Disneyland, known as the happiest place in the world, never lacks people who come here to find happiness. Even though the Golden Week is coming to an end, Disneyland is still crowded today.

Queuing is a waste of time, which is naturally unacceptable to Gen Hoshino, so he ordered an exclusive guided tour service before leaving. Not only does it save him from queuing for ticket inspection, but all attractions after entering the park can be visited through special channels with the guidance of an exclusive tour guide without queuing.

At the ticket gate, the staff member took the three tickets handed over by Gen Hoshino with some confusion. The other party's eyes kept moving back and forth between Gen Hoshino and Liz, and finally he couldn't help but said,"Sir, it seems that you bought an extra ticket? Although the exclusive guided tour service is for three people, if there are only two people, two tickets will suffice."

"It's okay, there are indeed three people." Gen Hoshino smiled at the staff member and said.

Not only did the staff member have a puzzled look on his face, but even Liz, who was following Gen Hoshino, couldn't help but blink and looked up at Gen Hoshino in confusion.

Gen Hoshino didn't explain anymore, and the staff didn't say anything more, just treating it as a strange habit of rich people.

After taking the ticket stub, Gen Hoshino took Liz into the most real fairy tale world on earth, surrounded by the warm greetings of the exclusive tour guide and the"Welcome" voices of the staff on both sides. Blue sky, white clouds and hustle and bustle, castles, princesses and laughter. You can see it everywhere.

Cartoon characters in doll costumes, and beautiful buildings painted with fairy tale colors everywhere.

The various continuously operating amusement facilities are like bubbles of dreams floating in the air, dreamy and real.

The mobile phone in Gen Hoshino's pocket trembled slightly, and a noise that no one else could see flashed out of his shirt pocket and fell on Liz.

Liz shivered slightly and felt a little cold, but there was nothing unusual other than that. However, in Gen Hoshino's vision, next to her cute little face, there was an illusory cheek, and soon, the two faces merged into one.

——It is not a possession that squeezes out consciousness, but an attachment that coexists with it.

Hoshino Gen smiled, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Liz's head. Liz looked up at her cousin who suddenly became gentle, a little confused, but her little face flushed a little shyly because of this"head pat".

However, Liz's rosy face soon turned pale, because the visual and sensory impact brought by the indoor bungee jumping machine in the Terror Ancient Tower when it fell had left her no time to care about anything else, and the frequent screams of other passengers around her made the stimulating atmosphere even more exciting.

Although it was indoors, the airflow generated by the fall still made her hair fly. Liz couldn't help but look at Hoshino Gen beside her, but saw that in the dim light, the boy had a smile on his lips and his expression was very indifferent.

In fact, Hoshino Gen was quite indifferent. After all, the real thrilling activities could not be experienced in the amusement park. He did not feel scared on the bungee jumping machine. In addition to subconsciously looking up to see if there were any glowing objects falling from the top of his head... he even calmly wanted to have a cup of black tea.

A small hand that was waving randomly in panic suddenly grabbed his sleeve. Hoshino Gen couldn't help but look sideways at Liz, whose face was pale but whose eyes were shining. The hand suddenly let go of his sleeve and reached to Hoshino Gen's hand without Liz noticing. After a moment of daze, Hoshino Gen couldn't help but chuckle, and then he also reached out and held the slightly cold little hand.

Liz looked at him in astonishment, and after a moment, the astonishment turned into a big smile. She shouted in awkward Japanese in this thrilling environment:"Thank you!!"

Then she immersed herself in the amusement project again, screaming in fear but becoming happy.

Time was taken away by the rapidly falling bungee jumping machine, disappeared by the high-pitched space car that pierced the air, flowed in the visual feast of flying over the horizon, and spent in the adventure of the Caribbean pirates...

It was like a dream full of fairy tales and adventure elements, like a fantasy filled with laughter and screams.

When the fiery red sun touched the horizon, the grand and brilliant sunset descended on the earth.

The parade floats finally appeared, accompanied by the symphony that was like a prelude to welcome the stars to fall into the mortal world, and together pushed this beautiful dream of fantasy to a climax.

A large number of people gathered on both sides of the floats. Liz, who was fascinated by the floats, suddenly turned her head, but could not find the figure of Gen Hoshino.

Before panic arose, a hand had already pulled her out of the dense crowd. Gen Hoshino half-knelt in front of the girl, holding a silver crown that he had bought at some point, and he gently pinned the crown in the girl's hair.

A plain green dress, light brown boots, and milky white and sweet skin. In the sunset, her long golden hair is dazzling, and her beautiful blue eyes are shining brightly - a beautiful little princess from a fairy tale has returned to her world.

Looking at the big boy in front of her who has the same heterochromatic eyes as Rin, Liz pursed her pale pink lips, and her nose was sour and she wanted to cry.

The atmosphere and emotions were in place, but the tears still couldn't flow out after all, because a sudden voice came over.


A familiar voice came from not far away. Hoshino Gen and Liz looked in the direction of the voice at the same time, and saw Oguri Aino holding an ice cream cone and looking at this side in surprise.

Liz didn't know her, but Hoshino Gen did, after all, they had lunch together at noon.

Oguri Aino's exclamation caused a group of people gathered on the other side of the parade to turn around, and it was indeed the group of people who had parted at noon.

Kiryu Ruoha called out"Senior" in surprise and trotted over here. Noticing the cute and beautiful Liz standing in front of Hoshino Gen, who was like a little princess, she couldn't help but exclaimed a little:"Is this the sister from England you mentioned, Senior? So cute!"

At this time, the other people also gathered around, and Liz looked at these strangers curiously with her watery eyes.

"Little sister, you are so cute! Can I touch your hair? Oh, by the way, can she understand Japanese?"Sakurajima Yui leaned over, her eyes shining, of course the first half of the sentence was said to Liz, and the second half was asked to Hoshino Gen.

"I don't understand." Hoshino Gen politely answered her question, and at the same time stopped others from continuing to"harass" Liz...

Kiryu Ruoye knew English, but at this time she had already noticed something unusual about Liz... It seemed that there was a ghost attached to this little girl?

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