Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 103: Let's get together and do 18 X!

This summer vacation is the busiest vacation for Senxia. From the beginning of the vacation, his work has not stopped at all. lala If you have read this chapter, please move to Biquge (w.uG.l) to read the latest chapter, or you can directly search for "Pen.趣.阁" or ".iu." on Baidu, please remember Live our new website pen-Fun-Pavilion http://w.iu.a chasing Mang Huang Ji, but also eye-catching.


From the beginning of the holiday, Morinka was caught by the senior sister to play games, and finally finished the game. Yukino’s work came again. After the things here were over, Morinka was caught by senior sister again. Arrange the follow-up of the game.


   After finally waiting for Morinka to distribute 1,000 copies of the game to the doujin consignment shop, and then wanted to take a good rest, the senior sister called Morinka over again.


   "So, in addition to moving the goods, our task here has to deal with the reply?" Morinya rubbed the corner of her eyes, then looked at the letter paper placed in front of her.


   "This is what players and readers expect, how can we let them down?"


   After the academic discussion, Mori and the senior sister began to do business, that is, replying.


   Each letter, they have to write it, and then send it back to the reader.


   Senpai’s serious and careful attitude is simply touching.


   But the reply basically has no technical content, it just needs to be handwritten.


   "Why not just write it on the computer and print it out?" Senxia asked strangely.


   "Sincere, this represents our sincerity to players!" Yukino said, "How can we show our sincerity if we only use printed text?"


   "But Fujimi Study only accepts prints now!" Senxia vomited.


   "The author is serious about sending the printed manuscript to the publisher." The elder sister made Morinatsu speechless.


   There are dozens of letters, but most of them just need to express gratitude, so there is not much to do.


   "But having said that, our game is so popular, is there any magazine covering us now?" Morinya suddenly thought of this question.


   "Well, I haven't seen it yet, but I don't rule out that there is a chance in the future." The elder sister thought for a while, "But have you seen the enthusiasm among the players?"


   Morinatsu nodded.


   In fact, in these letters. It was also suggested that they turn into a commercial society for development, so as not to bury their talents. The craze caused by the Witch's House is more intense than Moriha imagined.


   "Some are quite interesting." Morinya found that the content of some letters was quite interesting. For example, the letter he is reading.


"Thank you Mr. Xia Sen for bringing me this good game. I originally bought this game because the character design is interesting, but I didn't expect this game to be more interesting than I thought! I noticed the game There are a lot of wonderful details in it, the ghost telling jokes, and the **** room with malicious intent after the frog sacrifice... I have to say. These are really great. I chose to study in Japan. It is the best choice I have made in my life!"


"Hey, I'm still an international student." I just don't know which country the foreign student sent to them. On the day of the doujin exhibition, there were indeed a few blonde customers coming, but Morinya didn't think that Europeans and Americans could really have fun. Understand this connotation game...


   After writing the letter, it is to encapsulate, write the letter, and then fill in the address.


   Taking advantage of the emptiness of writing, Morinya glanced at the senior sister quietly.


   Senpai is still working hard. The last time the accident happened, the senior sister didn't seem to care about it.


   "What are you looking at?" After realizing Morika's gaze, the senior sister raised her head.


   "Just thinking about what happened last time, senpai, what do you think?"


   In a way, the senpai should be a fellow...No, maybe a more precise word should be used, um, "comrade". Of course, this word is not the meaning that is misinterpreted by modern vocabulary. It refers to its original meaning.


   Although she knew this, Morinka still didn't know what the senior sister had planned.


   "Huh, it's finally done." The senior sister lowered her head and washed the letters in her hand, and then said to Morika. "Teacher Elohir and the second generation teacher have a very profound influence on me, no less than eva. I want to write 18x novels and play 18x games, and I want to respond to these two teachers who have a profound influence on me."


   It is worth mentioning that Arohir and Arohir are two people. In small circles, they are generally considered to be in a relationship similar to a master-disciple or a father-son relationship. But the former seems to have been retired for a long time, maybe it is no longer alive.


   "That's it." Senxia nodded.


   "What about you, Mori Natsu-kun?" Senior sister asked back.


   "My words are purely because of love. Just as the otaku loves the two-dimensional world, I also love the world full of small yellow text and small butter!" Morinya said piously.


   "It seems that you have already thought about Mori Natsuki." The senior sister was a little surprised.


   "Well, I wanted to do it a long time ago, but there has been no chance and no conditions."


   After all, there is a lovely sister in the family, and Morinka really doesn't want to do strange things in front of her.


"But you are now a member of the club. When our club is active, you can just write it, Mori Xiajun, you can definitely write a very magnificent novel!" Pick it up and put it aside.


   Morinka also got the job at hand at this time, he stretched his waist, and he has his own opinion on the senior sister’s suggestion.


   "In fact, if you can, it seems good to make an 18x game?" Morinatsu felt that writing a novel alone seemed a little insufficient, "Isn't it great to make an 18x category?"


"But in this case, this matter is not yours alone." The senior sister said, "And in terms of cost, we are also in a disadvantageous state. As a novel is made, it may be popular, but for games. , A few thousand copies will reach the top."


   "Uh... if only we can develop games on a home computer." Morinya sighed.


  Senior sister shook her head: "For 18x, don't think about the home machine, unless we develop a dedicated home machine for 18x, but do you think it is possible?"


   "This is a little bit difficult, the energy of parents is endless."


   Why is there no 18x on the home machine? In fact, the reason is very simple. From the 1980s to the 1990s, almost all parents around the world have frantically slandered and attacked the new thing of video games. The level of brutality is beyond the imagination of children born in the 1990s. Game classification system Because of this, game console manufacturers have begun to actively maintain the reputation of game consoles for this reason.


   "There are 18 banned games in the game consoles I remember, right?" In this regard, Senxia had specifically checked the information.


Although there are few home consoles that develop 18 banned games, there are companies that do the opposite. The console developed by the company is one of them. This game console can even be said to be dedicated to 18x games. It is no exaggeration that what they play is differentiated competition.


   "What's the use of a game console ten years ago?" The senior sister shook her head. This game console was a product from the 80s, it was already outdated, and its function was completely out of date.


   "By the way, how about Sega's SS?"


   Sega’s ss is the legendary family Saturn, which can be said to be a memory of a generation.


"If we had made 18 banned games a few years ago, then it will be fine." The senior sister stood up, opened the refrigerator, took out two cans of Coke, handed one to Senxia, ​​and opened the other by herself. . She took a sip of Coke before continuing: "Although there was an 18x license on SS at the beginning, if you want to sell it now, the possibility is small."


Sega’s ss game consoles were able to make 18x series games in the early stage, but Sega took into account the market response and restricted the emergence of 18x. The maximum is only 18 pushes, that is, it is recommended to play games over 18 years old instead of prohibiting it. , Ss no longer see the missed girl.


   "Oh, everyone is considering the needs of children, but who can pay attention to the needs of gentlemen like us?" Senxia sighed.


  18x content may cause the host to be excluded from the gift list by the parent during the Christmas business war. Therefore, many games with too much content are persuaded by the host manufacturer and cannot be released. Over time, it has caused the current situation.


   As for why you said there are 18x games-no one cares, of course everyone is free to play, the reputation of the platform takes care of me? Does it have anything to do with me?


   "So as I said, just write a novel." The senior sister looked at Morinka with expectant eyes, "I am very optimistic about you!"


   In fact, many of them are visual novels, and Morinka doesn't think there is anything different.


   However, at this moment, Morinka's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of a game platform that can develop 18x: Sega that has not yet been released.


   "Senior sister, do you know Sega's next-generation host?" Morinya said suddenly.


   "Do you want to say that Sega can support 18x?" The senior sister guessed part of Morinka's guess.


   "It is 80%." Morinatsu is actually not sure whether her memory is accurate.


   "Well... if it can be made into a game, it will be really interesting. Let me think about it. Is there anything else we have to do now?"


The elder sister turned around and asked Plants vs. Zombies, this is a casual game on PS, and then there are works by winter iket, initially set as eva's fan, and then the -day plan is temporarily frozen, almost That's it. "


   Then Morinka still writes novels herself.


   "There is a problem." The senior sister frowned, "Since we are going to develop a casual game for PS, are we going to do 18 bans in the name of the agency?"


   "Uh..." Morika was choked.




   Four more! Four more! It is equivalent to the previous 6 more!


   Ask for votes and support, so that we have no regrets~


   The first booking is 2000, and the monthly ticket is 400. It's still a little bit, so I can help! (To be continued.) xh118

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