Kiryu Ruoha didn't ask much, nor did she say much. After all, she could figure out the situation with her fingernails. This must have been done intentionally by Hoshino Gen.

She consciously shifted her attention from Liz, and once again showed her sweet and lively smile and said to Hoshino Gen:"Senior, we are planning to go ride the Ferris wheel after watching the float parade. Do you want to join us?"

Hoshino Gen glanced at her. He did plan to ride the Ferris wheel as his next project. After all, today's sunset was particularly intoxicating, and it must be nice to look down from a high altitude.

But being with these people... Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"One car can't hold a lot of people. If there are too many people, it will be crowded. It's boring to get together. It's better for each of us to have fun on our own."

"Yes, yes, the Ferris wheel is different from other rides. It's not fun if there are too many people. Two people sitting in one car is just right. Kiryu-san, let's go together. I just have something to tell you alone." Because he was not familiar with Hoshino Gen, Shinkawa and his two friends just stood there from the beginning. Now that they saw something was wrong, they quickly took the opportunity to speak.

Kiryu Ruoha looked at Shinkawa in surprise, and saw that the smile on his face was far-fetched and a little...shy??

The two friends next to him looked at him and herself with ambiguity. In an instant, Kiryu Ruoha understood what Shinkawa wanted to do. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch twice, but he still pretended to be stupid and said,"Eh? What's the matter? Do we have to say it on the Ferris wheel?"

"Please!" Shinkawa suddenly bowed 90 degrees, startling the others. Kiryu Ruoha couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, speechless for a long time.

In the end, Kiryu Ruoha followed Shinkawa into the same cabin. Some of the others went in pairs, some in pairs, and Hoshino Gen naturally took Liz into a cabin alone. The

Ferris wheel turned slowly, the view gradually rose, and the sunset also changed from a ray to covering the entire cabin.

Hoshino Gen sat in his seat, his hand on his cheek, tilted his head and smiled faintly at the scene outside.

Ambiguous The red and purple sunset filled the sky, dyeing the low-hanging clouds into a light pink. The park under the sky was still full of people, and the laughter could still be heard from far away.

Liz also knelt on the seat, leaning against the window to look at the magnificent scenery outside, and the dreamlike light was reflected in her big blue eyes.

A different kind of tranquility spread here, and the hurried time seemed to slow down at this moment...

Because Hoshino Gen and Liz were the last to get on the car among the group, they were also the last to get off.

Although they all said They were having their own fun, but the others were still waiting for them outside the Ferris wheel facility. However, in the crowd, Shinkawa and his two friends had already left. The only ones waiting here were Kiryu Ruoha, Shimizu Yu and several other girls in the same class as Hoshino Gen.

Hoshino Gen didn't ask Shinkawa why they left early. First, they were not familiar with each other and didn't care about each other. Second, he could guess without anyone telling him that it was just that a certain rich man was influenced by the good atmosphere today and couldn't help but want to imitate others to make a romantic confession on the Ferris wheel.

As a result, it was most likely a failure. After all, Kiryu Ruoha was still here, and a girl like her didn't look like someone that could be dealt with by ordinary boys... If he didn't ask, others wouldn't bring it up on their own. It was because it was almost time for dinner, and someone raised the question of where to eat.

Hoshino Gen turned his head and glanced at Liz, who yawned a little and seemed a little sleepy, and the noise that no one else could see floated back into his pocket from her body. He couldn't help but smile and said,"You guys make your own arrangements. We'll go back first.""

""Huh? Are you leaving now? Don't you want to have dinner together?" Oguri Aino said, and everyone else looked over.

"Forget it, Liz seems a little sleepy, and she doesn't feel well today, so maybe next time." Hoshino Gen said politely, and just like at noon, he waved to them and prepared to leave.

But this time, Shimizu Yu broke away from the crowd and followed them, explaining,"I haven't finished my work yet, so I'm going back too."

Seeing this, Kiryu Ruoha hurriedly chased after them,"It seems that there are still quite a few left, so I'll go help too."

The originally lively group dispersed in the blink of an eye, and the few people who stayed behind looked at each other in bewilderment.……......

Eastern Suburbs. Nagano Town.

The horizon swallowed up most of the sunset, and the dreamy red and purple also faded away and turned into a dazzling red.

Large dark clouds surged in the eastern sky, indicating that a heavy rain might come tonight.

A slightly chilly wind swept across the ground, and a 10,000 yuan bill floated into the yellow isolation belt with the words"No Entry" printed on it.

The workers in work clothes and safety helmets chased after them, crossed the isolation belt without thinking, and hurriedly ran into this strange campus that was bathed in the red sunset but seemed to be splashed with a large amount of blood.

The bill fell on the weeds in the wide courtyard of the school. The middle-aged worker trotted over happily, but as soon as he approached, a more cold and damp wind blew on the withered yellow weeds, carrying the slightly wrinkled bill to the teaching building.

The worker was stunned, then cursed inwardly, and ran towards the teaching building again.

After all, hard work pays off, and the worker got what he wanted in the corridor on the first floor of the teaching building.

He was happily holding the bill in his hand to identify its authenticity, and was imagining that he could have a sumptuous meal tonight. Suddenly, a bright flash of lightning flashed across the sky, which had been completely gloomy, and the"boom" of thunder scared the worker so much that he almost dropped the bill.

"Damn it, is it going to rain now?" The worker cursed and stuffed the money into his pocket, intending to leave this unlucky school quickly. However, the moment he looked up, a pair of shoes floating in the air appeared in front of him, or more accurately, a hanged man appeared above his head.

"ah——!!"The worker screamed and took several steps back, but suddenly, there was another flash of lightning outside, illuminating the corridor.

But the light did not bring the uncle any sense of security, but made him feel cold all over, because the abandoned classroom next to him, which was empty just now, was now filled with pale-faced students, all of them tilted their heads and stared at him.



The scream was so shrill that it was hard to believe that a grown man could make it. It was easily drowned out by the thunder. Heavy rain followed and poured diagonally onto the corridor, soon leaving a scarlet bloodstain.

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