Ten people gathered together for lunch. In Hoshino Gen's opinion, it was no different from eating in the school cafeteria. Of course, the ingredients and taste were much better than those in the school cafeteria.

An expensive lunch soon ended in a lively atmosphere.

In terms of building social relationships, a dinner party is indeed a very good place, especially when everyone is present with acquaintances. It's just a meal, and the people who were roughly divided into two groups before seem to be familiar with each other.

Although it may be due to the atmosphere when there are many people, and the presence of mutual acquaintances plays a bridge role, at least it does seem to be the case at the moment.

While eating, a group of people have already discussed the plan to go to Disneyland together in the afternoon. Although Hoshino Gen has not spoken, it seems that he has been counted in by this group.

So when leaving the restaurant, Hoshino Gen smiled and waved to everyone and was about to go back, except for Shimizu Yu and Kiryu Ruoha who had been secretly observing him, everyone showed a look of surprise and confusion.

Kiryu Ruoye, who had just held a glimmer of hope, sighed in her heart, but ran to Hoshino Gen with a puzzled look on her face:"Eh? Senior, aren't you going to play with us? It's rare that it's so lively today, and it's the last day of the holiday.……"

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Hoshino Gen smiled at her, and also smiled at Shimizu Yu who had a pouty face for some reason today,"Have fun, but don't forget that you still have work to do, remember to come back early."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated. Hoshino Gen took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from his step-sister.

Hoshino Gen answered the call, and Hoshino Rin's voice rang from the phone:"Brother, where are you? Liz just called me and said she was feeling a little unwell. Could you accompany her to the hospital?"

"I'm outside, but I'm about to go back." Xingye Yuan raised his eyebrows and responded

"I see. I'm on my way to Osaka for filming. I won't be back for another two days. Before that, I'll ask you to take care of Liz."

"Got it." Gen Hoshino didn't think it was troublesome. After all, the little Loli was related to him by blood, and she was a British who didn't speak Japanese. It seemed that he was her only support when there was no one else at home. Even though she had not been very nice to him before, she apologized later, so he couldn't just ignore her now that she was sick... After all, he just didn't like to have too much contact with others, and he was not a cold-blooded scum.

After hanging up the short call with his sister, Gen Hoshino turned around and shook his phone at Kiryu Ruoha and others who were looking at him curiously, and said with a smile:"My sister is sick, I have to take her to the hospital."、

The curiosity on her face immediately turned into worry, and Kiryu Ruoha hurriedly said,"Sick? Is it Rin-chan?"

"No, it's a cousin from England."

"Well...then I'll accompany senior. If the sick person is a girl, it would be a lot more convenient to have another girl around, right?"

"No, bye." Hoshino Gen's expression was always polite but distant. After he finished speaking, he waved to everyone again, turned around and left, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

The people who stayed there looked at each other in bewilderment. Oguri Aino couldn't help but complain to Ito Saki:"This is the first time I've heard Hoshino speak. Not to mention, his voice is quite nice.……"......

When Hoshino Gen returned home, Liz was curled up on the sofa.

Hoshino Gen walked over to her and asked in English:"How do you feel? If you can still walk, come down, I'll take you to the hospital."

Liz raised her weak face and saw that it was Hoshino Gen. She opened her mouth but said nothing in the end. She covered her stomach and got up from the sofa silently.

This time, Hoshino Gen did not find a random clinic on the street to settle the matter. Instead, she took Liz to a large medical institution nearby for a comprehensive examination and detailed consultation. The result was that the gastrointestinal flora was imbalanced due to excessive shock, which then caused hyperperistalsis.

Although this result surprised Hoshino Gen a little, it was quite normal when he thought about it carefully. After all, it had not been long since the kidnapping incident. Although Liz acted as if nothing had happened afterwards, she was only nine years old after all. Even though her psychological endurance was much stronger than that of ordinary children, she was alone most of the time in the next few days.

Sometimes the anxiety and fear born from scaring yourself after the incident are even more fierce than when the incident happened.

In this situation, it is not worth making a fuss about being frightened and having some problems.

The doctor prescribed some medicine, and Liz's stomach pain soon stopped after taking it. After that, she went to the psychology department for some psychological counseling.

After the diagnosis and treatment, the doctor also suggested that Hoshino Gen take Liz to more lively places to play and relax more.

Hoshino Gen did not comment, but he felt that it would be better to wait for Hoshino Rin or Tilina to come back to do these things.

While leaving the hospital, on the way down in the elevator, Hoshino Gen's phone vibrated again.

But this time it was not a call, because the amplitude of the vibration was not strong, but it felt a little... hesitant.

Hoshino Gen took out his phone and took a look. The interface had changed to the screen of [Red skirt] at some point. Chi-chan was standing in the screen, with a little shyness on her delicate and beautiful face. A line of intermittent fonts appeared in the dialog box above her head.

"Well, although I’ve often seen it online, I’ve never actually been to an amusement park… Just once would be fine, could you take me there?"

"……"Hoshino Gen was silent. Tsk, how should I put it? Although she became a ghost, she had resolved her resentment after all, and she also signed a human-ghost contract with herself. It was not surprising that her human side was revived a little. Besides, Michiko was just a little girl in her teens when she was alive, so it was understandable that she was interested in places like amusement parks.

Maybe Hoshino Gen can ignore other people's opinions and ideas, but he doesn't want to refuse the will of a girl like Michiko who is willing to give her own existence to him. Moreover, when he thinks about it carefully, he seems to have promised her a new life before the contract was signed...

Hoshino Gen sighed helplessly, smiled and turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket. At the same time, he turned his head to look at Liz who was lowering her head and not talking. After thinking about it, he smiled and asked,"Do you want to go to the amusement park?"

PS: I really didn't make it short on purpose, (crying face.

JPG) Less than 4,000 words a day are not counted as punching in.

I also understand that if I keep doing this, my exposure will only get lower and lower.

But I'm really busy recently.

Basically, my friends hold a graduation banquet every day.

Recently, my wisdom tooth is inflamed and it hurts so much that I doubt my life...

But it doesn't matter, it's all over now.

I will make up for it three times a day in the rest of August.

I swear here: I will be one centimeter shorter every day if I skip it!

Please give me another chance (crying face.


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