The flickering light stimulated the girls around the long table. Some of them quietly lifted their eyelids to take a peek, and then they were frightened by the scene in front of them and couldn't help but scream.

The scream aroused everyone's curiosity, and pairs of eyes opened one after another. The red candles swayed, the mist was filled, and the lights flickered... Such a mysterious and strange scene made these idol girls who usually attracted much attention stare in amazement.

Even though Japan is more superstitious about spiritualism, when the ritual seemed to really work, everyone felt that their worldview was about to be shattered.

However, when the sound of everyone chanting Marina's name stopped, the smoke in the room showed signs of dissipating. Hoshino Gen turned around and said in a slightly stern voice:"Close your eyes and continue."

The girls looked at each other, but under Hoshino Gen's suddenly oppressive gaze, they closed their eyes one after another, and the chanting sound soon sounded again.

The temperature in the studio dropped a little, and Hoshino Rin couldn't help but move closer to Hoshino Gen, almost getting into her brother's arms.

Hoshino Gen pushed her aside with disdain, lowered his voice and said lightly:"Don't get in the way, be careful if a ghost comes, I will push you over directly"

"……"Hoshino Rin pouted in grievance, and just as she was about to mutter something, a red shadow suddenly seemed to flash in her field of vision. She rubbed her eyes, and looked again. Suddenly, her mouth slightly opened, and she covered her mouth and nose with her hands, not daring to make any sound, because she was not mistaken, there was indeed a misty red shadow floating quickly from a distance.

Hoshino Rin looked at her brother beside her with trepidation, and saw that Hoshino Gen had a smile on his face, and his face was full of joy.

Kiryu Ruoha also came over. Compared with Hoshino Rin, she was much calmer. Although as the youngest person in the special task force, she would never be in a truly dangerous situation, but she was not without experience of facing evil spirits.

""Senior...should we wait for her to come?" Kiryu Ruoha asked in a low voice, looking at the red-clothed evil spirit that was getting closer and closer. After she finished speaking, she glanced behind her at the group of idol girls who were still gathered around the table. She didn't know whether she was worried that they would discover part of the truth about the world, or that the approach of the evil spirit would cause accidents to these innocent girls. Hoshino

Gen didn't say anything. He still looked at the approach of the evil spirit with an indifferent expression - until both sides could look each other in the eyes, and the evil spirit that seemed to be in a daze before suddenly woke up, perhaps because he had witnessed how Hoshino Gen tortured and killed the previous corpse ghost. The red-clothed evil spirit transformed by Marina turned around and wanted to escape the moment she saw Hoshino Gen.

Hoshino Gen didn't even think about it, and said to Hoshino Rin:"Tell them this is a magic trick."Then the figure rushed out like an arrow, with light surging on his right arm, black spreading, and a demon sword emerged.

Kiryu Ruoha chased after him immediately. Her task was to observe Hoshino Gen's ability. How could she not be on the scene at a time like this?

Hoshino Rin also wanted to follow, firstly because she was worried about her brother's safety, and secondly because she was really curious about how her brother and the evil spirit fought...

But after thinking about it carefully, she immediately restrained her impulse.

After all, not to mention what her brother said before he left, even if she followed the plots of TV dramas or movies and animations she had watched before, she felt that if she really followed, she would seem to be useless except for becoming a burden...

So she should be honest and do what her brother said. She rubbed her little face, which was a little stiff due to the shock of the evil spirit appearing just now, and then she cleared her throat, turned around and said with a cute voice as usual:"Okay everyone, the game is over!"......

Hoshino Gen was moving very fast, leaving the night behind him, but the speed of the evil spirit was not slow either. Under the moonlight, the red misty afterimage flew by, and even with the floating characteristics, it could gradually distance itself from the ghost hunter behind it.

Because the crew came here for the Tokyo Bay under the rural lens, the filming location of today's set was not far from Tokyo Bay.

It was just a moment, and the bay with the sea water shimmering like silver scales under the moonlight appeared in front of them.

The red-clothed corpse ghost jumped up and instantly dived underwater and disappeared without a trace.

Kiryu Ruoye, who barely caught up, held his knees and looked at Hoshino Gen who stopped there, panting:"Senior...Senior, what...what should I do?"

Hoshino Gen was silent for a moment, then took off his coat, untied a rectangular box from his belt and threw it into Kiryu Ruoye's arms, and then jumped forward and plunged into the surging water.

On the coast, Kiryu Ruoye opened her mouth slightly, looking at the calm sea surface, and was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a moment.

No... that's a water ghost! You jumped into the sea to fight a water ghost? Really?……""Dai Jiao Bu"?!

At this moment, the moon was covered by a dark cloud above her head. The water surface, which was a little dreamy because of the pouring of silver moonlight, suddenly became dark and bottomless. Kiryu Ruoye shuddered and instinctively took two steps back.

Although her mission could not be completed if she did not follow closely beside Hoshino Gen, she really did not have the courage to jump down in the current scene.

With a little regret, a little helplessness, and a little worry, Kiryu Ruoye puffed her cheeks, then sighed and chose to wait on the shore.

Of course, she did not just wait like this during this period. She was still very curious about what Hoshino Gen threw to her before entering the water.

The sea on a night in May The temperature was a bit low. Kiryu Ruoye put on Hoshino Gen's coat, and then looked at the small box in her hand. She fiddled with it gently, and the upper part of the box suddenly opened, so the things inside were exposed in front of her eyes.

A stack of talismans were neatly placed inside.

Kiryu Ruoye widened her eyes slightly. Of course she knew what this thing was. A few days ago, she heard from Sister Bai Nai that she was electrocuted by the current stimulated by this kind of talisman paper. Today, she witnessed the magic of these talismans with her own eyes.

Not only can it release electric current, but it can also summon flames. It is convenient and powerful. If enough talismans can be equipped for all members of the special task force, the combat effectiveness of the special task force when facing evil spirits will be almost It can be said that it can evolve from the cold weapon era to the hot weapon era in an instant!

It is precious!

And if I secretly take away a talisman and try to let Master Nishida crack the secret...

The moment this thought came up, Kiryu Ruoye stomped her feet suddenly, and her little expression suddenly became angry. She was not angry about anything else, but was angry that she had the idea of stealing things just now! It’s so uncute!

If Senior Hoshino finds out, he will definitely hate me!

A boy as good as Senior Hoshino is even at the top of her"ideal boyfriend rankings"!

So... just as she thought of this, violent waves suddenly arose on the sea. interrupted her thoughts.

The dark clouds happened to move away from the moon at this moment. At the same time, two figures rushed out of the sea almost at the same time.

In the moonlight pouring like mercury, time seemed to be paused. The boy with a scarlet left eye held the demon sword that pierced the body of the evil ghost. The corner of his mouth was charming, and his eyes were cold and blazing.

Then in the next moment, the evil ghost in red clothes with a hideous face collapsed into ashes. Among the ashes, a purple comb fell.

Hoshino Gen caught it, and his wet figure fell to the shore under the action of gravity.

Wiping the water stains on his face, Hoshino Gen threw the comb to Kiryu Ruoye, whose expression was still sluggish:"Return your carrier." Under the moonlight, the boy was as cold as water. Kiryu Ruoye came back to his senses and swallowed a little.

Well, risking being disliked by Senior Hoshino to seek benefits for the part-time unit... It is indeed something that only a fool would do!

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