I want a real home.

This wish is not difficult to achieve, especially for Kiryu Ruoye. It is even simple, and it is just a matter of time. As long as she grows up a little, she believes that she can find a suitable partner, get married, have children, and then she will have a home that truly belongs to her. Even if she can no longer play the role of the carefree little girl, she will definitely play the role of a mother and wife, just like her mother did when she was a child.

However, the role of a father is also of utmost importance.

He cannot be too ordinary like his father, and an accident can break the whole family into pieces.

He cannot love money like his father, and will put his family members on the display cabinet as commodities and chips.

He cannot be too easily influenced by others, and some rumors can change his attitude towards his family...

Of course, it would be better if he could have special abilities like himself, and could protect himself and his family.

Originally, Senior Yuto was a very good candidate. He had a rich family, his own persistence, and special abilities. And in his several efforts, the other party seemed to have some good feelings for him.

But now it seems that Senior Hoshino who appeared later is more suitable, because his family background is better, almost at the top level, his mind is absolutely unshakable and unchangeable, and even his special ability is the strongest among those he has ever seen.

The most important thing is the personality profile and psychological analysis report of the group's psychology team - the person who can really get into his heart may be more important to him than his own life... In that densely packed report, only this line of words is deeply imprinted in Kiryu Ruoye's mind.

Senior Hoshino is a"better" candidate than Senior Yuto.

If he can make him fall in love with me, my long-cherished wish can be realized. No, that will be a future better than my fantasy.......


Suddenly, a voice brought Kiryu Ruoye back to reality. She took a deep breath and raised her face. A sweet smile appeared on her delicate and fair face:"Well, it's Sato-san... What's the matter?"

The moment the girl raised her face, a ray of afternoon sunshine sprinkled on her flawless face, making her as beautiful as an angel descended from the sky.

The classmate named Sato's breathing stagnated, her cheeks turned red visibly, and her gaze became evasive:"No... It's okay, that, I just saw Kiryu-san sitting here alone, uh... Are you crying?"

"Huh?" Kiryu Ruoye was startled, then she touched her eyes, and the back of her hand was really stained with moisture. Her sweet smile froze for a moment, but soon recovered. She smiled and waved her hands, full of energy and said:"No, I was just cleaning when the dust blinded my eyes. I came over here to rub them.……"

"Yes... is that so!" Sato scratched his hair with a laugh, feeling a little overwhelmed and embarrassed. He changed the subject abruptly and said,"Well, I heard that there seems to be a new coffee shop opened on the commercial street outside the school. Do you want to go together?"

""Eh? Really? Um... I really want to go, but I'm sorry, something happened at home, so I have to go back." As she spoke, Kiryu Ruoha stood up, supported her knees, and waved to Sato with a smile,"Goodbye, Sato-san.""

"Ah...ah...goodbye." Looking at the girl's slender back as she walked away, Sato opened his arms and hugged her forward. Finally, he sighed, pounded his head in annoyance, and muttered to himself in frustration:"It's obvious that she was crying...I'm so stupid, why didn't I be braver? It's such a good opportunity.……"......

Whoosh— violent gusts of cold wind whistled past the ground, but the abandoned campus after the rain seemed to be full of life.

Gen Hoshino crossed the yellow isolation belt with the words"No Entry" printed on it, put his hands in his pockets, and leisurely stepped into the dilapidated school gate.

He turned his head to look at Shimizu Yu, who was holding a wooden sword, following him carefully, and looking around nervously. He said with a smile:"Don't be so nervous. If a ghost really approaches, the thing on your wrist will react. And the most important thing when dealing with evil spirits is your mentality. The more you fear it, the more fierce it is, and the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to perform abnormally."

In addition to"studying hard", Shimizu Yu is actually very receptive to his kind advice, especially when the persuader is doing it for her own good.

Taking a few deep breaths to make her body less stiff, Qing Shuiyou looked at the teaching building in the distance, and asked as calmly as possible:"Are we going in directly like this?"

Xingye Yuan glanced at her:"Not us, but you."

Qing Shuiyou blinked, then asked in surprise:"I'm going in directly like this?"

"If you think it's still early and plan to go out for a meal, I have no objection if you come back after dark." Hoshino Gen took out two lollipops from his pocket and handed one to Shimizu Yu:"Want to eat?"

Although I am a little hungry, this place is so creepy on a sunny afternoon, wouldn't it be scary to come here at night?" Shimizu You complained in her heart, and at the same time stretched out her little hand to take the candy handed to her by Hoshino Gen.

Her hands were shaking a little, and she picked at it several times before peeling off the sugar coating.

She put the lollipop in her mouth, and the sweet and sour taste of orange dispelled some of her fear.

After adjusting her breathing for a while, Shimizu You took a step forward.

She looked back at Hoshino Gen, who was holding the lollipop in a sloppy manner, and opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she turned around without saying anything and walked straight to the entrance of the teaching building.

They took the tram to Naganomachi Station, and then got off and walked to this ghost school formerly known as"Hankami Junior High School". On the way, Hoshino Gen told her about what happened in this school.

Hankami Junior High School is a public school The school has an average enrollment rate and a low deviation value. It is a well-known last-place school in Koto District and even in the whole of Tokyo. The atmosphere is very bad, and the learning atmosphere is even worse. School bullying and giving birth in the toilet are not even new things. People in society often call it a"garbage school that specializes in storing garbage."

However, although the school is poor, it is not short of students. After all, this school has almost no admission threshold and the tuition is pitifully low. It is like a... slum in the school.

In theory, such a school should not be closed easily, especially when it is a public campus.

But reality is often unreasonable. The various events that occurred in the last year of Sakagami Junior High School completely turned this school into a"hell" that people are afraid of.

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