The cause of all the events started with a pair of high school lovers.

Sakagami Junior High School is a boarding school. Many students whose parents are busy or who simply have no parents basically don't even go home during holidays.

The girl grew up in an orphanage. She has no home, or this small school is her home. The outside world is too big, and it is a place that a fish like her who was born in a pond cannot touch.

The boy comes from an ordinary family that is not rich but has enough food and drink. He was expelled from his original school because of fighting. He eventually came to Sakagami Junior High School.

It's like a bird that drifted to the side of a pond.

The boy and the girl met. The bird described to the fish the vastness of the sky and the splendor of the world. The fish was fascinated and thought the bird was so knowledgeable.

The boy and the girl fell in love, and the bird promised the fish that he would take her to that brilliant world in the future.

The girl indulged in the happiness and fantasy that the boy described for her every day. That year was the happiest year of her life, until one day, she found out that she was pregnant.

She told the boy the news nervously.

The boy was very scared. He was afraid of being laughed at by people around him, scolded by his parents and teachers, and afraid that anyone else would know about it.

He wanted the girl to go to the hospital for an abortion, but they both had no money, so the boy went to buy abortion pills.

But perhaps because the drug lost its effect, or perhaps because the drug was fake, even though the girl took the drug, her belly was getting bigger and bigger day by day.

The boy was completely panicked. Perhaps because he was desperate, he thought of a method he learned from movies and TV series - by attacking the mother's belly, killing the fetus from the outside, so that the embryo can be naturally expelled by the mother.

One evening, the boy took the girl to the men's toilet on the top floor of the teaching building and attacked the girl's belly.

The girl's suppressed screams echoed in the toilet, and the boy, with red eyes, beat the girl's bulging belly regardless of anything.

Finally, a stream of dark red blood flowed out from under the girl's skirt, dyeing her legs red, and gathered into a small pool of blood on the tiled floor.

The boy smiled with relief, raised his head, and saw only the girl's pale face with tears. The girl fell in a pool of blood. In the boy's dull eyes, under her own gradually weak wailing, her heartbeat and breathing stopped.

The boy was scared and stupid. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was guilt. On the night he fled back to his dormitory, he found a hemp rope and hanged himself on the balcony of the dormitory.

That day, not only the school was boiling, but even the Japanese society at that time was in an uproar.

And it was from that day that strange things happened on campus almost one after another.

The student who pushed his classmate off the rooftop cried and argued that it was because someone pushed him from behind. The student who ate a piece of dried baby finger bone in the food in the cafeteria died in the toilet on the top floor of the teaching building that night. The boys in a dormitory collectively hanged themselves... and finally, the cafeteria poisoning incident that shocked Japanese society killed a full 23 students.

It was the successive deaths of students that forced this"slum campus" that society needed to be shut down.......

Thinking back to the scary things that happened in this school that Gen Hoshino mentioned to her when she came here, Qingshui You felt that cold sweat was about to seep out of her back.

Some of those events, some of which she had heard of a few years ago, but at that time, she only felt regretful or emotional.

From today's perspective, they are full of weirdness.

Looking at the teaching building getting closer and closer, looking at the gloomy corridors and stairs, Qingshui You took a deep breath, clenched the bamboo sword in his left hand, and quietly put his right hand into his shirt pocket.

The tip of the thumbtack gently pressed against his finger, and the index finger and middle finger tightly clamped a piece of talisman paper, ready to take action at any time.

Before stepping into the gate of the teaching building, Qingshui You looked back for the last time. Gen Hoshino was still standing at the school gate, far away from her. She couldn't see his expression clearly, but from the extremely casual posture with his hands in his pockets, she could tell that the guy really didn't worry about her at all!

Qingshui You puffed up her cheeks, bit the lollipop in her mouth, wrapped the plastic stick with toilet paper and stuffed it into her pocket, and then stepped into the threshold of the teaching building. The afternoon sun was blocked by the building, and the cold air coming towards her made Qingshui You shiver subconsciously.

She was not unfamiliar with this feeling. She had this experience when she went to the gym with Hoshino Gen last time. Her teeth were trembling slightly, and Qingshui You began to wander in the corridor on the first floor. However, after a round trip, nothing happened.

Qingshui You bravely walked to the door of a classroom.

The wooden door was a little rotten, and there were random graffiti on it with chalk markers.

One of the red markers was particularly obvious, and it was written with the name of a person called"Someyama Miwa".

Qingshui You used a wooden sword to push against the classroom door, but there was no movement.

Gritting her teeth, she used her body to hit the wooden door hard, and at the same time, there was a sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground inside.

Qingshui You, who was standing in front of the door, was surprised to find that many tables and chairs were piled up behind the classroom door, as if someone was using these things to deliberately block the door from the inside. The smell of dust and fermented disinfectant mixed together, which was very pungent. Qingshui You looked back at Hoshino Gen who was standing in the sun at the school gate, as if this could replenish his courage that was rapidly depleting.


Suddenly, a shrill telephone ring suddenly echoed in the corridor.

Qingshui You was startled and the thumbtack in her pocket instantly pierced her finger.

Just as she took out the talisman in her pocket and prepared to apply blood to activate it, she suddenly realized that it seemed to be her mobile phone that was ringing.

She stuffed the talisman back into her pocket, and Qingshui You took out her mobile phone and took a look.

The caller ID showed"Big Bad Guy".

She answered the phone speechlessly and complained in a low voice:"What are you doing? You almost scared me to death, do you know!

" Hoshino

Gen's voice came from the phone:"Put on the headphones, keep talking, and then go upstairs to have a look"

"……"Oh." Shimizu Yu obediently took out the Bluetooth headset from her pocket. Although she was a little bit complaining that Hoshino Gen's sudden call just now almost scared her to death, she felt safe to hear Hoshino Gen's voice and keep talking at this time.

Once she put on the headset, she even felt that the surrounding environment was not so gloomy.

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