The scene in front of him faded away like a mist, and just as Hoshino Gen came back to his senses, he felt waves of chills and weakness all over his body. There were layers of sweat on his forehead, and he barely opened his eyelids to look at the computer screen in front of him, but found that the interface of"Red Skirt" had disappeared, and Qianjiang was nowhere to be seen.

Hoshino Gen looked down at the inside of his left wrist, where a red complex emblem had appeared at some point.

Through the emblem, Hoshino Gen could feel that he had established a connection with a certain existence in the dark, and it seemed that his ghost control technique was successful.

Hoshino Gen slumped weakly on the gaming chair and closed his eyes tiredly.......

The next day, Hoshino Gen was awakened by a knock on the door. His step-sister came to call him to get up for breakfast.

Hoshino Gen opened his eyes, and the bright sunlight outside the window shone through the glass and covered the floor of the bedroom.

His head was still a little dizzy, but it was certainly much better than last night, which seemed like three days and three nights without sleep. The method of controlling ghosts really consumes too much energy.

However, the impact was not great, and he had no intention of starting a new treasure hunt before he got the demon sword, Onikiri, back.

Thinking of the demon sword, Hoshino Gen couldn't help but look down at his right hand. The knife wound he had suffered at the beginning had almost healed after being washed with a white water talisman every day. Only a faint scar on the palm of his hand showed the damage he had suffered.

Hoshino Gen raised his hands and patted his cheeks hard, forced himself to be alert, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for dinner.......

At the breakfast table, there were only three people, Gen Hoshino, Rin Hoshino, and the little loli Lis. Tilina was on a business trip to Kyoto for a business meeting and might not be back for a few days. Before leaving, she also told Gen Hoshino and Rin Hoshino to take good care of Lis.

Gen Hoshino naturally turned a deaf ear to this and didn't take it to heart. He just buried his head in his meal. He was not feeling well today, so he had some free time to get his motorcycle license so that he could travel more conveniently in the future.


"Please, Onii-chan, there is a very important scene to be filmed today, and the whole crew can't be delayed because of me, so please take Liz to buy some clothes, okay?"

Hoshino Rin acted pampered towards Hoshino Gen in a pitiful way. Liz on the side hugged her arms, turned her head away and pouted her face, as if she was witnessing a tragedy but was powerless to stop it...

In fact, Hoshino Gen wanted to refuse, but looking at the watery eyes of his sister in front of him, thinking about the call made by the sales manager of the Kawasaki 4S store a few days ago...

Tsk, just think of it as a part-time job. In this way, a day's work in exchange for a Kawasaki h2, it's not a loss no matter how you think about it, right?

Although it's a bit annoying to have to accompany a little kid who hates me to buy things.

"OK, I understand."Xingye Yuan agreed to his sister's request expressionlessly.......

Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

The sunshine in early May is bright but not too hot, which is the best season for shopping. This commercial district, known as the"most expensive in Asia", is as prosperous as ever today.

Amid the comings and goings of people, Gen Hoshino, wearing a simple white shirt, hooded jacket and black trousers, led Liz, who followed him silently, straight into a children's clothing store.

The enthusiastic salesperson came up to them soon. Because this is a children's clothing store, the salesperson saw at a glance who was the protagonist who decided whether her order would open.

She first said"Welcome" enthusiastically, and then introduced Gen Hoshino the high-end positioning and clothing advantages of this store, and finally asked what country the little girl behind her was from.

After learning the answer of"British", the salesperson suddenly switched to fluent English to greet Liz and praised her, saying"as cute as a little doll" and"hair as bright as gold". After a while, Liz, who had been following behind Gen Hoshino with a cold face like a little ice sculpture, started chatting with the sales lady with a smile on her face. Gen

Hoshino was stunned. Is the sales industry so competitive these days?

Under the recommendation of the sales lady, Liz picked more than a dozen sets of clothes in one go, with a cumulative amount of nearly 400,000 yen.

Even if converted into Chinese currency, it would cost more than 20,000 yuan. But to be honest, in a place like Ginza, a set of clothes costing more than 1,000 Chinese currency is not expensive. Hoshino Gen calmly waited for Liz to finish her selection, and then went to the cashier to pay by credit card. However, to his surprise, Liz handed her bank card to the cashier from the side, and at the same time glanced at Hoshino Gen faintly, then turned her head away and snorted slightly.

The cashier looked at the two bank cards in front of him, smiled awkwardly but politely, and looked at Hoshino Gen with embarrassment.

Hoshino Gen raised his eyebrows and put his card back into his pocket. It was okay to pay for the things he bought himself. It seemed that although this little Lolita liked not to look people in the eye, she was surprisingly reasonable. After paying, the clothes were not taken away. After all, it was a bit difficult for two people to carry more than a dozen large and small bags, especially when one of them was a little kid with a single-digit age.

The store provides free door-to-door delivery service. After Hoshino Gen left his address and phone number, the store promised to deliver the clothes before 3 pm. The service attitude was extremely good.

Nonsense, how could his attitude be bad? Although 400,000 yen is nothing for a clothing store of this level, to be able to spend so much money at one time to buy so many clothes, he is more or less a big customer. Customers are God, which is the purpose of the service industry. So big customers are naturally the big gods~

As soon as Hoshino Gen and Liz left the children's clothing store, another customer in the store came to the cashier to pay. However, the strange thing is that although it is a children's clothing store, this customer did not have any children with him. If this is still normal, then the really strange thing is that he obviously only bought one piece of clothing, but he also asked the store to deliver it to his door...

After taking the form for writing down the address and number, this strange customer held the pen for a long time without moving. If someone nearby was observing, it is not difficult to see that his eyes are actually on the latest line of the filled-in form, staring at the number left by Hoshino Gen, and the strange customer memorized this string of numbers firmly in his heart.......

After Hoshino Gen took Liz out of the children's clothing store, he planned to go home directly. Shopping is something that only makes people forget time when they are with the right person. When they are with someone they don't like, both parties probably just want to go home quickly.

There is no doubt that although she doesn't know why, Liz really doesn't like Hoshino Gen, and even seems to hate him. So naturally, facing a person who is hostile to her, Hoshino Gen's impression is not good, even if the other person is a cute little loli like a doll.

However, just when the two passed by the busiest street, a girl in a couple passed by Hoshino Gen, and the ice cream ball on the cone in her hand accidentally rolled down and hit the back of Hoshino Gen's hand.

The girl apologized repeatedly, and the boy apologized for the girl, squatted down, wrapped the ice cream ball on the ground with paper and threw it into the trash can.

In view of their good quality, Hoshino Gen didn't mean to bother with them, but just found a bathroom nearby to wash his hands.

But when Hoshino Gen came out of the bathroom, he found that Liz, who should have been waiting at the door, was nowhere to be seen.

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