"What is hidden in your left eye, you can’t wait to verify it!"

"You are obviously looking forward to such a future, aren't you!"

The left eye, which was tinged with madness, was ignited with a blood-like light. The eye gradually enlarged. In the red crystal-like pupil, the reflection was not his own face, but a woman with a seductive smile. The red silk ribbon wrapped her graceful body, and her long black hair fluttered behind her head. Her eyes were blood-red, but with a gentle charm.

She opened her arms, as if to hug herself - in the Japanese-style room, Hoshino Gen suddenly opened his eyes, his chest heaving slightly. After a moment, he sat up with one hand on the mattress, and covered his slightly burning left eye with the other hand. The warm sunlight shone on his body through the window, giving him a layer of dazzling light, but his expression hidden in the shadow of his arm was obscure.......

Breakfast is still provided by Fuyuan B&B. I have to say that as a B&B targeting the high-end market, the service attitude here is quite good.

The breakfast is very rich, but at the moment, the three people at the table are all in a state of low spirits.

Liz, who was wearing a plain nightgown, was holding a knife and fork, nodding her head and dozing off. Hoshino Rin supported her cheek with one hand and unconsciously stirred the bowl with chopsticks with the other hand. Even Hoshino Gen was holding a glass of milk and sipping it listlessly for a long time.

The quietness of the early morning was not broken until Hoshino Rin's cell phone rang.

Hoshino Rin answered the phone listlessly, and her voice was sad and lifeless:"Hello, what's wrong?"


"But isn’t Marina-chan... missing?"

""Oh... got it, I'll be there right away."

Hoshino Rin hung up the phone. The noise woke up the sleepy Liz, who looked at her in confusion. Hoshino Rin sighed and explained in English:"Because we've already wasted a day yesterday, the crew's schedule is very tight, so we have to start filming today... Let's shoot the scenes without Marina first."

Liz listened and nodded thoughtfully. After all, she was not an ordinary child. She could understand the crew's seemingly inhumane approach. After all, the investment in a drama is huge, and the manpower and material resources consumed are countless. Under normal circumstances, let alone the disappearance of an actor, even if the actor really died, the crew would only treat this situation as if the actor had no schedule.

Either cut out the actor's scenes directly according to the plot, or simply modify the script and cancel the role of the character.

Hoshino Rin sighed softly again, lowered her head and ate up the rice in her bowl in a few bites, and then stood up. I went back to the room to pack my things, after all, my agent and assistant were already waiting outside the guesthouse.

Only Gen Hoshino and Liz were left at the table. Liz secretly glanced at Gen Hoshino who seemed to be distracted, and then quickly lowered her head to eat her bread.

Until another phone rang, this time it was Gen Hoshino's cell phone.

He came to his senses, put the half-drunk milk back on the table, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and put it to his ear after answering the call without looking at the caller. Immediately, the energetic voice of Kiryu Ruoye came from the phone:"Good morning, Senior Hoshino~ I'm in Baizhang Village, where are you? Can you send me the address?"

Gen Hoshino yawned, and habitually didn't want to reveal his location, so he said:"Wait a minute, I'll find you"

"Huh?" Kiryu Ruoha's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone:"Really? But will this bother you, senior?……"


"Um, I can’t tell you exactly where it is… How about this, senior, you download Line and I can share the location with you after adding you as a friend."

Hoshino Gen thought about it and felt that this method was good, and the location sharing function seemed to be quite useful, so he hung up the phone and downloaded the software that he hadn’t used before, then quickly registered an account and sent the ID to Kiryu Ruoha via text message.

Soon, the first friend request appeared on Hoshino Gen’s newly created Line account.

The other party’s avatar and nickname are very cute, the type that makes people think that the other party must be a cute girl at first glance.

After the friend request was approved, the other party sent a message"I am so touched! I didn’t expect to become Senior Hoshino’s first Line friend!! ~" and attached an emoticon pack of [↑ Ascension ↑].

Hoshino Gen ignored it and typed a reply:"Location"

"Yes, yes~" The other party replied in seconds, and then a map with a detailed location appeared on the chat interface of Hoshino Gen's phone.

Hoshino Gen clicked it and glanced at it, then put the phone back in his pocket.

At this time, Hoshino Rin had already walked out of the bedroom with a small bag:"Brother, Liz, I'm going out"

"Wait a minute."Hokino Gen called her and Hoshino Rin looked back in confusion.

"Where is your shooting location? I will find you later." After that, he took advantage of Liz's inability to understand Japanese and said directly:"After the dead people become evil spirits, they often act according to their obsessions in life. The murderer who killed your colleague is now dead. The drama you are going to shoot may be her second-level obsession. I guess if she shows up, she may appear at your shooting location."

"……"Hoshino Rin blinked, and when she realized what her brother was saying, goose bumps appeared all over her body, and her eyelids trembled slightly:"Brother, are you saying... Marina-chan will come to find us?"

"It's just a possibility." Hoshino Gen shrugged.

Hoshino Rin swallowed and whispered,"How about, brother, let's go together. I'm a little scared.……"

Xingye Yuan picked up the half-finished glass of milk on the table and drank it up:"I have to go pick someone up first."

"Huh? Oh……"After hearing this, Rin Hoshino didn't say anything more. She just took out her cell phone and sent a text message to Gen Hoshino, telling him the location of the studio built by the crew. Then she went to the door and changed into her white sneakers for going out.

Gen Hoshino, who quickly finished another piece of bread, also walked over. However, before changing his shoes, he stuffed a small stack of talismans into Rin Hoshino's bag and reminded her,"If you really encounter danger, cut your finger and smear the blood on the talisman paper." After that, he quickly changed his shoes and went out. Rin Hoshino looked at the talisman paper in the bag, then looked at her brother's leaving back, and stood there in a daze for a long time.


Hoshino Gen found Kiryu Ruoha in the park near the village gate. In fact, although Baizhang Village is called a village, its actual area is not much less than that of a town.

Kiryu Ruoha was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a denim overalls skirt, white socks and white shoes. Her hair was loose and not tied into her usual twin ponytails. She also carried a cute blue backpack on her back. Her face was fair and delicate, and her eyes were bright and moist. This outfit made people think that she must be a very well-behaved and cute girl.

Seeing Hoshino Gen coming over here, Kiryu Ruoha, who was sitting on a bench, quickly stood up to greet him, and greeted him with a super cute smile:"Senior Hoshino!"

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