In the studio that was cleaned up by the crew, except for Hoshino Rin and the missing Marina, the eight members of TKY02 who came to participate in the filming all gathered in front of a long table.

There was a red candle in front of each person, and a group of idol girls chattered about this scene with a strong mystical atmosphere, and from time to time they would secretly glance at Hoshino Gen who was standing at the head of the long table.

Outside the studio, the crew members had already finished work and left, leaving only the TKY02 producer and director who were with the team, as well as a group of assistants and agents waiting outside the shooting site, still unable to see the situation inside the studio.

The producer lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, the smoke slowly dissipated. He glanced at the group of agents and assistants behind him who were anxiously or restlessly looking towards the studio. He couldn't help but smile and shook his head, and said to the director beside him:"Should I say he has grown up? The young master of the second branch of the Hoshino Group used to be very low-key."

The director glanced at him and smiled without saying anything. He was just a director, perhaps a well-known figure in the entertainment industry, but for these big men, the future and destiny were just a matter of words. He didn't dare to say anything...

At the same time, an assistant ran into the studio at the shooting site with a bag.

Hoshino Gen took the bag, and the assistant immediately turned around and trotted away.

Finally, Asahina Kaoru, who was standing below Hoshino Gen, couldn't help but ask:"Brother Hoshino, what are we going to do?"

Hoshino Gen smiled and took out the things in the bag in his hand. It was a thin white women's coat.

When they saw the dress, the chattering in the studio suddenly stopped, because many people recognized the jacket, which was worn by Marina before.

In fact, except for some people in the group who really had no friendship with Marina, everyone else was actually quite shocked by the disappearance of Marina. But for today's filming and the state of the camera, almost everyone can choose to forget about it temporarily and pretend that they know nothing about it.

But when Hoshino Gen took out the dress, the fig leaf that covered the disappearance of Marina seemed to be taken away all at once. The atmosphere on the scene quickly changed from the hustle and bustle just now to the silence and depression at the moment. A pair of beautiful watery eyes stared at Hoshino Gen with an unreadable expression.

Hoshino Gen handed the clothes in his hand to Hoshino Rin beside him. Hoshino Rin hesitated for a moment, but still took it.

"Sorry to take up some of your time. Next, please do as I say." Gen Hoshino had a faint smile on his face, his voice was clear and ethereal, as if it had a soothing effect:"Please place one of your personal belongings next to the candle in front of you."

Everyone looked at each other, someone couldn't help but raised their hands, and then asked:"Um... what are we doing? A spiritual ceremony?"

Young people in Japan today are still very interested in these mystical things, especially spiritualism and divination, which are important topics for girls to chat about. Even though they know that these things are fake, there are still many people who enjoy it.

Gen Hoshino glanced at the girl who was talking. She was petite and had a pretty face. He had seen her on the promotional poster of TKY02. It seemed that her name was Setsuna Hayami? He looked at the girl and smiled:"It can also be said to be a necromancy."

"Are you going to summon the soul of Marina-chan?" A tall girl couldn't help but ask, and then she pounded her palm in surprise as if she had thought of something,"Yes! If it is to summon the soul, if the ceremony fails, does it mean that Marina-chan is fine?"

Obviously, she didn't think that Hoshino Gen's so-called summoning ceremony would be successful. She said this more to create a kind of psychological comfort for herself and others.

Hoshino Gen also smiled at her, but didn't say anything. Instead, after glancing at the girls who became restless again, he smiled patiently and said,"Whether the ceremony can be successful or not, please cooperate with me."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone cooperated and took out their personal belongings and placed them next to the candles. Most of them were accessories such as earrings and necklaces.

Although some people may not be interested in this inexplicable ceremony, whether it is for the sake of Hoshino Rin, or for the identity of Hoshino Gen and the attitude of the producer and director towards him, no matter what they think in their hearts, at least on the surface, everyone here can only cooperate.

Fortunately, Hoshino Gen's request was not excessive. When everyone was ready according to his instructions, he continued to guide with a smile:"Next, please hold hands and form a circle."

The girls did so, and Asahina Kaoru, who was standing on the right hand side of Hoshino Gen, also held the hands of the people around her, and then reached out to Hoshino Gen. Hoshino Gen smiled and shook his head, took a step back to make room:"I don't need it, after all, Miss Marina and I are not familiar with each other."

Asahina Kaoru was stunned for a moment, then she smiled at him faintly and held the person on Hoshino Gen's left hand.

A closed loop was formed, and Hoshino Gen, in the eyes of everyone, turned his gaze to his sister behind him and chuckled,"You put on Marina's clothes and stand at the door of the studio."

Hoshino Rin opened her eyes slightly. Unlike others, who might think that this summoning ceremony was just a game, Hoshino Rin knew who her brother really was! She had absolute reason to believe that this summoning ceremony would definitely summon Marina, who had already turned into a ghost!

Obviously, by then, she would be standing alone at the door wearing Marina's clothes. No matter how you looked at it, she would look like the first dangerous character to die in a horror movie! And putting on her clothes knowing that Marina was dead and had turned into a ghost... It was super scary!

Hoshino Rin pouted, but looking at her brother's eyes fixed on her, she put on her clothes silently and stood trembling in front of the studio door. Hoshino Gen smiled slightly, then turned around and looked at the girls who were holding hands around the table again, and chuckled,"Please close your eyes, and then whisper the name of Miss Marina...""

"Um, don't we need to light the candles?" Someone couldn't help but remind him.

Hoshino Gen shook his head:"No, please close your eyes.""


After a moment, the girls with their eyes closed began to whisper Marina's name. The studio was suddenly filled with a buzzing sound, which was quite similar to the chanting of scriptures at a religious gathering. For a moment, the atmosphere was full of mystery.

Zhiming Ruoye, who had been standing silently by the side and watching from beginning to end, quietly approached Hoshino Gen and asked curiously,"Senior, will this really work?"

Hoshino Gen didn't even look at her. He took out a handful of talisman paper from his hand and threw it lightly. The talisman paper scattered and floated to each candle one by one in a very magical and precise manner. Then it ignited on its own, turned into flames and fell on the candle wicks.

Hoshino Gen walked to Hoshino Rin and said,"Louder, shout out Miss Marina's full name!""

"……"Hoshino Rin glanced at her brother beside her, swallowed her saliva, pinched the corner of her brother's clothes a little nervously, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly outside:"Little Cheng Marina——!!"

As soon as the words fell, the lights in the studio behind them suddenly flickered, and thick white smoke from the lit candles quickly filled the entire studio...

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