The demon sword in his hand turned into scattered streams of light that flowed into Hoshino Gen's arm. He stood there and looked at himself in front of him.

The white world was silent.

Hoshino Gen's expression was a little hesitant, but his hand was raised unconsciously. With his left eye bloodshot, Hoshino Gen's face was full of encouragement and expectation.——


The piercing ring of the cell phone broke the silence and penetrated the white space. Hoshino Gen's confused and empty eyes instantly regained their spirit. He took a step back and stared at himself with a bloodshot left eye in front of him. He looked a little exasperated at the moment. Then, with that expression, he disintegrated into light particles and disappeared.

After a moment, the entire white space became distorted, like a star that encountered a black hole, being torn apart and swallowed into the silver-gray ring in the palm of Hoshino Gen's left hand.

The world returned to the world that Hoshino Gen was familiar with. In front of him was the sand, the bay, and the bright white moonlight.

Looking down at the ring in his hand that seemed to have the effect of amplifying desires and bewitching people, Hoshino Gen sighed lightly, wrapped it with a piece of talisman paper and put it in his shirt pocket.


The phone was still ringing. Hoshino Gen took out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar number.

I swiped to answer the call, and a sweet voice came from inside:"Senior Hoshino, good evening!"

The voice was very pleasant and energetic, making me feel that the person speaking must be a lively and energetic girl.

"……Good evening." After a short pause, Hoshino Gen responded to the greeting on the phone and turned to walk towards the wooden house, intending to clean up the mess there.

"Hehe, Senior Hoshino Gen, have you seen the moon tonight? It’s so big and bright!"

"Yeah, I see." Hoshino Gen's voice was calm, and he was not impatient with these meaningless topics.

"Right, right! The night sky is so beautiful tonight - by the way, Senior Hoshino, where are you now? Do you want to go out for a midnight snack together? I know a super good restaurant!"

Gen Hoshino was a little speechless, because he was obviously not very familiar with the owner of this voice, and he hadn't even met him a few times, but listening to the other party's words, it was as if the two of them had known each other for a long time and had a very good relationship.

It's quite familiar, but it's obvious that this speech wants to draw people closer by starting with daily life, and to pave the way for the requests he wants to make later, which is really immature...

Gen Hoshino wanted to laugh:"If you have something to say, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush."

"Huh?" The voice on the other end of the phone was obviously delayed for a moment, but soon said sweetly:"Senior Xingye, what are you talking about? I just want to invite you to come out and play together.……"

"It's okay, I'm hanging up now."

Xingye Yuan rolled his eyes and pushed open the door of the wooden house in front of him.

""No, no!" the voice on the phone said hurriedly, and then, very embarrassedly, a little aggrieved,"Actually, I just want to ask you, senior, when are you going to take action to solve the incident? Can you take me with you when you take action? The group assigned me a task to observe your ability and submit a report.……"

"……"Hoshino Gen was silent for a moment, not knowing whether this girl was too straightforward or too scheming, but these were insignificant compared to the scene in front of him at the moment.

Because the corpse of the woman in red who was supposed to be lying on the folding bed disappeared, and the man on the ground who was previously stepped on by him was now only half of his body left.

Hoshino Gen looked up at the sky, but unfortunately this was indoors, and even if he looked up, he could only see the wooden roof.

"One good news and one bad news."Xingye Yuan said to the person on the other end of the phone

""Eh? What do you mean?" There was a hint of confusion and innocence in the voice.

Hoshino Gen looked around and confirmed that the body of Marina had really disappeared without a trace. He said,"I'm already taking action, and the Tokyo Bay Shikigami has been killed."

""Ha!? So fast!" The girl on the other end of the phone exclaimed in surprise, and then she cried in a coquettish voice:"Although I know that you are super awesome, but this efficiency is too fast! Didn't I miss an opportunity to complete the task?"

Hoshino Gen pulled the corner of his mouth, turned around and left the cabin:"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking. Although the original Tokyo Bay ghouls have been solved, there was a small accident during the operation, and now there may be a new ghoul.……"

"……"Huh?" The girl on the other side seemed a little confused.

Hoshino Gen ignored all this and suddenly asked:"Come to think of it, your name is Kiryu Ruoha, right?"

"Um... yes……"The girl had not yet recovered from the shock of the previous information. When faced with Hoshino Gen's question, she just responded subconsciously.

Hoshino Gen smiled softly:"Just now, you may have saved the world... And thank you."

After that, he hung up the phone, put the phone back in his pocket, turned and left the beach, and gradually disappeared into the night. After an unknown amount of time, circles of gentle ripples appeared on the calm bay. Half of a pale face poked out of the water, and a pair of dark eyes stared blankly in the direction where Hoshino Gen left.......

Her long, fine eyelashes trembled slightly under the moonlight. Hoshino Rin, who was curled up on the floor, opened her eyes quietly. She was still drowsy. She sat up, hugged her delicate shoulders, and rubbed them gently. It was so cold.

Hoshino Rin looked around blankly, and remembered that she was sitting under the eaves waiting for her brother, but she accidentally fell asleep by the door.

Her eyes paused when she swept past the window, because Hoshino Gen, who had returned at some point, was sitting there playing with his phone.

"elder brother……?"The girl called out to the boy softly.

Hoshino Gen raised his head, glanced at his sister whose face was a little pale from the cold, then lowered his head again to look at the glowing mobile phone screen in his hand, and said,"Two pieces of bad news."

"Your colleague is dead, and has become a new evil spirit." Hoshino Gen said the cruelest words in the most calm tone.

Upon hearing this, Hoshino Rin's sleepiness was instantly replaced by a chill, and her beautiful eyes quickly filled with mist, condensing into tears that slid down her fair cheeks.

"……How... could this happen?"

Xingye Yuan exhaled, turned off his phone, stood up with the help of the windowsill, and walked towards the Japanese-style room while whispering:"The murderer has been killed, please accept my condolences and go back to your room to rest early."

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