Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 102: Craze

?? "Takeuchi, there is a good game, very interesting, do you want to play it?" Nasu Mushroom waved a newly purchased game box on his hand, showing off to Takeuchi who visited his home today.


"What game?" Takeuchi is still worrying about his manga these days. Although the manga is still serialized, Takeuchi feels that this is not what he wants to do. Takeuchi even considered going out to find a job. He had planned to go to Hiroshima. Yes, but he wasn't sure for the time being, so he came here to seek the advice of Nasu Mushrooms, but when he just arrived here, he saw Nasu who was playing a game.


"This game is called the House of Witches. It's an adventure decryption game." Nasu said with a smile, "When Kiyobei ​​recommended the game to me, I didn't take it seriously, but after playing it, it really feels great. what!"


   "Really?" Takeuchi didn't think anything at all, but when he saw the character on the game box, he felt a bright eye.


   This fresh style of painting makes Takeuchi feel very eye-catching.


   "This character on the screen is the protagonist, named Viola. Xiao Wei is cute!" Nasu is already fascinated by the game!


   "The effects in the game are also very cute!" Takeuchi Tsao leaned forward to the computer.


  As a manga artist, Takeuchi can see at a glance how good the painter of this game is. The person who draws the picture for this game can be said to be very good.


When    Takeuchi Tsao saw this screen, he knew that the creator of this game was very careful.


   "What does this game say?" Takeuchi asked.


"Decryption games, the game is quite interesting, but I think what is interesting is the background of the story." Nasu exclaimed, "When you went to the store to buy the game, someone was doing the last game Almost fought!"


   "That's really amazing." But Takeuchi was a little weird, "Then you bought this last game?"


   "Of course not. This was bought later. It seems that the game maker specially made 1,000 copies of the game. I bought it at that time."


   Nasu continues to addicted to the game, Takeuchi originally planned to quit his job. At this time, I just quietly watched the other side playing games.


   "Are you replaying the game?" Takeuchi noticed that Nasu was replaying at this time.


   "Well, I missed a lot of branches before. I want to have a perfect ending. So I have to start from the beginning."


   Hearing the other party's words, Takeuchi quietly watched Nasu playing the game.


   The details of this story are very delicate. Although Takeuchi didn't know the development of the story at the beginning, the soothing music and exquisite style of painting. People can't look away.


   "It's amazing. Although the soundtrack is classic music, it feels good." Takeuchi and the others have a friend who plays music, so they can hear how good the music is.


   "Yes, the soundtrack is soothing, it doesn't look like fan-made music at all."


   If Nasu and Takeuchi knew that the soundtrack of this game was actually assigned by the band of Sakino Gakuen, and it was still in a professional studio, they would be scared to pee.


   is probably because of the CV system that Morinka added because of being shocked by the music and pictures. It didn't attract the attention of two people.


   "Viola's blonde hair is really amazing." After watching it for a while, Takeuchi exclaimed, "As long as there is such a blonde hair, the game content will be very boring and there will be no problems."


   "You just control the blonde hair, forget about the blonde hair and concentrate on the game!"


   Nasu is continuing the game at this time, and neither of them has cleared the final true ending, so they are still very interested in the true ending at this time.


   The benefits of the non-network era are here, sometimes. You don’t have to worry about someone giving you spoilers...


   But playing around, both of them feel bad.


   "Why do I always feel that things are developing in a bad direction?" Takeuchi Takashi muttered with some worry.


   "Well, although I felt a little bit about reading novels before, but now when I play this game. I always feel that the final ending..."


   Nasu is a novelist after all. After seeing Morinka’s novel, he has actually seen part of the facts, but in order not to spoil Takeuchi, Nasu did not say.


   "You said there are novels?" Takeuchi asked in surprise.


   "Well, it's there."


   Nasu pointed to a beautifully printed book next to him. There are also the words Witch House.


   Takeuchi opened the book. The content inside is exquisite, and the printing on the paper is also very clean and beautiful. It is also rare in fan works.


   "The author is Xia Sen?"


   It seems that this person should also be the original author of the game.


   Takeuchi didn't start reading immediately. Now I read a book while watching Nasu playing games, and I might miss some exciting plots later.


However, as the story progressed, Nasu also felt a little bad. Especially at the end of the story, Xiao Wei, who was replaced by a witch's body, crawled towards her father while shouting in a hoarse voice, "Dad, help. I..." Then, Xiao Wei was shot headshot by her father with a gun.


   I went, so this is the true ending of the story!


   Both of them almost turned the table together.


   "It's so cruel, what the **** is the final ending!" It turns out that the blonde little loli has already been replaced! They killed the real blonde little loli and let the fakes get away with it!


   Takeuchi felt that his spirit was very severely wounded, and he could hardly get up again.


This true ending is simply spiritual pollution. The first time the players played, they thought they had saved a girl who was ignorant and ignorant. However, when they played for the second time, they realized that they were helping the poor girl, and that poor girl, Was killed in front of them!


"Isn't Viola really dead? Didn't she get taken away by the demon in the end?" Although Nasu also felt like he was about to turn the table, Takeuchi's trauma was obviously heavier. Is he a blonde controller?


Nasu patted Takeuchi on the back, and then comforted: "Look, Viola was taken away by the devil in the end. There should be content behind this. You can read the novel. It says this black The cat is a demon."


   If you look at it in conjunction with the novel, Viola is taken away by the devil, there is actually a possibility of survival, but how the story will develop at the end, everyone can actually only guess.


This ending is almost like this. When Morinya was making the game, he didn’t consider the follow-up for the time being. So the purpose of this ending is to give players a little comfort. They like to think and think, and when they want to fill the hole in the future, Just add some relevant content.


   "Oh, although the ending is very sad, I have to say that this person who made the story is really amazing, and the plot designed by Mr. Xia Sen is really exquisite." Nasu exclaimed again.


   "Yes." Takeuchi finally eased, he sighed, thought about it, and felt wrong, "No, this story must have a perfect ending, I must try it!"


   "Do you want me to lend you the game?" Nasu asked.


   "You can just keep it for yourself, and I will buy another one. For such a serious author, of course I have to support it!"


   Although there are no piracy in Japan, there are still second-hand games in Japan. After some people have finished playing the game, they will sell the game.


   But by doing this, the author will not have any income. If you want to help the teacher Xia Sen, the best way is to buy a game first, and then write a letter to support them.


   "I'll talk about work later, let's take a break for now, um, as long as you don't fall into Nasu's way..."


   With this thought, Takeuchi left Nasu's house.


   Taking the subway, Takeuchi went all the way to Akihabara, and then entered the doujin shop.


   Akihabara in this era is not a holy place for otaku, but there are already many shops here, but the main event hasn’t arrived yet.


   However, after Takeuchi strolled around the store, he didn't find the Witch House he wanted.


   Isn't this store?


   He walked up to the clerk in confusion: "Excuse me, is there a game called'Witch's House' here?"


   Takeuchi was obviously not the first person to be asked this question. After he finished speaking, the clerk replied: "Oh, it's sold out, all 200 copies."


   "Are all the 200 copies sold?" It was not Takeuchi who spoke, but a man next to him.


"Yeah...oh, yes, there are still a few books left for the novel, but there are no more for the game." The clerk replied, "but they may come back in a few days, maybe there will be Up."


   "Then give me a novel first," he replied.


   "Are you also here to buy the Witch's House?" Takeuchi asked curiously.


   The other side nodded: "You too! But it seems that they are out of stock now. UU Reading"


   "Is this game very famous recently?" Takeuchi asked in surprise.


"Yeah, everyone in our club is playing this game recently. I can't stop it. Although the ending is very sad, the process is really superb! I have used my friend's game disc to pass the level, but now I still want to buy it. A collection."


Takeuchi nodded. The quality of the Witch's House has even crushed many so-called masterpieces. They are exquisite and beautiful. They are really not bad as a collection. Moreover, Takeuchi himself is only a bad novel and has not read it. He also said to the clerk: " I also want a novel of the Witch's House here!"




   Kiyobei ​​is the one who wrote programs for FATE in history.


   If the monthly pass reaches 500, I will fill in the Miko script from the previous chapter!


   Three shifts! Three more! It’s 9000 words, it’s up to the original 4.5~ I’m asking for a ticket, I’m asking for a subscription, now the first order is only over 1,000, I ask for support~ (To be continued.) xh118

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