The next day, the last day of the Golden Week holiday

"Goodbye, brother. Goodbye, Liz.——"

In front of the B&B, Rin Hoshino said goodbye to her brother and Liz who were taking her special car from the office back to Tokyo. Her energy and spirit were reduced by half. Thinking about the next few days, she would have to return to an empty house alone after a tiring day of work, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Although Liz and her brother had just left, Rin Hoshino couldn't help but miss them.

Shaking her head, forget it, she decided to cancel the B&B and move in with everyone in TKY02.

Thinking of everyone in TKY02, Rin Hoshino couldn't help but murmur in her heart. After her brother chased the evil spirit away last night, the studio was in an uproar.

Although they didn't see the most important scene because they closed their eyes and the evil spirit didn't approach the studio, the mysterious atmosphere and weird scenes at the ceremony were indeed too unscientific.

No matter how she explained that it was just the effect of magic props, the girls were only skeptical. They grabbed her and wouldn't let her go back to the B&B, and insisted that she hand over Hoshino Gen's contact information so that she could find her brother for divination and spiritual communication in the future.

Of course, she didn't give it. After all, even for her, her brother's contact information only had a private mobile phone number. And she believed that if she dared to disclose her brother's private mobile phone number, she might be pinned to the ground and spanked by her brother when she returned!

Thinking of everyone who instantly turned from idols into female perverts when discussing her brother last night, and thinking about the junior high school girl who had been following her brother yesterday, Hoshino Rin couldn't help pouting. She looked in the direction her brother left and muttered softly,"It's actually quite good to be ordinary.……"......

After returning to his apartment in Jiangdong District, Hoshino Gen found the motorcycle driver's license that was sent yesterday in the mailbox at the door.

After verifying his fingerprint and opening the door, Hoshino Gen immediately went back to the bathroom in his room to take a shower and change clothes.

He wanted to go out directly, but he looked at Liz who was sitting on the sofa and looking at him eagerly. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and ordered her lunch in an hour, then picked up his schoolbag and left the house.

Hoshino Gen came to the antique shop with ease. He threw his schoolbag on the table and pushed open the wooden double doors of the exhibition hall. The cold air hit him, and Hoshino Gen walked in without a care.

When he came to an empty booth, Hoshino Gen bit his finger and squeezed a drop of blood on it. On the gray booth, the complex patterns lit up with a pale golden light, which flashed away. Hoshino Gen took out another talisman paper and pasted it on the booth. Then he took out the silver-gray ring wrapped in the talisman from his pocket and placed it on it.

The ring hummed and vibrated twice, the patterns on the stand flickered, and the ring suddenly fell silent.

Hoshino Gen turned around, walked around the exhibition hall a few times, checked the seal conditions of other carriers, and made sure there was no problem. Then he turned around and left, closing the door of the exhibition hall.

Unlike the cold environment inside, the moment he walked out of the door, the warm atmosphere in the living room of the antique shop bathed in the warm sunshine of May enveloped Hoshino Gen's whole body.

Hoshino Gen was in a good mood and stretched his body. He glanced at the schoolbag on the table, took out his mobile phone with a smile on his face, and called a coolie who had no self-awareness at all.

The call was quickly connected, and there was a noise from the other end. From the sound, it seemed to be a busy shopping mall or street somewhere. He could also vaguely hear several female voices asking questions like"Who is it?" and"Who called you?"

""Hello, what's up?" Shimizu Yu's voice rang from the phone. Hoshino

Gen said in a gentle tone:"I'm sorry to disturb Shimizu and your friends' happy time, but sorry, it's your working time now."

"Huh?" Qingshui You on the other end of the phone was obviously confused for a moment, and then asked in confusion:"But isn't it a holiday now?"

"What does the school holiday have to do with your work?" Xingye Yuan said with a smile:"Anyway, come here quickly, there is something urgent"

"Urgent matter? What urgent matter?" Qingshui You couldn't help her curiosity. After all, in her impression, although Hoshino Gen was a bit of a dog, he was still very capable. Even he said it was an urgent matter. She didn't think she had the ability to help.


Stop talking nonsense, just come over here if I tell you to. If you don't get more than 20 minutes, I'll deduct all your salary for this month.……"

"Beep beep beep……"After Hoshino Gen hung up the phone, the corners of his lips rose a little more. He felt more and more that it was worth hiring this assistant. Regardless of his professional level, at least this was one of the few people who could bring him pleasure.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the door of the antique shop was pushed open with a"bang". Shimizu Yu rushed in and asked Hoshino Gen breathlessly:"What... is the matter?"

Hoshino Gen closed the book he was reading and looked at her with a smile:"Don't be anxious, wait until you catch your breath. Do you want something to drink?" Shimizu

Yu waved her hand, indicating that she didn't want to drink, and adjusted her breathing while changing her shoes.

After a while, she pouted her little face and sat down opposite Hoshino Gen very happily.

It would be strange if she could be happy! She was happily shopping with her friends, and was discussing where to go for lunch the last second. The next second, this guy called her in a hurry. It felt just like you were having a great time playing games with your friends, and your parents suddenly came over to confiscate your phone and asked you to do your homework. It was really unpleasant! While

Shimizu Yu had an expression of"You better really need me for something important", Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"Shimizu, do you know that school will start tomorrow?"

Shimizu Yu frowned slightly, not understanding what Hoshino Gen meant. She nodded,"I know, what's wrong?"

"Have you finished your homework?"Xingye Yuan asked

"Finished writing……"The voice suddenly stopped, and Qingshui You's eyes widened slightly when she suddenly realized something possible. An extremely ominous premonition surged in her heart.

Hoshino Gen smiled gently and carried his schoolbag in front of Qingshui You:"My share, please."

Qingshui You stared at Hoshino Gen's face, which was almost the same as the devil, with empty and dull eyes. Really, if she had a knife in her hand at this moment, she would definitely fight with this guy!

How inhuman! What a bastard! How can this guy be so shameless?!

In an instant, Qingshui You's eyes were red:"You……"


Qingshui You's words were interrupted by this sound, because there was an extra piece of talisman paper on the table. Xingye Gen put his hand on the talisman paper and pushed it towards Qingshui You, smiling:"Your salary this week."

Qingshui You pursed his lips, but didn't cry.......

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