The next day, a piece of news on the Internet became popular.

【Revealing the private life of idols! The super popular idol"Rin-chan" appeared on the street, and her twin brother is incredibly handsome! 】

Below the title is a photo of Rin Hoshino and Gen Hoshino. The sister is sweet and charming, and the brother is indifferent and handsome. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the identical heterochromatic eyes of the brother and sister. The background is Tokyo Bay under the sunset, and the picture is extremely beautiful.

The news clearly focuses on the private life of Rin Hoshino, a super popular idol, but the focus of netizens in the comment area is that Rin-chan actually has a twin brother, and he also has a pair of heterochromatic eyes like Rin-chan, and he is as good-looking as Rin-chan!

The comment area is full of envious voices. Most people envy Gen Hoshino for having such a cute twin sister. Of course, some people envy Rin Hoshino for having such a good-looking brother. Some people even ask Gen Hoshino to debut on the spot, saying that with such a face, it would be a crime not to debut as an idol...

Lying on the sofa, flipping through the���The comments on the Internet made Hoshino Rin very happy.......

On the other hand, Hoshino Gen knew nothing about the voices on the Internet, and he didn't pay attention to them, let alone care about them. At this moment, he once again came to the cafe opened by the special task force.

Unlike the previous times when there was a wooden sign hanging here saying that it was temporarily closed, today's cafe is open for business as usual, and it seems that the business is still booming.

When Hoshino Gen pushed the door in, the crisp wind chimes rang as usual. Although the sound was mostly drowned out by the lively atmosphere in the store, the enthusiastic waiter in uniform still noticed this place and came to greet him.

At first, Hoshino Gen didn't care until the other party said a sweet"Welcome", then Hoshino Gen realized that the waiter was actually Kiryu Ruoha, who had twin ponytails and a very sweet appearance.

The other person looked at Hoshino Gen and said with a smile,"Good afternoon, Senior Hoshino, I knew you would be here soon. Master Nishida is already waiting inside. Come with me~"

Hoshino Gen had no intention of communicating with Kiryu Ruoye. He nodded and followed her through the rattan tables surrounded by people, and through the employee passage behind the bar. What appeared in front of him was a room like a conference room, with a large round table and chairs placed around the table. Master Nishida was sitting at the top of the round table, and in front of him was a long knife box.

Seeing Kiryu Ruoye leading Hoshino Gen in, Master Nishida didn't say hello, and went straight to the point:"Boy, I have helped you achieve your request, but in order to change the material form of your sword, I melted a whole carrier with attachment properties into it. Don't you plan to express your gratitude?"

Hoshino Gen smiled:"What do you want? Or what do you want me to do for you?"

Master Xitian also smiled, and said with a very happy expression:"Good boy, I like young people like you who are straightforward, but there is no hurry, let you check the goods first, and when you are satisfied, we will talk again." After that

, he opened the knife box, revealing the pitch-black demon sword inside. At first glance, the appearance of Onikiri has not changed much, but a closer look can show that whether it is the scabbard or the hilt and the handle, they have become deeper and richer on the basis of the original pitch-black, and even give people a feeling that there is a layer of black light flowing on the blade.

Master Nishida took out Onikiri and threw it to Hoshino Gen.

Hoshino Gen raised his hand to catch it, and suddenly a bone-chilling chill came from the blade.

Hoshino Gen carefully felt it for a while, frowned slightly and said,"I remember my request was to make the knife more portable.……"

"Don't be anxious, imagine the knife as your own shadow, imagine it as a part of yourself."Master Xitian patiently instructed.

Hoshino Gen was silent for a moment, then he held the knife and closed his eyes. After a moment, he suddenly felt that the knife in his hand suddenly turned into a ball of nothingness. It was clearly in his hand, but he had the illusion that he couldn't touch it.

Hoshino Gen opened his eyes, and then he saw the demon sword in his hand, which turned into a dark stream of light that wrapped around his wrist and then spread all the way up. In less than a second, the ghost cut in Hoshino Gen's hand disappeared, and what appeared instead was a dark tattoo that covered Hoshino Gen's entire right arm, sharp and ferocious.

Hoshino Gen moved his right arm and felt it carefully. He found that, in addition to the fact that the temperature of his entire arm was much lower than other parts of the body, not only was his movement not affected at all, he even felt as if he had become stronger.

Hoshino Gen thought about it, and stretched out his right hand again, imagining that the demon sword would materialize. Almost at the moment when he had the thought, the tattoo on his arm quickly began to wriggle and turned into a stream of dark light again. As the light flowed towards his palm little by little, the demon sword itself began to extend in the air from the hilt, as if it was forged out of the void.

Until the light on Hoshino Gen's arm faded, the dark demon sword once again appeared in front of Hoshino Gen.

"How is it, are you satisfied?" Master Nishida asked with a proud look on his face. It was obvious that he was quite satisfied with his work. Hoshino

Gen looked at the dark and shining demon sword in his hand, raised his mouth, and praised generously:"Amazing skills, you are worthy of the name of master."

Master Nishida laughed heartily. For an alchemist, no praise is more pleasing than the sincere admiration from another alchemist.

After laughing enough, Master Nishida also became serious:"Although I refined the sword for you, the resources were used by the special task force. It is not me who wants you to do something, but the special task force."

After speaking, he took the knife box in front of him aside, revealing the document bag under the box. He picked up the document bag and handed it to Hoshino Gen, saying:

"There are three supernatural events in here. Please solve them in the shortest possible time. They told me that you seem to have a hobby of collecting carriers, so when you solve all these events, you only need to return one carrier to the special task force to offset the cost of forging your sword, and the rest will be yours. During the mission, Ruoye will be your partner. If you need any assistance from the special task force, just tell her."Xingye

Yuan glanced at Kiryu Ruoye, who had been standing aside obediently since she led him in, and the little girl smiled sweetly at him:"I hope you can give me more advice in the future, Senior Xingye~"

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