"What else?" Hoshino Gen said indifferently.

But Shimizu Yuu looked very energetic:"What kind of incident is this? Is there a ghost?"

Raising his eyebrows, Hoshino Gen asked curiously:"If there is no ghost, can it still be called a supernatural incident?"

"Oh, I mean, are you going to fight the ghost this time, or are you going to check some information like Chi-chan did last time?……"Qing Shuiyou explained, then said a little embarrassedly:"If it's the same as last time, I just want to see if I can help. If you're going to fight with evil spirits, then forget it.……"

"Why forget it?" Hoshino Gen asked with a surprised expression:"I remember you seemed to be my assistant, right?"

Shimizu Yu blinked, not quite understanding the intention of Hoshino Gen's words. She tilted her head slightly:"Uh...what do you mean?"

"This means you have to go with me this time." Xingye Yuan spread his hands and said,"According to the intelligence provided by the special task force, the ghosts in the ghost school seem to be quite smart, and generally will not take the initiative to attack people like me who can deal with them. So if we want to solve this incident quickly and efficiently, we need to bring an ordinary person to attract them.……"

At this point, he paused for a moment and then said in surprise:"You don't take this step, which is obviously the part that an assistant should take...

You don't think that I hired you as an assistant with talismans, a 'strategic material' for dealing with evil spirits, just to let you clean the house? Then wouldn't it be more cost-effective for me to spend some money to hire a professional cleaner to come to my house?" Qingshui You opened his mouth and was about to argue, but when he saw someone passing by, he quickly lowered his voice and muttered softly:"You didn't say that just now.

If you had told me earlier that you needed my help, I would definitely not refuse.


Hearing her say this, Hoshino Gen smiled instead:"Aren't you afraid?"

"Scared?" It took Qingshui You a while to understand what Hoshino Gen meant, scratching his hair and said,"I am quite scared. After all, I was almost killed in the gym last time. But don’t I have the tattoo you made on my arm now? And there are a lot of talismans. If things get worse, don’t I still have you?"

Hoshino Gen laughed,"Don’t count on me too much. It is irresponsible to put your hopes on others... Of course, you don’t have to worry too much. With the things you have on hand, as long as you are a little better... ordinary evil spirits may not be able to defeat you."

"Of course, if you are really too scared, you don't have to go. The salary can be changed from talismans to money, and you can be a full-time cleaner and help me with homework in the future." Hoshino Gen generously gave his employees the opportunity to choose.

Shimizu Yu did not answer Hoshino Gen's words, but suddenly asked back:"Didn't you say that this supernatural event needs the assistance of ordinary people? What are you going to do if I really don't go?"

"Go ask the special task force for someone.

Even if it's an official special organization, it won't be full of special people.

There will always be some ordinary people doing field work.

" Hoshino Gen said indifferently.

Shimizu Yu still knew about the official organization.

After all, she was watching when Hoshino Gen caught the official girl and interrogated her for information.

So it's not surprising that Hoshino Gen is now hooking up with the official.

She asked in a low voice:"If that's the case, the person who goes to help should be in danger, right?"

Seeing what she was thinking, Hoshino Gen said playfully:"Then it's definitely not as safe as you"

"That's it." Shimizu Yu raised his chin and said seriously,"So I'd better go. Otherwise, if the person who goes to help really has an accident, I will always live with guilt and will always have thoughts like 'Ah, if I hadn't backed down at that time, would that person be fine?'……"

Hoshino Gen looked at the girl's serious face, her bright big eyes sparkled with determination, her small light pink mouth slightly curved... much cuter than her usual silly look.

Hoshino Gen pouted:"It's just the unnecessary troubles of a nice guy."

As he was talking, the phone in Hoshino Gen's pocket rang again. He took it out and saw that it was Kiryu Ruoha calling.

Probably she wanted to go to Nagano together, Hoshino Gen thought so, and answered the phone. However, to his surprise, although Kiryu Ruoha's voice did come from the other end of the phone, the words she said were completely opposite to what he thought.——

"I'm sorry, senior. Something happened at home today, so I may not be able to investigate the Nagano Ghost School with you.……"

Although it was unexpected, Hoshinohara didn't care:"I know, anything else?"

"……No more." On the other end of the phone, Kiryu Ruoha paused for a moment and answered. As soon as she finished speaking, she said in a hurry:"Oh, sorry, there is a call coming in. Senior, I will hang up first."

Soon, a series of"beep beep" sounds rang out from the phone. Hoshino Gen also casually put the phone back into his pocket, looked at Shimizu Yu who was looking at him curiously, and said expressionlessly:"What are you looking at? Why don't you change your shoes and leave?"

"Huh? Oh oh……"Just then, Qing Shuiyou remembered that he hadn't changed his indoor shoes yet, and hurried to his shoe closet.......

After hanging up the phone with Hoshino Gen, Kiryu Ruoye took a deep breath and answered the call from a number marked"Mom".

A woman's cheerful voice soon rang out on the phone:"Ruoye! Where are you? Do you want me to send a driver to pick you up?"

"……I just got out of school, mom. I can take a taxi back by myself."Tongyu Ruoye said with a smile on her face and a lively and cute tone.

"Then you have to hurry up, today's dinner is very important, the other party is the chairman of Changtai Group, his wealth and status are even higher than yesterday's President Fang Chuan! Your father specially prepared a custom dress for you, and spent a lot of money! You must perform well and try to win the other party's favor, so that your father will be very happy"

"Well, I will do my best, mom."Toriyu Ruoha's voice is still full of energy, but the smile on her face is almost gone.

""Okay, my baby is really sensible. Mommy will go over and prepare first. See you later, mua~"

After hanging up the phone, Kiryu Ruoye retreated to the wall as if all her strength had been drained away. Her slender body leaned against the wall and slowly slid down, finally sitting on the ground with her knees hugged.

She buried her tired and bored face in her white arms.

"so tired……"The voice was deadly, in stark contrast to her usual cheerfulness and liveliness. She was complaining about her body, but her tone was so dull that it seemed to have no warmth at all.

When did she become like this?

Kiryu Ruoha asked herself in her heart.

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