Today, Hoshino Rin personally cooked the dinner for the Hoshino family. Because she saw a tutorial on how to make sushi on the Internet in the afternoon, she was tempted to make it. The dinner at the Hoshino family changed from the original Japanese food provided by the hotel to a full sushi feast made by the super popular idol.

Hoshino Gen had no opinion on this. After all, it should be said that although his cheap sister was not good at playing games, she was very skillful in life.

At least the sushi on his plate looked good and tasted good.

The record player in the living room was playing classical and melodious violin music. In the restaurant, Liz and Hoshino Rin were chatting in English.

While eating sushi, Hoshino Gen was immersed in his own world, thinking about the three supernatural events... In terms of the difficulty of the three events, on the surface, the Tokyo Bay Shikigami event was definitely the easiest, and the Nagano Nagisa Ghost School event was the most difficult. As for the ghost talk radio... that thing was not easy to say, and the source was not easy to investigate. Hoshino Gen planned to leave it to the end.

At present, from the perspective of time-efficiency, it is obvious that we should first investigate the White Palm Village in Chiba. After all, according to the information, the water ghost in Tokyo Bay often moves to other active areas.

And the information is time-sensitive. Recently or even now, the evil ghost may be active in the White Palm Village area, but it may not be the case at night. It will obviously not be easy to determine its location at that time. With this in mind, Xingye Gen made up his mind and set off for the White Palm Village tomorrow morning.......

"By the way, brother, the crew has a few scenes that need to be filmed in the villages around Chiba Prefecture. I will go there with the crew tomorrow and may be away for two days. Liz, please take care of me during these two days, brother."

After dinner, when Hoshino Gen passed by the living room, he suddenly heard Hoshino Rin, who was sitting on the sofa, say this to him.

Because Liz went to take a shower, Rin was playing a single-player game alone on the sofa. Hoshino

Gen, who was about to go back to the room, raised his eyebrows and looked at his sister strangely:"The villages around Chiba Prefecture? For the coexistence of pastoral scenery and Tokyo Bay?"

"Eh?" Hoshino Rin paused the game, blinked in surprise and looked at Hoshino Gen:"How did my brother know?"

After that, she seemed to realize something and said:"Yes, that kind of scene is very common in film and television dramas, and it is also very popular."

Then she pouted her lips and started to talk a lot:"Actually, I don't want to shoot this drama at all. It's tiring and troublesome, but this drama is a resource found by the agency for everyone in TKY02. If I don't participate, it may cause the attention of this drama to drop a lot, and everyone will be unhappy.……"

"And brother, let me tell you, this drama is super boring! The plot is super cliché! For example, the scene we are going to shoot in the village in Chiba this time is about a group of high school students who got lost and ran into the village on a picnic. As a result, someone was killed on the first night. The villagers said it was haunted, but in fact, they were killed.……"

"Stop." Before the topic became endless, Hoshino Gen interrupted Rin's chatterbox mode, his voice calm with subtle helplessness:"I don't have time to help you take care of the children."

Rin blinked, tilted her head slightly and asked in confusion:"Why? Brother, do you have something to do?"

Hoshino Gen did not answer her question, but asked:"Is the place your crew is going to called Baizhang Village?"

"!"Hoshino Rin opened her eyes wide, her face full of disbelief:"Brother, can you read minds?!"

Hoshino Gen gave Hoshino Rin a polite smile.

Hoshino Rin stuck out her tongue awkwardly. Well, she also felt that mind reading was not very realistic, although the"superpowers" her brother possessed were already very unrealistic...

After thinking seriously for a moment, Hoshino Rin came to a conclusion. She tapped her fair and delicate chin and asked,"Does that mean brother is going there too?" At this point, she paused, then lowered her voice, and asked tentatively with a hint of inexplicable excitement,"Could it be... that place is really haunted?"

"Maybe, I don't know if it's still happening now, but at least a villager there was attacked by a ghost yesterday." Hoshino Gen didn't hide much from his sister.

Hoshino Rin's eyes lit up, but she immediately realized something, scratched her hair and hesitated,"Should I persuade the crew to change the location for the outdoor shooting? Or postpone the shooting or something?……"

"What excuse do you want to use? Say that the place is haunted?" Gen Hoshino said with a smile,"Don't do unnecessary things. There is no legitimate reason. It is not impossible to forcibly change the original plan of the crew, but it will damage your personal image, right? I don't really recommend a thankless job. Of course, if you like to do it, I have no objection."

After that, he shrugged his shoulders lightly and went back to the room to take a shower.

Hoshino Rin frowned slightly, staring at her brother's back, with a thoughtful look on her pretty face. She was not thinking about whether what her brother said was right or not. What she was thinking about was... Was her brother caring about her just now? Right? It should be, right? It can't be right? Is her brother caring about herself? Worried that she would lose more than she gained? Thankless? Have her efforts to get closer to her brother these days worked? Yes, that must be the case!

Hoshino Rin tried her best to suppress the urge to scream. She threw away the game controller and rolled on the sofa excitedly.

Then——"Rin? What are you doing?"

Rin, who had just finished her shower, appeared in the living room with her hair wet and blonde. Seeing Rin rolling around on the sofa like she was going crazy, she looked disillusioned.

When she heard Liz's voice, Hoshino Rin's movements suddenly stopped on the spot. She turned her head stiffly and looked at Liz.


In silence, the two looked at each other without saying a word.......

The next morning

"Liz, have you packed your things? We are about to leave.——"

Hoshino Rin's voice came from the entrance. She held the suitcase and shouted towards Liz's room.

""Okay, okay!" Liz, who was wearing a white dress and a small sun hat, came out with a suitcase that was also a few sizes smaller. She came to the entrance and showed a bright smile to Hoshino Rin. It was obvious that she had come out of the shadow of kidnapping and last night’s"disillusionment".

Hoshino Rin leaned over and rubbed her soft little face with a smile:"Our Liz is so cute. When you meet the other sisters of TKY02 later, you must take care to protect yourself~"

Liz smiled and went to the shoe cabinet to change into beautiful black leather shoes.

A beautiful little princess who was carefully dressed up walked out of the comics.

The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she was.

After all, beautiful things can always make people happy.

However, she suddenly remembered something, puffed up her little face a little unhappily, and muttered with resentment:"Brother is really something.

Obviously, we can take the bus together.

It will be more like an outing.

But he insisted on going there alone in advance.


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