When he went out in the morning, Gen Hoshino thought he would be back in an hour at most to start his own business. However, he did not expect that he would encounter this kind of thing not long after he went out.

So when he opened the door again, the sky outside the circular curtain floor-to-ceiling window had darkened.

At this moment, outside the window, the heavy rain had just stopped, and the dark clouds had not yet dispersed. The red sunset in the sky pierced through the clouds, casting an intoxicating glow.

After entering the door, Gen Hoshino no longer cared about Liz. After all, he was the one who took the person out, and now he brought her back in one piece. The mission was considered completed. Whatever happened to this little brat in the future would have nothing to do with him.

He regarded today's matter as a commission. As for the commission money, it was naturally the motorcycle given by his cheap sister, which is still parked in the 4S shop... Thinking of it this way, he actually did not lose anything. Although saving the life of the little loli Liz was worth far more than a motorcycle worth several million yen, at least on a psychological level, he could adjust his mentality to a state where he owed nothing to his cheap sister.


After changing his shoes at the entrance, Hoshino Gen couldn't help but go back to the bathroom in his room to take a shower. He washed off the dirt with hot water, changed into fresh clothes, and then collapsed on the bed and slept soundly.

Although he seemed to hear someone knocking on the door in a daze, he didn't pay any attention to it. He slept until noon the next day.

When Hoshino Gen opened his eyes, the first feeling was dizziness, and then pain, as if his head was about to split. His vision was a little hazy, and it seemed that there was a ball of fire burning in his throat. This long-lost but familiar feeling still made Hoshino Gen understand that his body was sick.

He raised his arm weakly to test the temperature of his forehead. It was indeed very hot. He should have a high fever, and it was not an ordinary high fever.

The health of this body has always been very good, so good that Hoshino Gen was almost unfamiliar with the concept of"sickness", but this time the illness seemed a bit aggressive, but Hoshino Gen could understand it.

After all, just last week, his right palm was pierced. Although the wound healed very quickly under the daily washing of a white water talisman, there is no doubt that this speed is fundamentally an overdraft of body functions. And when his body was in a relatively weak period, he and Qianjiang signed a human-ghost contract.

The consumption brought by the contract almost drained his energy. As a result, he just rested for one night, and the next day he faced a situation where the pollution was slightly out of control. The impact of being washed by the extremely evil pollution almost caused another round of devastating blow to the body's functions.

However, what was even more unfortunate was that just when Hoshino Gen's body was at its lowest point, he was drenched by a heavy rain.

In this situation, let alone Hoshino Gen, it is estimated that even Captain America could not bear it.

Hoshino Gen lay on the bed for a long time, powerless, until his door was knocked again, and the voice of Hoshino Rin came in from outside:"Brother, are you awake?"

"……"The noise outside brought Hoshino Gen back from his unconsciousness, and the current state of his body made him realize that he had to go to the hospital for treatment. He stood up with difficulty, supported himself with his hands, changed into clothes suitable for going out in the small cloakroom next to him, and went to open the door.

What surprised him was that Hoshino Rin was still standing outside the door...

When she saw her brother's room door was opened, Hoshino Rin was happy at first, but just as she opened her mouth to say something, she was shocked by the appearance of Hoshino Gen in front of her.

His eyes were dull and dim, his face was pale and haggard. How could he look like the handsome, indifferent and super powerful brother he usually was! Now his brother has completely turned into a sickly and easily overthrown Gothic boy!

Although his thoughts were a little jumpy, Hoshino Rin immediately asked worriedly:"Brother, are you sick? You look so bad!"

Hoshino Gen supported his increasingly dizzy forehead:"If you have something to say, just say it."

"Um... why don't we go see a doctor first? It's not that important." Hoshino Rin said worriedly.

Hoshino Gen was in no mood to talk nonsense with her now, and said impatiently:"Say..."

"……"Perhaps because she felt that she was being scolded despite being concerned about her brother, Hoshino Rin pouted a little aggrieved. However, facing her brother's gaze, she still muttered"bad guy" and explained,"The police came to our house this morning and said they wanted to inquire about Liz's kidnapping yesterday. They asked you to go to the police station to record your statement.……"

In fact, Liz told her about this when Hoshino Rin came back last night. As soon as she entered the door yesterday, she saw Liz sitting on the sofa with her knees hugged in a daze. She sat down next to Liz worriedly and asked her what happened. Liz came to her senses and saw Hoshino Rin sitting next to her. She immediately burst into tears and threw herself into her arms.

Although Hoshino Rin was confused, she still patted Liz's small back gently to comfort her, and then tentatively asked what happened.

So, Liz cried and stumbled and said that she was kidnapped, saying that if it wasn't for Hoshino Gen who saved her, she would never come back and would never see Hoshino Rin again.

Hoshino Rin was shocked when she heard it. Although she felt that something might have happened to them since she received the strange call from Hoshino Gen, she never expected that she would be kidnapped!

Although Liz is fine now, Hoshino Rin is still scared and can't help but feel lucky that she has her super awesome brother!

Then she couldn't help but ask Liz how she was saved by Hoshino Gen, whether she saw any incredible scenes, etc.

As a result, Liz's shoulders trembled slightly, but she said that she was blindfolded the whole time and didn't see anything. When the blindfold was removed, she was rescued.

Hoshino Rin thought Liz was afraid and worried that continuing to talk would rub salt into Liz's wounds, so she didn't ask more. After hugging Liz and comforting her, she went to knock on Hoshino Gen's door, wanting to ask Hoshino Gen about the whole process of the incident, but unfortunately her brother ignored her completely. No matter how she knocked on the door, there was no response from inside.

Until this morning, a policeman came to the door and said that someone had called the police to report that someone was kidnapped. After the police searched and verified, they found that the kidnapper of the little girl was a kidnapper gang roaming around Japan. However, not long after the police were about to take action, they found that the kidnapped little girl had been brought back by Hoshino Gen without police intervention.

The police searched for the kidnapping gang to no avail, so they came to ask Gen Hoshino to go to the police station to record a statement explaining the specific circumstances of yesterday and to provide clues about the kidnappers...

Of course, Gen Hoshino was sleeping at that time, and Rin Hoshino felt that Gen Hoshino had worked hard yesterday, so she did not call him. Instead, she told the police that her brother was resting and that they could wait until Gen Hoshino woke up before telling him about the matter and let him go to the police station by himself.

Perhaps knowing that the people living here were either rich or noble, the police were easy to talk to. They agreed to Rin Hoshino's plan and left readily.

Until now, Rin Hoshino looked at her brother who had been standing there for a while and was even starting to breathe heavily. She felt that the statement should be put off for a while. After all, judging from the way her brother looked, it seemed that he was seriously ill this time.……

PS:Don't worry if you think the post is too little. I will adjust my schedule and start posting twice a day tomorrow.

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