Shiratani Village is located west of Chiba Prefecture, on the shore of Tokyo Bay. It is famous for its beautiful rural scenery. In this modern society with an extremely fast pace of life, for Tokyo residents who are under great pressure in life, Shiratani Village is a good place to relax their nerves and slow down time. For this reason, the tourism industry here is quite developed.

A luxury bus slowly moved along a winding asphalt road. On one side of the road was fresh green grass, and on the other side was the Tokyo Bay sparkling in the sun.

Today's sunshine is bright and grand, and it has coated the cotton candy-like clouds with a layer of light golden gauze.

The sounds of warblers and swallows flowed into the late spring countryside through the open windows on both sides of the bus.

"Liz~I heard that there is heavy fog in London every day. Is it true?"

"Liz! You are so cute, like a doll~"

""Liz-chan, was Rin-chan as outstanding and smart as she is now when she was a child?"

In the second half of the bus, a group of TKY02 members surrounded Liz in the middle and asked excited questions. Since the audition standards of TKY02 are extremely high, many members can speak fluent English and there are basically no problems in talking to Liz.

Liz is not afraid of strangers. When faced with compliments, she compliments back. When faced with problems, she helps the other party to answer with a smile. Along the way, she seemed to have become the darling of the entire TKY02 group.

Hearing the noisy sound at the back, the black-haired girl sitting in the front row couldn't help but chuckle and looked at Rin Hoshino who was sitting by the window next to her. Her mature and warm voice was a little childish:"Liz-chan is really popular with everyone."

The girl has long wavy hair, delicate and beautiful facial features, a swan neck, beautiful shoulders, and not only a slender waist, but also long and straight legs with beautiful lines.

This is a beautiful girl who can't find any flaws even in a set of close-up shots from head to toe. She is also a beautiful girl who can be described as beautiful and charming no matter where she is in the world. She is so beautiful that even if she sits next to Hoshino Rin, her brilliance will not be suppressed in the slightest.

On the Internet, in the circle of pure fans, there is a saying that goes,"If there are 10,000 people going to a TKY02 concert, then 4,000 of them must be there for Rin, another 4,000 for Xiaoxun, and the remaining 2,000 are fans of other TKY02 members."

And the"Xiaoxun" refers to the girl who is sitting next to Hoshino Rin at the moment - Asahina Kaoru.

Hoshino Rin hung the headphones around her neck, then looked back at Liz, who was like a fish in water among the girls, and sighed in her heart that this little girl is really popular everywhere except with her brother.

Then she looked at Asahina Kaoru and said with a smile:"Because everyone is very nice, and Liz is very well-behaved and cute~" Asahina Kaoru smiled slightly, agreeing with Hoshino Rin's words, and then she glanced out the window and asked casually like a friend chatting:"Speaking of which, should we be almost at our destination? We can see the farmhouses here.

" Hoshino Rin leaned on the window sill and stretched her head to take a look.

As expected, she saw the row of farmhouses in the distance that perfectly blended with the natural scenery.

"Well, we're almost there." Hoshino Rin muttered, took out her cell phone from her pocket and called her brother. She put the white headphones on her snow-white neck back on her head and listened to the phone ringing for a long time before it was connected. Her brother's plain but super nice voice came from the other end of the phone:"What's up?"

Hoshino Rin's pretty face immediately showed a bright smile that was completely different from when she was chatting with Asahina Kaoru before:"Onii-chan~ We're almost there, have you found a place to stay? Can you come and pick us up?"

The voice of Hoshino Gen on the other end of the phone paused for two seconds, and then asked with deep doubts:"Is your crew so poor? You don't even provide accommodation for the leading actors? Or is this the case in the entertainment industry now?"

The meaning of this was already very clear. The unkind brother coldly rejected his lovely sister's wish to live with him.

If it were someone else, they might have given up, but Hoshino Rin, who has always been sensitive in her emotions, had already figured out what kind of character this brother had after spending so many days together and observing him carefully.

Her smile was still bright, but her voice was three points softer:"The accommodation provided by the crew is definitely not as good as the one chosen by my brother, and didn't you say that there is 'that' going on here? If I'm not with my brother during the break, I will be too scared to close my eyes!

Besides, if Liz and I are in danger, you will be very distressed, right?" There was silence for a moment on the other end of the phone, and the ethereal voice said helplessly:"The address is in the No.

3 Villa of Fuyuan B&B, find it yourself.


After that, the call was hung up, and a series of"beep beep" sounds came from the headset.

Hoshino Rin didn't care. Instead, she held the phone and smiled triumphantly. Hehe, it seems that she has mastered the correct way to act coquettishly to her brother~

And what Hoshino Rin didn't notice at all was that while she was on the phone, Asahina Kaoru, who was sitting next to her, kept her eyes on her face. That look was so surprised, as if she had discovered some big secret...

And when Hoshino Rin looked over, Asahina Kaoru's expression was no different from usual. She smiled and joked with Hoshino Rin:"Is Rin's brother also in Baizhang Village? Is he here because he is worried about Rin going on a long journey alone?""

I wish it were so! Hoshino Rin thought helplessly in her heart, but she smiled and said,"No, my brother came here for his own things to do."

"I see. But from what I heard just now, Rin-chan, you and your brother seem to have a very good relationship?"

"Hehe." Hoshino Rin smiled at her and said nothing more.

At this time, the bus driving on the asphalt road suddenly stopped. The girls in the car all wondered what happened, and the driver in the driver's seat replied that the car had broken down and needed to be checked and repaired. The producer who came with the team was considerate and asked the girls to get off the bus and move around.

Suddenly, a whole car of beautiful girls happily poured out of the door of the bus.

A group of fairies who seemed to be from a fantasy forest appeared in the oil painting of blue sky and green water, and farmhouses leaning against the mountains.

Suddenly, someone let out a small scream, followed by laughter. Hoshino Rin, who got off the bus later, followed the sight of others and saw that at this moment in Tokyo Bay, two young men were swimming in it with their upper bodies naked. One of the young men blew a loud whistle towards this side and dived into the water.

The other young man was still rushing to the shore. The TKY02 members waved their hands, made strange noises that were hard to understand, and then began to swim in Tokyo Bay with various fancy swimming styles.

Just like a male peacock trying to spread its tail.

Hoshino Rin was not very interested in that. She looked at it for a while and then looked away. Compared with the naked man in the water, she was more curious about where her brother was and whether he had found any trace of the evil spirit...

And it was not until a few minutes later that the discussion of the members who were watching the young man swimming in the water on the shore gradually became louder, which attracted Hoshino Rin's attention again. She listened carefully and realized that it was the young man who dived into the water at the beginning and had not come out until now. The girls were discussing and marveling at the young man's strong ability to hold his breath...

Then a more lively girl waved and called another young man who was still performing fancy swimming styles. When the young man swam over excitedly, the girl asked in confusion and surprise:"Has your friend's diving ability always been so strong? Will there be any problem?"

"Huh?" The young man paused, then blinked in confusion:"You mean that person just now? I don't know him? He looks like a tourist too."……"

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