"Cut! This one is passed! Makeup artist, come and touch up your makeup! The next group of extras are ready!"

In the shooting site surrounded by mountains and rivers, temporary studios, scene props and shooting machines are everywhere. The crew members, the leading actors and their accompanying assistants and agents, extras, and the fans who heard that TKY02 was filming here and came to watch the scene formed a noisy crowd.

Under the envious or sighing eyes of countless people, Hoshino Rin walked into the studio surrounded by assistants, makeup artists, agents and assistant directors.

She listened to the assistant director's explanation of the play while the makeup artist touched up her makeup.

The assistant director was talking passionately, but in fact, Hoshino Rin was a little absent-minded.

She was affected by Marina's death, and her brother told her before she left that Marina might become a ghost and appear in the crew.

As if noticing that Hoshino Rin was distracted, the assistant director couldn't help but stop the process of explaining the play, and shouted helplessly:"Miss Hoshino!"

"Huh? Huh?……"Hoshino Rin came back to her senses and blinked. She didn't act like a spoiled little lady. She knew it was her fault and apologized quickly:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was distracted."

The assistant director took a breath, stroked his hair, pinched his waist and said helplessly:"I know that Marina's disappearance has a great impact on you, but we are really pressed for time now. Look, the director is getting mad!"

Hoshino Rin subconsciously looked in the direction the assistant director indicated, only to see the director was furious at several actors. Listening carefully, it seemed that he was scolding them for repeating a shot too many times.

Smacking her lips lightly, Hoshino Rin apologized to the assistant director again:"I'm sorry, I will adjust my state."

The assistant director waved his hand and turned to find other actors to demonstrate the movements.

After finishing her makeup, Hoshino Rin was about to go for a cup of black coffee to refresh herself when she heard Iketani Tomoho, who is also a member of TKY02, say to her:"Rin-chan, it seems that someone is here to visit the set. I saw him from a distance and he seems to be a super handsome guy. Do you want to go over and take a look?……"

The words came to an abrupt end before they were even finished, because the person who was speaking also saw that the person she had just mentioned"visiting the set" was being warmly and politely escorted by the director and producer.

When Hoshino Rin saw that person, her eyes lit up, and she waved and shouted,"Brother!"

The person heard the voice, glanced over here, then turned around and said a few words to the director and producer with a polite smile, and the two left with a laugh.

It was not until the two left that Hoshino Rin noticed that there was a"little tail" following Hoshino Gen."——A girl with a very sweet look and well-dressed.

That is... the person her brother is going to pick up?

Especially when she saw the other person gently tugging at her brother's clothes, and then talking to her brother with a smile, for no reason, Hoshino Rin's heart skipped a beat.

Until Hoshino Gen came in front of her and asked casually,"Is there anything going on?"

Hoshino Rin blinked her big watery eyes at him, and it took her two seconds to realize that her brother was asking about Marina. She shook her head, and then she couldn't help but cast her gaze on the girl hiding behind her brother, looking at her curiously in her eyes.

Seeing that Hoshino Gen had no intention of introducing, Hoshino Rin took the initiative to ask,"Brother, who is this?"……?"

"……Colleague? Probably." Hoshino Gen's attitude was calm, and then he politely introduced Hoshino Rin to Kiryu Ruoha:"My sister."

The corners of Hoshino Rin's mouth twitched slightly. It was the first time she heard someone introduce someone like this, without even mentioning the name?

Just when she smiled and was about to say something, Kiryu Ruoha spoke first. She moved away from behind Hoshino Gen, showing off her cute and beautiful figure, and an expression of amazement naturally appeared on her face:"Wow! It turns out that Hoshino Gen's sister is really Rin-chan - she is so beautiful in person!"

To be honest, today's Rin Hoshino is really super beautiful. Because the role she plays is a high school student, it can be regarded as a true portrayal. The JK uniform she wears is almost the same as the one in Segawa Private Academy. And that delicate face, not to mention the light makeup she put on today, even if she doesn't wear any makeup, is enough to become the absolute focus of the entire crew.

However, the other party was obviously praising herself, and her expression and eyes were very sincere, but Rin Hoshino still instinctively felt uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.

Kiryu Ruoha continued to smile and said,"My name is Kiryu Ruoha, I'm Senior Hoshino and your junior, Rin-chan. I'm fourteen years old this year and I'm a sophomore at Segawa Private Junior High School. At the same time, I can barely be considered a part-time colleague with Senior Hoshino. It's our first meeting, please give me your guidance~"

After that, she also stretched out her white little hand.

Rin Hoshino paused, stretched out her hand and shook her hand:"Hello, I'm Rin Hoshino, please give me your guidance……"

Hoshino Gen was not interested in these things, so he turned around and found a chair under the studio to sit down.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the director shouted,"The actors are in place!"

After shouting, he looked over here, smiled and waved at Hoshino Gen, then looked at Hoshino Rin and said kindly,"Miss, get ready for the next scene!"

Hoshino Rin hurriedly said goodbye to Kiryu Ruoha, whom she had just met, and said to Hoshino Gen,"I'm going to work, brother."

Hoshino Gen waved his hand, took out his mobile phone, lowered his head, and chatted with Chi-chan in the interface of"Red Skirt".

After Hoshino Rin left, Kiryu Ruoha also moved a chair and sat next to Hoshino Gen, resting her arms on the table, holding her cheeks with both hands and looking straight at Hoshino Gen's profile, and whispered,"Senior, do you think the ghouls will really come here?"

"Maybe, I guess." Hoshino Gen typed quickly on his phone without even looking up.

"So are we just going to wait here?" Kiryu Ruoye asked curiously. At the same time, she glanced at the photo studio outside and found that many people were looking at this place secretly, whispering something to each other from time to time.

""Do you have any better solution?" Hoshino Gen said calmly.

Kiryu Ruoha retracted his gaze and looked back at Hoshino Gen, quietly sticking out his pink tongue:"Senior, if you don't have any good ideas, it's even more impossible for me to have one. I just want to know that if the ghouls don't come today, do we have to wait here tomorrow?"

This time, Hoshino Gen finally raised his head. He looked at Kiryu Ruoha and smiled inexplicably:"It's not that passive.……"

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