The scarlet in his left eye left a long red line in the air because of the high speed.

The figure of Hoshino Gen appeared in front of the couple like a ghost.

The wooden stick was lowered, and the man's thigh made a crisp sound. He fell to the ground wailing and grabbed the trouser leg of the evil ghost-like boy. He raised his head and looked at Hoshino Gen's face. The man had a hideous face and a distorted expression:"Kill me... I deserve it, but... but please let Haruko go... She is different from us! She has her own difficulties... She... She is trying to treat her father's illness.……"


Hoshino Gen kicked the man's arm away and stepped on his head, interrupting the man's noisy voice.

"So you choose to let others pay for your misfortune?" A strange overlapping sound came from the mouth of Hoshino Gen. He lowered his head slightly, looked at the man on the ground who was already losing consciousness with his scarlet left eye, smiled lightly, raised his foot slightly, and then stomped it suddenly.

With a crisp sound, a pool of disgusting liquid immediately appeared on the ground.

Yoshida Haruko had already been frightened and collapsed on the ground. Her face was pale, and she looked at Hoshino Gen in horror as he walked towards her step by step.

The wooden stick was raised in front of her.

She closed her eyes in fear, and then she felt dizzy, and then, those eyes never opened again.

Smelling the thick and outrageous smell of blood in the hall, Hoshino Gen's breathing became a little heavy.

With some difficulty, he pulled out a piece of talisman paper from his waist, and put his sword finger on his forehead.

His lips moved as if he was chanting something.

After a moment, the talisman paper broke into pieces of ice-blue light and floated into Hoshino Gen's scarlet left eye.

The ominous and strange red light gradually faded, but Hoshino Gen's forehead was already covered with sweat.

He looked back at the hell scroll that he had scribbled with his own hands when the erosion was slightly out of control, and he lowered his eyelids and stood there for a long time.

Until Liz, who was tied to the beam and blindfolded and could not see anything, asked tentatively with a trembling voice:"Are you...are you still there?"

Although it was British English, Hoshino Gen could understand it. After all, although there are some differences between British English and American English, in the final analysis, they are still the same language.

Hoshino Gen came to his senses and pulled out a handful of talisman papers from his waist. He threw them back casually, and the talisman papers fell accurately on each corpse. A fire started and soon turned the entire scroll of hell into nothingness. After cleaning up the scene, Hoshino Gen walked in front of Liz.

He used the stick in his hand to pick up the talisman paper that was covering Liz's eyes, and then chopped the stick down, cutting the rope that bound her.

Liz collapsed on the ground, her eyes were red and her face was pale. She looked up at Hoshino Gen, pursed her lips, and whispered:"Thank you...thank you……"

Hoshino Gen did not respond, but glanced at her calmly, then turned and left.

Liz saw this and hurriedly got up and followed him. Although she was already exhausted physically and mentally from being tied up and tortured by fear for a long time, she could only feel a little safe if she stayed close to Hoshino Gen.

When leaving the hall, Liz couldn't help her curiosity and looked around. However, all the horror scenes that she had imagined did not appear. There was nothing here, as if the kidnapping she had encountered was just a horrible nightmare.

But this not only did not give Liz any comfort, but made her even more creepy and quickly followed Hoshino Gen.......

When I went out, the sky was clear and sunny, but it became cloudy with thunder and lightning.

Walking on the deserted path far away from the city, it was quiet all around. Hoshino Gen walked slowly. He was exhausted, but he liked the feeling of the dark clouds and vast wilderness.

However, Liz, who was panting heavily behind him, ruined the peace.

But Hoshino Gen was not impatient, but was surprised at the tenacity of this little kid.

Logically speaking, it was amazing for a kid who had just experienced kidnapping and witnessed the murder scene not to have a mental breakdown. And this little cousin of his in name and blood could actually grit her teeth and walk such a long distance behind him under such circumstances. For a spoiled nine-year-old little girl, it was really amazing.

But that was all. Apart from being a little surprised, Hoshino Gen did not pay more attention to Liz.

And it was not until half an hour later that a drop of rain hit Hoshino Gen's forehead, and then, amidst the thunderstorms in the gloomy sky, heavy rain poured down.

Hoshino Gen and Liz were both soaked.

However, even though the current situation was like this, neither of them spoke a word, but just walked in silence on the muddy road in the heavy rain. It was not until Hoshino Gen heard a"thump" sound behind him that he turned his head and looked back, only to see Liz fall into a mud puddle, sitting on the ground with her hands supporting the ground, her eyes red, and tears mixed with rain kept rolling down her fair face.

In a series of painful ordeals such as fear, cold, fatigue, pain, etc., Liz finally couldn't help crying.

Hoshino Gen stood there waiting for a while, and said impatiently,"How long are you going to sit there?"

Liz was still crying, but she didn't cry out loud. When she spoke, her voice was nasal and crying,"Yes... I'm sorry, I really can't walk anymore... My legs can't move.……"

After saying this, she could no longer suppress the���After a while, she burst into tears.

She was soaked and slumped in the mud. Her long golden hair, which was usually dazzling, became messy and a little dirty because of the mud and water.

She was like a beautiful doll abandoned in the wilderness.

Hoshino Gen just stood in the rain and watched Liz crying. After a while, he felt that it was useless to continue like this. He couldn't just leave Liz and go back alone. After all, if this little girl was"put on a sack and taken away" after he left, he would be the one in trouble in the end.

Hoshino Gen sighed lightly, walked forward, half-knelt down in front of Liz, and said in a flat voice:"Come up, and shut up. If you cry again, I will throw you into the pond next to you and let you cry enough in it."

After hearing this, Liz really stopped crying quickly. I don't know if she was afraid that Hoshino Gen would really do what he said, or for some other reason, she pursed her lips tightly and fell on Hoshino Gen's back with tears in her eyes.

Hoshino Gen carried Liz on his back and walked silently in the heavy rain.

Liz buried her cheek in Hoshino Gen's shoulder and kept apologizing in a crying voice:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."……"

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