Clatter - raindrops hit the roof, sprinkled on the eaves, poured on the windows, and fell to the ground.

In the antique shop with warm yellow lights, Qingshui You, who finally finished all his homework, rubbed his wrists and moved his shoulders.

Ten minutes ago, Kiryu Ruoha left first after receiving a phone call, so now there are only Qingshui You and Hoshino Gen in the antique shop.

Qingshui first glanced at the sky outside that had darkened and the heavy rain that enveloped the world, and then couldn't help but cast his gaze on Hoshino Gen who was sitting on the single sofa reading a book. After a long while, she suddenly said,"Are you so cold to your girlfriend too?"

"Huh?" Hoshino Gen raised his head and looked at the stupid coolie with doubt in his eyes, wondering if he had heard something wrong. He raised his eyebrows:"You said... girlfriend?"

Shimizu Yu blinked and said more doubtfully than him:"Yes, isn't Kiryu your girlfriend? I see that your attitude towards her is no different from that of others. You don't act like a competent boyfriend.……"

"etc.……"Hoshino Gen stared at Shimizu Yu as if he was a fool:"When did she become my girlfriend?"

"Huh?" Shimizu You was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked back:"Isn't it?"

Hoshino Gen almost couldn't help but sneer. He shook his head, thinking it was ridiculous and lowered his head to read the book again.

Shimizu You couldn't help but get more confused:"But didn't she say……"

She stopped talking halfway because she realized when she recalled what Kiryu Ruoye had said to her in the morning that the other party had never told her that she was Hoshino Gen's girlfriend... The reason why she thought so was completely her own inference!

Shimizu Yu was stunned for a long time, and still asked in disbelief:"She is really not your girlfriend?"

"What do you think?"Xingye Yuan didn't even bother to look up.

"You are not in a relationship?"

This time, Hoshino Gen was too lazy to say anything.

However, even though Hoshino Gen's attitude was still a little bad, Shimizu Yu didn't care at all this time. Even his eyes, which had been dim from time to time today, suddenly became bright.

Hoshino Gen raised his head as if he remembered something and asked,"Have you finished your homework?"

"Finished!" Shimizu Yu replied immediately.

Not quite sure why this dumb coolie suddenly became so motivated, Hoshino Gen raised his eyebrows and said,"That's good. Just dust the room and you can go home."

"Oh, OK."Qiyomizu Yu quickly cleaned up the table, stood up and walked to the utility room to find a vacuum cleaner. In fact, she herself didn't know what was going on. She had been feeling uncomfortable all day, but how come she suddenly felt full of energy as if she had endless energy.

But after thinking about it for a while, she soon realized that it must be because the weather was too dry today. Otherwise, why would it get better after the rain? Yes, that's right, it must be like this.

Hoshino Gen glanced at her back with a slightly strange look, and finally shook his head and continued to read his book. Sure enough, he still couldn't understand the idiot's behavior and way of thinking.......

The rain continued to fall intermittently throughout the night and did not stop until the next morning.

After washing up, Hoshino Gen took out a sandwich from the refrigerator and put it in the microwave to heat it up for breakfast. After eating with Liz, he called the hotel to book lunch for Liz before going out. There were dense raindrops floating in the gloomy sky. The motorcycle that was just picked up yesterday was thrown by Hoshino Gen in the underground parking lot. When he went to school, he still chose to take a taxi. When

Hoshino Gen came to the classroom, it was noisy. The classmates who had not seen each other for a week seemed to have endless things to say to each other. They talked fiercely about how interesting their vacations were. The gloomy weather could not stop their desire to share.

As the class monitor, Oguri Aino began to collect homework. Some people who were still writing furiously begged to collect their homework later, but they were still ruthlessly snatched away by the iron-faced and selfless class monitor.

Coming to the seat of Hoshino Gen, Oguri Aino gave him an inexplicable smile, then lowered her voice and whispered:"Hoshino classmate, it's time to hand in your homework. If you haven't done it, call me, the class monitor, and I can help you cover it up, okay?"

Hoshino Gen smiled, took out the homework from his schoolbag and put it on the desk.

Oguri Aino raised her eyebrows, picked it up and flipped through it, and said in amazement:"I didn't expect that Hoshino classmate's handwriting is quite beautiful."

Hoshino Gen kept smiling and didn't say anything. Although he let that idiot imitate his handwriting, it is inevitable that he will have some of his own habits if he writes too much...

Oguri Aino didn't delve into it, sighed regretfully, put away Hoshino Gen's homework, and then went to the next person's desk. The first class in the morning was the morning meeting as usual. The homeroom teacher, Mr. Fujiwara, announced that the school would organize a cultural festival the day after tomorrow, and the students could start to actively prepare, and then the rest of the morning meeting class became a free discussion session.

Cultural festivals are basically regular activities held by every school in Japan every year. They are generally also called"school festivals". On the day of the event, the school will be open to the outside world, and classes, clubs and student unions will hold various activities.

If the sports meeting is a stage for showing personal abilities on campus, then the school festival is a good opportunity to show the strength of the group. The school is the busiest time of the school from the eve of the school festival until the festival is held, because the class will use various props to decorate in a style that fits the theme of the event. Of course, the most common ones are haunted houses and cafes.

After a heated discussion in a class, the activity that all the students in Class A of Grade 1 finally voted to decide is a drama performance.

Gen Hoshino has no opinion on this, or no matter what the high-level activities are, he doesn't care as long as he doesn't have to participate. After all, he only handed in a blank vote in the vote just now...

Because of the school festival, the students in the school quickly recovered from the afterglow of the holiday and turned to the hot atmosphere of the school festival.

Whether it is after class or during lunch break, there are students everywhere talking about topics about the school festival.

The hot atmosphere continued until school was over. Next to the shoe cabinet, after changing his shoes, Hoshino Gen found Shimizu Yu who had just arrived.

"You don't have to work at the antique shop tonight." Hoshino Gen gave a notice to his employees.

Shimizu Yu was stunned and asked in confusion:"Why?"

"Go investigate something." Hoshino Gen said casually.

Upon hearing this, Shimizu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. He looked around and made sure that there was no one around, then lowered his voice and asked in a low voice:"Supernatural incident?"

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