Liz also looked over, but unlike Hoshino Rin, she blushed after she called out"brother" and lowered her head as if she was ashamed.

In the UK, whether it is biological, cousin or cousin brothers and sisters, they basically call each other by their names directly - and Liz's"brother" was in Japanese taught by Hoshino Rin, which made her very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, especially since that day, every time she faced Hoshino Gen, she would unconsciously become a little timid... Hoshino

Gen didn't know how much psychological activity Liz had because of this"brother", and he didn't care. He just looked at the little loli with a little surprise, and then smiled and looked away.

He looked at Hoshino Rin and asked with a smile:"I remember you seemed to say that you came here to film. Why, don't you have to work today?"

Hoshino Rin, who was originally quite excited to see Hoshino Gen come back, suddenly became even more excited.

Her originally casual sitting posture became straight:"Brother, let me tell you!

On the way here, someone drowned in Tokyo Bay!

Just outside the village, in order to attract the attention of everyone in TKY02, that person deliberately dived underwater, and then did not come up for a long time.

In the end, it was the police and the salvage team who fished the body out!

Because of this, everyone was scared.

The producer asked us to have a good rest today and start preparing for the filming tomorrow.


In fact, Hoshino Gen didn't have much interest in exploring when this cheap sister would work. He just asked casually. The underlying meaning was that he didn't want to stay under the same roof with others. However, what Hoshino Rin said at the moment really aroused his interest.

Hoshino Gen sat down cross-legged on the spot and asked with interest:"Did you see what the body looked like?"

"Um... no." Hoshino Rin shook her head honestly:"The producer didn't let us watch it, so I didn't dare to watch it."

Hoshino Gen was not disappointed, and continued to ask with a smile:"From the scene you just described, you were there from the time before the man dived into the water to the time he died underwater?"

Hoshino Rin thought for a while and nodded:"I didn't care much at first, but later everyone was amazed at the man's ability to hold his breath, so I kept watching."

"Were there any bubbles appearing on the water surface during the journey, and were there no signs of drowning or struggling?"

"……It seems, no."At this point, Hoshino Rin seemed to have realized something. She slightly widened her eyes, lowered her voice and asked Hoshino Gen in disbelief:"Brother, are you saying that the man... was actually killed by a ghost underwater?"

Liz next to her didn't understand Japanese, but seeing Hoshino Rin's strange way of speaking, she couldn't help but look over here, but soon looked away and continued watching her TV.

And Hoshino Gen smiled and shook his head:"Who knows, maybe that person dived too deep and struggled underwater and you couldn't find him, or maybe he had some disease that suddenly broke out underwater and died. Being killed by a ghost is just one of the possibilities." After that, he shook his head as if he found it funny, and stood up with the help of his knees.

He walked towards the Japanese-style room inside:"I'll take a rest for a while, I won't eat lunch, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do"

"Oh, okay." Hoshino Rin blinked her big eyes and watched Hoshino Gen walk into the Japanese-style room. She didn't look away until the sliding door closed and hid her brother's figure. She picked up the TV remote control next to her and turned down the volume.......

Hoshino Gen slept until it was completely dark outside, and then he woke up slowly. The Japanese-style room with mats was also dark. He shook his head, stood up, opened the door and walked out.

There was no light in the living room, but the door was still open.

At this moment, Hoshino Rin was sitting on the corridor under the eaves in front of the door, supporting her cheeks with both hands and looking at the particularly bright moon tonight. She didn't see Liz, maybe she had gone to bed.

Hoshino Rin in front of the door heard the movement in the room behind her and couldn't help but look back. Seeing that it was her brother, Hoshino Rin showed a very beautiful smile:"Good morning, brother."

In the moonlight, that smile was indeed beautiful, but for some reason, it gave a kind of fragile illusion, and the beautiful heterochromatic eyes seemed to be a little red.

Hoshino Gen also looked at the sky outside and confirmed that the jade plate emitting bright light was indeed the moon and not the sun.

He walked silently to the window beside him, sat on the windowsill, and leaned on the window frame.

Hoshino Gen didn't say anything, and for some reason, Hoshino Rin seemed to be in a very low mood. Silence spread in the spacious living room.

Maybe it was a long time, or maybe it was just a moment.

Hoshino Rin couldn't help but speak out. Her soft and gentle voice seemed a little low, as if she was about to cry at any time:"Brother... In the evening, the producer sent a message to tell us that Marina-chan was missing, but I called her before she disappeared, and she was clearly in the room, not going anywhere.……"

Hoshino Rin's words were a bit incoherent and she was a bit choked up:"Marina is the third member of TKY02... and the oldest one among us. Her personality in private is actually different from that on the screen. She is not as lively as she appears on the screen. She is actually a very introverted person. She never takes the initiative to fight for the resources in the group.……"

"Even if she is treated unfairly, she will just endure it silently... But she is really gentle and has always taken care of the other people in the group like an older sister.……"

"The captain of Shengzi lost the key to the activity room, and she accompanied him to look for it for a whole night. When Xue Na was isolated when she first joined, she accompanied Xue Na, spoke for Xue Na, and helped Xue Na integrate into the group. Another time, I sprained my ankle while practicing dancing, and she carried me to the hospital.���……Everyone says that good people will be rewarded, but Marina is so good."

"Why would something like this happen to her?……"

Her voice gradually became lower until it finally disappeared, and then she remained silent, no longer making any sound.

Hoshino Gen leaned against the window frame, looking at the moon, and it was even hard to tell whether he was listening to what Hoshino Rin said.

The moonlight quietly spread across the courtyard, and the faint chirping of cicadas could be heard in the distance.

After a long time, Hoshino Rin hummed a melody. It was not abrupt, but rather matched the night, as if the melody was supposed to be part of the night. It was a somewhat sad melody that made people recall something.

She hummed and sang softly, her voice softer than the moonlight.

We are always too late to notice something. Something is missing.

I feel like you are gone. I am left with only beautiful memories.......

The time of a song passed quickly. In the soft melody, Hoshino Rin looked straight at her brother leaning on the windowsill with tears in her eyes. Then she closed her eyes and hummed the last word of"Thank You" softly.

"Even if sometimes we hurt each other"

"I still want to feel your presence."

As the voice lingered, Hoshino Rin opened her eyes, but Hoshino Gen on the windowsill had disappeared.

The girl wiped the tears from her eyes.

——"Come on, brother."

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