Hoshino Gen took out the document from the file bag, flipped through it roughly, and paid special attention to the title part.

【Tokyo Bay Ghoul】

【Nagano Ghost School】

【[Ghost Stories Broadcast]

The Nagano Ghost School is the same as the one described in the document sent to him by the Special Affairs Group last time. The location is in Nagano Town in the eastern suburbs of Koto District. There are many evil spirits in it. Although the potential safety risks are quite large, the evil spirits in it do not seem to leave the abandoned school, so the disaster caused by the ghost school is not that serious for the time being.

In addition, due to the large number of evil spirits and the difficulty in dealing with them, the Special Affairs Group is currently taking measures to block the area around the ghost school and not allow citizens to approach. However, the scope of the supernatural there has recently tended to expand to the outer circle, so the Special Affairs Group hopes that Hoshino Gen can enter the ghost school to find out. If possible, it would be best to solve it completely.

Hoshino Gen did not pay much attention to the information about the ghost school. After all, he had read the information sent to him by the special group on the Internet last night.���He is now more interested in two other events.

"As the name suggests, there are water ghosts in Tokyo Bay, which often attack small boats in Tokyo Bay and people swimming or fishing on the shore.

However, Tokyo Bay is too large, and even directly connected to the Pacific Ocean. The biggest difficulty in solving the ghosts in Tokyo Bay is to find the location of the evil ghosts. The special task force is short of personnel, and it is not worth wasting too much manpower and material resources for this supernatural event that is not a serious disaster. Therefore, the special task force hopes that Gen Hoshino, as a partner, can help solve it.

And the information also provides the latest whereabouts of the Tokyo Bay water ghost. Location information: In a village called Shiratama in Chiba Prefecture, a villager was dragged down by a shadow while fishing. His companion reported the incident to the police, and the files were passed to the special task force, which became this information on paper.

Gen Hoshino didn't feel anything special about this supernatural incident. After all, it was normal for there to be water ghosts in Tokyo Bay. Who knows how many people died in it? How many bodies of people who died in an accident were soaking in it? It would be strange if there were no ghosts! What really concerned and surprised Gen Hoshino was the supernatural incident of [Ghost Talk Radio].

"The following information is mainly from the surveillance footage left by the late Special Affairs Team member, Yasuhira Tenjing. Some scenes were restored by the subsequent investigation team members."

——It is said that this member of the special task force named Kangping Tian Jing has a hobby of listening to the radio. One day after work, Kangping Tian Jing turned on the radio as usual, wanting to fall asleep to the radio. However, today's radio program is different from the previous emotional story sharing, and the host seems to have changed.

On the radio, there is a very calm male voice describing a strange story.

At first, Kangping Tian Jing didn't notice anything wrong, thinking that it was just a small easter egg of this radio program, and listened to the content of the radio as a story as usual.

However, the more he listened to this strange story, the more Kangping Tian Jing felt something was wrong, until he suddenly realized that the situation of the protagonist in the strange story was exactly the same as his own!

Kangping Tian Jing is not an ordinary person who knows nothing about the mysterious side. Maybe it was a moment, maybe it was a moment of stagnation. In short, Kangping Tian Jing soon understood the established fact that he was about to die.

The last thing he did before he died was to use his mobile phone to remotely turn on the camera on his computer and record the entire process of his death. Every time the male voice on the radio said a word, some changes would occur in Tenjing Kangping's bedroom as described by the voice, such as blood oozing out of the ceiling, creaking sounds coming from under the bed, and the protagonist of the story being crushed to death by the wardrobe that fell beside the bed...

After roughly understanding all three pieces of information, Hoshino Gen smiled softly, raised his head, and looked at Master Nishida who was waiting for his answer.

"I can't make any guarantees. After all, supernatural events are always full of variables. I can only say that I will do my best."Gen Hoshino said with a smile. He didn't dare to guarantee anything. If these events were too dangerous, he would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word. He also wouldn't rule out the possibility that the special task force was sugarcoating him. After all, people's hearts are hidden. He never minded speculating on other people's minds with malice...

Master Nishida didn't care about Gen Hoshino's cautious and vigilant attitude. He nodded and said solemnly:"Then I'll leave these things to you."

Gen Hoshino stuffed the information back into the information bag, picked up the demon sword and turned it into a black tattoo on his arm, then turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Kiryu Ruoha suddenly called Gen Hoshino and said with a sweet smile:"Senior Hoshino, do you play Line? We can add each other as friends, so it will be much more convenient to contact each other!"

Gen Hoshino stopped and smiled at her and said,"Sorry, I don't use social software."

"……"Eh?" Kiryu Ruoha opened her eyes wide in surprise at Hoshino Gen's answer, and asked in disbelief as if she suspected that Hoshino Gen was lying to her:"Is that so?"

Hoshino Gen did not respond to her question, but said:"Don't you have my number? Just call me."

After that, he left the cafe without looking back.

Kiryu Ruoha looked at his receding back, and the sweet smile on her delicate and beautiful face disappeared. She murmured expressionlessly:"He is indeed a very lonely person."......

After leaving the cafe, Hoshino Gen did not go home immediately, but took a taxi to the nearby motorcycle license-free test site.

He had already started to think about and plan about the motorcycle license.

With his patience, he naturally could not waste too much time on such things, so he had already called his father's assistant before going out.

It only took a cup of tea, and all the relationships were cleared.

He did not need to prepare anything.

He just had to go to the license-free test site to take a test and then he could go back and wait for the driver's license to be delivered to his door.

After going through the process at the license-free test site, Hoshino Gen still did not go home, but went to the nearby Metropolitan Police Department to make a record of the previous kidnapping of Liz.

Of course, it was impossible to tell the truth. Hoshino Gen made up a story to fool the police.

Just when Hoshino Gen finally finished these trivial matters and was ready to go home, he suddenly saw a tall, handsome uncle in the corridor, surrounded by several policemen, walking towards him.

There was no special reason why Hoshino Gen paid attention to the handsome uncle, it was just because the other's eyebrows were too similar to his own... cough, assistant.

And Hoshino Gen remembered that Shimizu Yu seemed to have told him before that she would probably become a police officer in the future...

Sure enough, when Hoshino Gen listened carefully, he heard someone calling the handsome uncle"Shimizu Superintendent".

Until the group of people passed by him, Hoshino Gen couldn't help but smile softly, and said to himself with a sense of amusement:"Superintendent... That idiot's family is quite powerful."

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