjiang on the screen did not respond again, but lowered his head slightly.

Hoshino Gen retracted his hand and bit his index finger. The blood quickly condensed into a ball of blood at the fingertips. He raised his hand, used his finger as a pen and blood as ink, and wrote in the air one by one strange, weird, and faintly sacred golden runes. The text is written vertically from right to left, like an obscure ancient Chinese text.

When the last rune was written, Hoshino Gen's outstretched hand had turned pale, and his face became very listless.

""Stretch out your hand." Hoshino Gen said.

Qianjiang in the computer screen took two steps forward. She stretched out her hand, as if breaking the dimensional wall. A pale and slender palm appeared in reality through the screen.

Hoshino Gen raised his sword finger and pointed it at Qianjiang's hand. The runes that made up the book in the air shrank one by one and were imprinted on the back of Qianjiang's hand.

Wisps of black air dissipated from the back of Qianjiang's hand. Qianjiang's face on the screen also showed a painful expression, and even patches of noise appeared.


Do n't resist." A layer of sweat appeared on Xingye Yuan's forehead. Obviously, it was not only the evil spirit who accepted the contract who was suffering. As the contractor, he also suffered a lot.——~

Suddenly, Hoshino Gen's mind went blank for a moment.

When his consciousness returned, he found that he seemed to appear in a warehouse in a very special state.

There were a series of sports equipment such as basketballs, footballs, and skipping ropes stored everywhere.

It looked like a sports equipment warehouse used for storage in a school, but this was not the point.

What attracted Hoshino Gen's attention at this moment was the girl crying and begging for mercy in the corner of the warehouse, and a man wearing sportswear, with a twisted smile, who was approaching the girl step by step.

Whether it was the girl or the man with a twisted smile, Hoshino Gen knew them all, Chi-chan... or should I say Hamada Michiko, and the culprit of the [Network Ghost] incident, Takatsu Yu.

Hoshino Gen also made a human-ghost contract for the first time, and he didn't know what state he was in at the moment, but vaguely, he seemed to know what he should do.

He looked down at his somewhat transparent body, smiled and shook his head, even if it was just a fantasy, he hoped that someone would come to save him... If this is your wish, why not satisfy it?

Hoshino Gen took a step forward and appeared behind Gao Jinyou, piercing the air like an arrow from a bow. Looking at the stunned expression of the crying girl in the corner, he punched her, blasting away the haze in her heart.

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