Hoshino Gen didn't have to wait long before the sparkling water surface under the moonlight began to surge violently.

A fishy smell filled the air.

The fishing rod in Hoshino Gen's hand sank, and he felt a strong force coming from the water.

Without any hesitation, Hoshino Gen wiped his left hand across his waist, and instantly pulled out a talisman paper and pasted it on the fishing rod held in his right hand. The talisman turned into a stream of electricity, which wrapped around the fishing rod like a snake and pierced into the water.

The light emitted by the electric current illuminated the surrounding water area. In the green light, a black shadow wrapped in the electric current was struggling violently, trying to break free.

On the sea, water splashed, and Hoshino Gen held the fishing rod with flashing arcs in both hands. He turned his back and swung the fishing rod in his hand forward fiercely like a long stick.


A black shadow was pulled out of the water, and then thrown to the ground fiercely, raising a large amount of sand and dust.


The black shadow let out a low hiss, and its body was emitting smelly green smoke due to the electric shock just now. But even so, when it got up from the ground, it immediately grabbed the charred palm on the fishing line and started to chew it.

Hoshino Gen did not rush to take action, but watched with a smile on his face as the water ghost with a blue-gray face and a foul smell gnawed at its father's palm.

The bones made a crisp"kabakaba" sound as the evil ghost chewed, and in just a few moments, the whole palm was devoured.

The water ghost stretched out its long green tongue and licked its black lips with an unsatisfied look. It looked at Hoshino Gen, and the greed in its rotten eyeballs was beyond words."……So…hungry!!" It growled at Hoshino Gen, got on all fours, and pounced like a cheetah.

Hoshino Gen threw away the fishing rod in his hand, and a black light surged on his right arm. The moment the water ghost pounced on him, the demon sword flashed.

The water ghost, who was still aggressive in the last second, fell to the ground like a tattered sack in an instant. The ugly head fell and turned over twice on the sand. The face covered with sticky liquid was stained with a large piece of sand. The broken neck and head also overflowed with fishy green liquid, which was disgusting.

The body of the water ghost twisted and groped on the ground. He found his head with both hands and put it back on his neck. The broken end was surrounded by black air, making it impossible to heal.

""It hurts!!"

The water ghost's face was full of twisted hatred. He covered his neck with one hand and grabbed Gen Hoshino with the other.

Gen Hoshino curled his lips in disgust, waved the magic knife in his hand lightly, and the arm that was stretched out flew out.

But the water ghost waved his broken arm dully as if he had not yet reacted to what happened.

As if he felt extremely bored, Gen Hoshino kicked the water ghost to the ground, pulled out the talisman with his left hand and touched the magic knife. The dazzling lightning flashed, and Gen Hoshino stabbed the water ghost under his feet in the middle of his forehead.

The electric current quickly wrapped and penetrated the whole body of the water ghost. It convulsed all over and let out a terrible and shrill scream. The smell of burnt black fog spread everywhere. Gen Hoshino stuck another thunder talisman on the knife with an expressionless face.

The air around him exuded a burnt smell, and the blazing white electric light There was a violent"sizzling" sound.

Suddenly, a loud roar rang out, and the water ghost was blown into a pile of shattered charcoal.

Hoshino Gen used the tip of his knife to rummage through the charcoal under his feet, and then with a flick of the sword tip, a silver-gray ring flew up and fell into his palm.

He played with the ring in his hand for a few times, then raised it, and through the hole in the ring, he looked at the bright moon in the night sky.

As if satisfied with tonight's harvest, he raised the corner of his mouth, took back the ring, and prepared to turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, his heart suddenly beat violently twice, and the surrounding environment quickly turned into a white void. The bay, the sand, the sky, the bright moon... all disappeared.

Only an extremely familiar voice sounded behind him:"It's painful to endure, right?"

"!!"Hoshino Gen's whole body tensed up, and he turned around and slashed with his sword, but the dark blade light easily penetrated the figure, but the figure was unharmed.

But at the same time, Hoshino Gen also saw the appearance of the figure clearly.

Hoshino Gen opened his eyes in shock, because the person who appeared in front of him at this moment was...himself.

A self with his right eye closed and his left eye burning with scarlet blood.

Hoshino Gen's expression was slightly gloomy, and he pulled out the talisman and shot it at himself in front of him, but the talisman also penetrated his body and landed not far away, turning into scattered flames.

"Don't waste your energy. You are me and I am you. I can appear in front of you only because the ring gave you a chance to face your heart. You should know this yourself!"The other Hoshino Gen said with a seductive smile.

Hoshino Gen stood there, silently looking at himself in front of him.

"Look! You are still enduring!" Gen Hoshino, with bloodshot eyes, laughed crazily. He pointed at himself and bent over with laughter:"What you should do now is not to endure your impatience and listen to me say things that you obviously know, but to crush the ring in your hand and go out to vent your anger!"

Gen Hoshino looked at him coldly.

Gen Hoshino with red eyes stopped laughing, and his voice stopped abruptly. He also neurotically turned cold and said lightly:"Let me guess why you don't do this... because... you are looking forward to what I am going to say next, right? You are looking forward to some opportunity that will allow you to completely liberate yourself without any burden!"

He suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Gen Hoshino's collar, and said with a grin:"You have been doing this a long time ago, since the girl named Shimizu You followed you quietly, did you really not notice her at the time?"

"No, you know, you even let her discover your specialness naturally! You are expecting, expecting her to reveal your specialness to the world, you are longing, longing for the things in your previous life to happen again, you are expecting the world to declare war on you! You are longing to make the world a mess! You have long discovered the way to deal with hot weapons, the thing hidden in your left eye, you can't wait to verify it! But you dare not, you are suppressing your heart!"

"With your abilities, you don't need to follow the rules of this world, but you curl up in this corner, putting layer of shackles on yourself!"

"Going to school, going home, living like a normal person, you clearly know that these are of no use to you, but you are still doing this, you are putting chains around your heart!" The red-eyed Gen Hoshino became hysterical, he beat his chest desperately, and shouted angrily:"Even you don't understand why you are doing this!"

"Chasing the supernatural? Searching for treasure? Is that really what you want? I'm really sick of your pitiful look of needing so much love that you need to use the relics of evil spirits to fill your heart.——"

"You can clearly release yourself to your heart's content, and you can clearly doodle in this world according to your own desires! Why don't you do this! You are obviously looking forward to such a future, aren't you?!"

After roaring, Hoshino Gen, whose eyes were bloodshot, calmed down again, as if all his anger had been vented in the roar just now.

He let out a long breath and said softly:"Anyway, there is nothing in this world that you cherish, right?"

He reached out to himself, whose expression had become shaken and confused, and said gently:"Accept me and look directly into your heart."

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