Feeling guilty, Rin Hoshino withdrew her hand and stuck out her tongue at Gen Hoshino in a funny way.

Gen Hoshino sighed lightly and looked up at the ceiling with an unfocused gaze. He watched the transparent liquid in the infusion tube dripping down drop by drop from the corner of his vision. Thinking about it carefully, the last time he had an infusion like this was really a long time ago. It was so long ago that it transcended time and space, as if it was a lifetime ago... No, it was not as if it was a lifetime ago.

Rin Hoshino saw Gen Hoshino looking at the ceiling, and suddenly he looked disillusioned with the world. She was suddenly a little afraid that her SSR brother wanted to become a monk, so she couldn't help but pull the corner of Gen Hoshino's clothes:"Brother, it's so boring... Let's play games together."

Gen Hoshino glanced at her and gestured to his left hand where the needle was still inserted.

Hoshino Rin knew that her brother was trying to say"How can I play with one hand?" But this didn't bother her at all. She took her phone, opened a horizontal action-adventure game, and then moved her little butt to sit closer to Hoshino Gen.

She held the phone in her left hand and placed it between her and her brother, smiling and saying,"Let's play with just one hand. I'll control the direction, and my brother will control the skills." The girl's sweet scent was pleasant, and her body was warm and soft, but despite this, the moment Hoshino Rin approached, Hoshino Gen's heart still had an instinct to resist that could not be suppressed.

But maybe his body was too weak at the moment, or maybe he was also very bored and subconsciously thought that Hoshino Rin's suggestion was a bit interesting, so he did not move away as he instinctively instructed.

As if she noticed the boy's stiffness, Hoshino Rin couldn't help but raise her head and look into Hoshino Gen's eyes, then smiled with curved eyebrows:"Brother~ You haven't been so close to a girl before, have you?"

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Hoshino Gen rolled his eyes at his cheap sister:"Is having close contact with the opposite sex something worth showing off?"

"……"As soon as these words came out, Xingye Lin was choked for a moment. She said a little depressedly:"Brother, has anyone ever told you that you are not good at chatting? This is just a joke!"

After that, she mumbled and explained:"Besides, I don't mean what you said at all. I don't even take the scenes that have close contact with the opposite sex.……"

"Who cares about you?" Hoshino Gen raised his hand and held the other side of his cheap sister's phone indifferently.

Although she knew that her brother's words were always so hurtful, Hoshino Rin almost got internal injuries. She glared at Hoshino Gen angrily and"crushed" the game start button with a force that seemed to crush the screen - then she deliberately controlled the direction and moved away when Hoshino Gen released skills several times in the game, causing Hoshino Gen's skills to miss, and then when Hoshino Gen looked over, she turned her little face away and snorted at her bad brother.


Because his sister, who was in charge of the direction, was throwing a tantrum, the difficulty of Hoshino Gen's game increased significantly. In the end, he only finished the first two chapters before the infusion was over.

When the nurse came to take out the injection, Hoshino Gen was surprised to find that his negative state of weakness and dizziness had basically disappeared. Has the medical level developed to this level now? Originally, he thought that even with his own body's ability to repair itself, it would take at least three days to recover from this illness. He didn't expect that he would be almost cured after just one infusion.……......

When the brother and sister returned home, it was already past four in the afternoon. Liz was alone on the sofa in the living room watching a movie. It seemed to be a Hollywood blockbuster that had just been shown online recently. Liz was fascinated by it. When Hoshino Gen passed by, he glanced at the picture on TV. It seemed that a superhero had saved a little girl trapped at the disaster site and was enjoying the cheers of the crowd...

Hoshino Gen was not interested in this. He just wanted to go back to his room and be alone for a while.

However, before he pushed open his bedroom door, Liz's eyes had already shifted from the superhero on TV to Hoshino Gen. She asked quietly but clearly:"How are you...are you feeling better?"

Maybe Hoshino Gen didn't realize that he was talking to himself, or maybe the sound effects of the movie drowned out Liz's voice and caused Hoshino Gen to not hear clearly. In short, he entered the bedroom door without any response and locked the door.

Staring blankly at the closed door, Liz hugged her knees tighter, and her delicate doll-like face lowered her head with disappointment.

Witnessing this scene, Rin Hoshino sighed slightly in her heart, but with a smile on her face, she came over and rubbed Liz's head:"When you care about others, you can express it more obviously. If your voice is too soft, others can't feel your heart!"

Liz said"hmm" softly.

Rin Hoshino paused, and suddenly her eyes turned. She trotted to the bedroom of Gen Hoshino and started knocking on the door:"Brother! Brother! Brother! Brother!——"

The bedroom door was suddenly opened, and behind the door, Hoshino Gen stared at the face of this annoying sister with an unfriendly look, as if saying"If it's nothing important, don't blame me for being rude."

But Hoshino Rin was not afraid of him, and still smiled and said:"Brother, are you hungry? You haven't eaten since you came back yesterday, right? Let's go out for dinner together, okay? Liz hasn't experienced authentic Japanese cuisine in Tokyo yet. Brother has lived in Tokyo for so long, he must know which restaurant is the best, right?"

Speaking of eating, Hoshino Gen's eyes moved slightly.���It was fine if no one mentioned it, but now after hearing what Hoshino Rin said, he remembered that he hadn't eaten for more than 28 hours. After a closer look, he realized that his stomach was really rumbling with hunger.

Japanese food... Okay, I can accept it.......

Around 5pm in Tokyo is one of the busiest times of the day, especially since it is still the Golden Week. Whether it is students or office workers, everyone is enjoying the holiday.

The sun is about to set, and most of the sky is still blue.

Under the white clouds, people are laughing and talking, children are playing and laughing, and from time to time you can hear a bicycle passing by the roadside, ringing a crisp bell.

This is the good side of the holiday, and the bad side is——

"Sorry sir, all our seats are reserved.……"

"Sorry sir, there are no seats left in the store.……"

"Sorry sir, the last seat was reserved by a guest three minutes ago.……"

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