When Hoshino Gen went to the hospital, it was Hoshino Rin who accompanied him.

Although he felt that he didn't need it, he didn't say anything. After all, with his current physical condition, having someone by his side when he went out was indeed a good thing in case of an emergency. In fact, Hoshino Gen has always been like this. He never asks for anything unconditionally from anyone, but if someone really takes the initiative to give him something, as long as he needs it, he will accept it.

Just like the money given by his parents, like the car given by his sister.

Just like the drink handed to you by others when you are thirsty, just like the enthusiastic ride given by others when you are tired.

Hoshino Gen is also a human being, not a machine, nor a powerful cultivator in the novel. He can't be free of desires in this real society, nor can he be independent in this world full of worldly air.

He is just a human who knows a little magic, understands a little alchemy, and is stronger than normal people. He also has the needs that ordinary people have, and he will also encounter some difficulties that ordinary people will encounter.

For example, now, he is sick, a little serious, so he came to the hospital...

But compared to the hospital, it is more appropriate to call this a clinic. After all, in places like Japan, the division of labor in the medical system is very clear. Many large hospitals are unwilling to accept patients with minor illnesses such as colds and fevers. Even many large medical institutions only specialize in a certain type of disease.

Of course, with Hoshino Gen's family background, no matter which hospital he goes to, the other party will only welcome him with a line of people. Even if he sneezes, as long as he asks, the hospital will definitely be happy to provide him with a separate supreme VIP ward.

But Hoshino Gen is obviously not the kind of person who likes to complicate simple things.

He found a clinic with a good environment on a nearby street. It took less than five minutes to go through the whole process of entering the door, registering, and pre-examination. Then he looked at the thermometer and found that he had a high fever of 41.3 degrees.

The nurse in charge of the pre-examination was shocked at the time, and quickly went to find a cooling patch to cool down Gen Hoshino physically.

Then she took a set of blood drawing equipment to draw blood for Gen Hoshino.

After she left with Gen Hoshino's blood, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat came to measure Gen Hoshino's blood pressure and listen to his lung sounds...

After the doctors and nurses checked Gen Hoshino's physical condition, they actually gathered together to discuss something...

In the end, it was the nurse who had just started the pre-examination of Gen Hoshino who came over with a hanging bottle and an infusion needle.

Gen Hoshino was fine when the nurse inserted the needle, but Rin Hoshino, who was accompanying him, was so anxious that she even asked the nurse how her brother was.

After all, in places like Japan, for common colds and fevers, there are very few hospitals that directly provide patients with infusions or injections. In their minds, colds and fevers are not such a bad thing, and they are even a good opportunity to gain immunity. Instead of relying on external forces to quickly eliminate the virus, it is better to let the patient's own immunity fight the virus first, so that it will not be easy to get the same disease next time.

And people like Hoshino Gen, after the examination, actually caused discussions among doctors and nurses, and then they started to give him an IV drip right away, which looked a bit scary.

The needle pierced into the blood vessel on Hoshino Gen's left wrist. The nurse fixed it with medical tape and explained:"We just found out through the test that this gentleman's blood white blood cell count is very low, especially the neutrophil count is abnormally low. In this case, if the high fever continues, the consequences may be very serious."

"All we can do now is to cool this gentleman down as quickly as possible. After that, please go to a medical institution with better equipment for a comprehensive and systematic physical examination.……"

After that, the nurse smiled at Hoshino Gen gently and apologetically, then turned and left.

Hoshino Rin looked at her brother worriedly, as if she was about to cry:"How could this happen? He was fine yesterday.……"

"……"Gen Hoshino originally did not want to say much, but seeing the tears in the corners of his cheap sister's eyes, he rolled his eyes speechlessly and helplessly:"Don't worry about nothing, it's just a normal fever. The serious decline in resistance is not due to any disease, it's just because the 'supernatural power' accidentally lost control yesterday. As long as the fever goes down, it will recover by itself."

Hearing Gen Hoshino's words, Rin Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief. She was really scared when she heard the nurse say it was so serious just now. What low white blood cell count, what ridiculously low neutrophil count, doesn't this mean that the immune system is about to fail! She almost linked this condition to AIDS...

Of course, this is actually Rin Hoshino's own care and confusion, and she fell into a misconception. After all, the human immune system is complex and powerful, and it is far from being so easy to fail.

Maybe she felt a little embarrassed that she almost cried out of anxiety just now, Rin Hoshino puffed her cheeks and muttered softly:"You should have said it earlier, making me so worried.……"

Hoshino Gen ignored her nonsense and closed his eyes while leaning against the back of the sofa.

Seeing this, Hoshino Rin pouted, then took out her phone and started looking through it. After searching for a while and listening to the praises on the Internet, she entertained herself for a while, but soon felt bored again.

She turned her head to look at her brother beside her.

At this moment, Hoshino Gen seemed to be relaxed and slumped on the sofa, his head leaning against the back of the chair, his eyes closed, and there was no expression on his face.

But unlike his usual expressionless indifference, his facial lines were extremely soft when he was asleep.

With long eyelashes, a high nose bridge, and a first-class face and lip shape, Hoshino Rin couldn't help but sigh, he is worthy of being her twin brother, his appearance is almost the same as hers!

She was fascinated by her brother's sleeping face, and suddenly her heart moved slightly. Hoshino Rin quietly stretched out her little hand to grab Hoshino Gen's face, slowly, slowly... Just when she was about to pinch it -

Hoshino Gen's eyelashes trembled, and then he opened his eyes.

Looking at the white and tender little hand that stopped in front of his eyes, Hoshino Gen turned his head expressionlessly and looked at his cheap sister who was already embarrassed on the spot. Who said that Hoshino Rin was in the entertainment industry? Her ability to respond on the spot was indeed not bad. In just a short moment, she adjusted her expression, and said to Hoshino Gen with a smile:"I just want to see if your fever has subsided.……"

After saying that, her hand, which clearly wanted to pinch his face, naturally spread out and touched Hoshino Gen's forehead.

"……"Using his other hand to separate Hoshino Rin's restless"claws", Hoshino Gen said unhappily:"If you really have nothing to do, why don't you go to the backyard and pull the grindstone for a while? I saw that you pulled it pretty well last time."

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