The moonlight cast a silver moonlight like water, and the silver-plated Tokyo Bay seemed to grow dreamy scales between the undulations.

A few dim lights were on in the quiet village, and frogs and cicadas chirped alternately. The sea breeze blew across the grass, creating green ripples.

White sneakers stepped on the grass and walked into the beach.

The hustle and bustle of the day seemed to still remain here, and those laughing people seemed to still be pacing here... A stronger salty and humid sea breeze blew, bringing a gust of wind and sand to cover the afterglow of the day, and the artificial beach was silent.

Only the gray-haired uncle with a short haircut sat on the shore fishing alone, with indescribable tranquility and peace.

When Hoshino Gen came closer, the uncle turned his head and looked at him with a smile:"Fishing, young man? All fishing gear is complete, two thousand an hour."

As he spoke, a fishy smell kept drilling into Hoshino Gen's nose, which made his head dizzy and his consciousness began to become hazy.

Just as he was about to reach out and take out the awakening talisman, he suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill on his right arm, instantly shattering the stench that seemed to be dragging him into an illusion.

After a pause, Gen Hoshino chose to stand still, until a hint of doubt appeared on the uncle's face, and he revealed a somewhat lifeless smile;"Get me a set of fishing gear." The doubts on the uncle's face disappeared, and he smiled and responded:"Okay!"

He stood up with his hands on his knees, walked towards a small wooden house on the beach, and said with a smile:"Business is not very good at night, and the fishing gear is all in the house. Come with me, I'll get it for you." Gen Hoshino did not move, so the uncle turned around and waved with a smile:"Come on, come here, I'll get you a fishing rod."

Gen Hoshino followed.

Creak - the wooden door of the hut was pushed open, and a strong stench of rot hit the face.

"There are quite a lot of fish being processed here. I am a lazy person, so I didn’t clean them properly. The smell is a bit pungent, but don’t mind."The uncle turned around and smiled at Gen Hoshino.

Gen Hoshino saw the scene in the wooden house through the open door. There were large patches of reddish-brown dried blood on the ground and walls. There was a chair and an unfolded folding bed inside. The bed was covered with white sheets and lying on a pale and swollen female corpse, which was obviously drowned.

A beautiful female corpse wearing red.

And if nothing unexpected happens, she should have a nice name, such as... Marina or something like that.

Gen Hoshino followed the uncle into the wooden house, and the wooden door was closed.

The uncle warmly invited Gen Hoshino to sit down, as if he was entertaining a guest at home.

Gen Hoshino's eyes were dull, and he sat on the chair like a puppet.

The uncle sat down beside the folding bed.

He turned his head, touched the face of the female corpse on the bed, and said with a smile:"She is beautiful, right? It took me a long time to choose my daughter-in-law, and she is the... idol that you young people like! Hey, you will marry my son after twelve o'clock tomorrow night"

"……"The wooden house was filled with a foul stench, and the walls and the ground were covered with blood. But in such a creepy environment, a white-haired uncle was touching the face of a corpse and chatting with Hoshino Gen kindly. It was strange, yet inexplicably harmonious.

"My son is such a worry." The uncle said with emotion:"A few years ago, he went fishing with me. It was summer and hot, so he insisted on taking off his clothes and taking a bath in the water."

"I knew he was a good swimmer, so I didn't stop him. Who knew he couldn't get out after he got into the water? I watched him struggling in the water, and I was worried. I couldn't swim, so I could only call for help."

At this point, the uncle smiled bitterly and shook his head:"It's said that people in modern society are impetuous. I called for help, and many people heard that someone fell into the water and ran over to watch, but no one helped me. They were all busy taking pictures and recording videos with their mobile phones."

"I knelt on the ground and kowtowed to them, begging them to save my son, but no one went."

"I watched my son become motionless and sink in the water. The police came and brought a salvage team to fish for two days, but they found nothing. So they advised me to give up, saying that Tokyo Bay is too big and anything that can’t be salvaged might have been washed into the Pacific Ocean."

The uncle had a strong desire to talk, perhaps because he had kept these things in his heart for too many years and he couldn’t help it.

He chuckled and continued,"They can give up, but I can’t. That’s my son. The water is so cold. Even in summer, he can’t stay in the water all the time. I just sat on the shore and waited, and waited until... my son climbed up by himself. He has such a personality, after all, just like me, tough! It doesn’t matter if others don’t save him, he will climb up by himself!"

"He crawled to me and told me he was hungry... How could he not be hungry? He had been in the water for so many days!" The uncle grinned and said,"I found him his favorite beef, but he didn't eat it. I bought him a cake, but he didn't eat it either. I asked him what he wanted to eat, and he told me he wanted to eat human flesh."

"Eating people is good... Those who watched my son fall into the water and didn't help deserve to be eaten!" The smile on the uncle's face became ferocious, but very happy:"Over the years, I have learned a lot of things, and I have also tried every possible way to kill a lot of people."

"My son is growing up, and I think, if he hadn't fallen into the water and become a water ghost, he would have married and had children by now. If I could see that scene, I would be able to rest in peace even if I die." The uncle smiled and shook his head:"Fortunately, someone told me that people can still marry even after they die, and that the saying of the dead asking for a wife is called 'ghost marriage'’"

"He said that if he found someone who matched his son's temperament, he would also turn him into a water ghost.

���Give birth to a child!

" The smile on the uncle's face became festive, and he turned his head to look at the face of the female corpse on the bed:"Since then, I have been picking candidates...

Marina-chan really satisfies me.

She is beautiful and gentle.

After getting married, she will definitely be very virtuous.

The key is that her birthday is exactly the same as my son's.

She is really the most suitable candidate.


At this point, he became happy as if he thought of something interesting:"In order to make Marina-chan become a ghost smoothly, I put in a lot of effort! I also specially brought the red clothes and the comb found in the tomb!" He looked around the bloodstains in the wooden house as if admiring his work

"When she was tortured, she kept crying and begging me to let her go. Only when she was dying did a little resentment appear in her eyes. What a kind child! She didn't struggle much when she was thrown into the water and died soon. What a worry-free child." He said with relief in his eyes:"After midnight tomorrow, we will become a family. We will definitely be happy and complete."

After saying this, he let out a long breath, stood up, walked to Hoshino Gen, and said apologetically:"I'm sorry to bother you to listen to me nagging for so long."

"My son must be starving now. Thank you for your hard work. I will make your death easier." He took out a knife for killing fish and stabbed it towards the neck of Hoshino Gen.

Then, he held his wrist tightly with one hand, preventing the knife from moving forward.

At this moment, Hoshino Gen also raised his face slightly. There was no sign of illusion on his delicate and handsome face. He smiled, but there was not much warmth in his strange eyes.

"It's really long-winded. I thought I could hear some interesting stories, but I almost fell asleep listening to it."The boy with strange eyes stood up while holding the uncle's wrist in the face of disbelief, then smiled gently and said:"You just said that your son likes to eat people? And now he's hungry, right?"

The uncle was still stunned as to why the man in front of him was not affected by the"ghost fragrance". That was the"magic weapon" he made with his son's hair under the guidance of that man! Most people would fall into illusions and become his puppets if they smelled even a little bit of it!

But the next moment, he was dragged out of that shock and astonishment - Hoshino Gen kicked him to the ground, stepped on his chest, a black light flashed in his hand, and with a stroke from bottom to top, his right palm flew up in the spurt of blood.

Amid the man's hysterical screams , Hoshino Gen caught the palm that was chopped off by him.

Hoshino Gen looked down at the man with a shrill cry indifferently, curled his lips, and stomped on his left chest. With a muffled sound, the shrill scream stopped abruptly. The demon sword in Hoshino Gen's hand turned into a stream of light and wrapped around his arm again. He took a fishing rod leaning against the wall of the wooden house and tied the palm that was still warm with a fishing line.

He carried the fishing rod, left the house and came to the beach.

The fishing rod was gently swung, and after a"plop" sound on the water surface, the palm sank into the water.

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