Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1013: Do your best to talk about countermeasures

"The appearance... the handle...?"

Qianjia's father, this will be really daunting.

"Why is this? Didn't you say that the content itself is the most important?"

Why do you talk about the content, but the appearance and the handle are the last ones?

"——For the confidence of consumers." Morinka said, "Consumers' confidence is the most important thing. Only when consumers have confidence can producers continue to do it."

"Content is very important. It is the core of the machine, but under this core, there is a cornerstone on which everything stands. This cornerstone is ‘confidence’.”

Senxia finally summed it up like this.

"Redesign the appearance and upgrade the system performance. While compatible with old games, the machine can better support the game. For example, with higher resolution and higher game frame rate, we can increase the system resolution to 800×600, it can also provide a smooth game experience with 60 frames."

Senxia said so.

"You—this is tantamount to giving up DC. This is a completely backward compatible new model!"

Chiba Masao never expected that Morinatsu had such an idea.

"No, you can simply understand it as the overclocking of the computer CPU. We use the same type and higher specification CPU and memory to upgrade, but for the previous games, it is still fully compatible. Some games will cause lag. It will also be smoother."

Well, yes, what Senxia did is to learn from PS4 to launch the pro version, and Senxia is here to take photos of cats and tigers.

Of course, this is not entirely the case. As Mori Xia himself said, his ultimate goal is to re-enhance players' impression and confidence in DC.

"We made the original version into a Slim version, focusing on light and energy saving, and then launched the PRO version, which claims to be ten times the performance of the Sony PS2..."

"Wait a minute, even if you change the accessories, you don't have ten times the performance of Sony!"

Qianyu Masao felt that there seemed to be something...inspiring here in Senxia?

"Sony does it, I can't do it?" Senxia raised her eyebrows, "If they can do the first year, we will be able to do the fifteenth... ah, by the way, we just used Sony's promotional slogan, which is the previous Talking about ten times DC performance, you can use it directly without changing the lines. If they dare to sue, we will counterclaim."

Senxia was talking nonsense here.

But this sounded... as if it really seemed so sensual?

Qianyu Masao felt unexpectedly that this matter seemed... really reliable?

Such a counterattack is still quite sensational in the eyes of beholders. After Shenmue was listed, diehard fans bought it, but the patience of ordinary players with Sega has been further consumed. If it can be stabilized at this time, it should It is still possible to fight.

Chiba Masao himself had thought of many methods, but he hadn't really thought about this seemingly weird, but it sounds unexpectedly useful.

"After that, you will need game support." Morinya said, "Anyway, the content is still the first..."

Said this, Morisha paused.

A game that can save the world, Senxia... actually has it.

Not just one, but many.

But directly copying the text, Senxia felt a little uncomfortable!

We are the scum savior! Works like the Crown of Guilt, AZ, and the Four Masterpieces are what we should do!

Lower it a bit, what we want to save is also the kind of godly works that are not popular, and I have been copying these works. What a thing...

But then again, what I am doing now is to save DC, in a sense, this is also a scum to save?

It's just that what I am saving now is not software, but hardware?

But how should I put it, it feels a bit subtle.

"We have learned our lesson in the game," Chiba Masao shook his head, "but now it is impossible for us to spend money to make a masterpiece."

"It doesn't matter, Shenmue's engine can still be used as waste. This engine can make some very interesting games. Determine the user group and then make the game. This is actually quite simple."

Well, for example, like a dragon, like a dragon, and like a dragon...

The game "Liulong" is known as the spiritual sequel to "Shenmu". The producer of Ryulong is named Yue Nianyang, who is Suzuki Yu's apprentice.

But unlike Shenmue, Rulong is a more mature game in the system, and sales have also crushed Shenmue. The original sales of Rulong series reached 6 million sets, and the subsequent sales are even closer to 10 million sets.

how to say……

After paying attention to Shenmue, Morinya also thought of the differences between the two series.

After thinking about it for a long time, Senxia finally understood that Shenmue is a literary film, while Rulong is a commercial film.

But how can I put it, Rulong's work is very cruel in plot design, and the actor Kiryu Ima is a model of hardship.

What’s even more painful is that Rulong’s producers thought that players like this hard-working model, so they played a big one in Rulong 6, and this resulted in a direct decline in sales of Rulong 6. The sales volume of Rulong 5 has exploded. Although Rulong 6's sales are pretty good, the bad reviews caused by the death of the screenwriter are real.

And the most hateful thing is that the screenwriter buried this **** at the end. When the audience thought this might be just a misunderstanding, the screenwriter happily jumped out and said, "This is shit. Have fun, right? Hahaha !"

Pulled away.

Senxia quickly pulled her thinking back.

In any case, Rulong's series is still successful, but for Morita, who has been disgusted before, Morita still has no psychological burden for copying such works.

Ahem, okay, I'm actually making excuses for myself.

"Father, I also agree with the network system you mentioned. The development of online games is also a goal, and this can also be one of our goals." Mori Xia said, "But if it is urgent, I think it is a good idea to increase shipments. Methods."

Qianyu Masao nodded.

If the introduction of new models is to boost the confidence of players, then increasing shipments means increasing third-party confidence.

"But if you increase shipments, basically everyone knows, right? What are you going to do?"

"This has to be done in many ways. It is a strategy to increase user demand and increase user stickiness through the Internet, and another method... ahem... is to disguise our machines as learning machines and sell them to third world countries. "

The cost of DC has now been further reduced, and it can still be done in a large eastern country for one or two thousand dollars.

"Learning machine?" But the concept of learning machine still made Qianba Masao not reflect.

After a long time, he thought, it seems that the "little genius" is being used by Duiwan. I don't know what the name is. Is it such a concept when selling compatible computers for red and white phones?

"One advantage of DC is that it uses the WINCE system, and it also has a hard disk. This means that even if DC does not have a game disk, it can still play games through downloading or built-in binding. But further thinking-why can't we build it? What about the software?"

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

Father Qianjia suddenly felt... Senxia, ​​you are going to make trouble!

"I mean, we can cooperate with the giant (micro) hard (soft) to launch an interactive platform based on the DC plane, built-in free OFFICE software and some simple games, coupled with a keyboard and mouse, to make a'learning machine'... No, we can directly make the host computer into a keyboard mode, which saves space and resources."

Really want to make trouble!

"Do you know how much turmoil this will have?" Father Qian Jia was shocked.

"Anyway, wearing a vest and selling it abroad is actually nothing, for example... well, a certain eastern country."

Well, if the price is not high, it is not too bad to use the "learning machine" model to put it on the side of a certain eastern country. With the five high and three models, it is an absolutely lethal weapon.

"If you can dredge the upper echelons, it is a very suitable thing to cooperate with a big eastern country."

——The game console ban will be released next year, but in another direction, is it not an opportunity?

If DreamCast can still be sold in a big eastern country when game consoles are banned, this will have a great effect on DC.

"But this thing can only be said to try to go to a certain eastern country and take the upper-level route. It is not that easy." Senxia said.

"Well... I will use the contacts over there to help you ask." Qian Ha Masao thought.

The opposite is not the same as this one. If there is an executive order to support it, they will definitely make a lot of money.

"Then trouble uncle."

After Senxia finished speaking, he fell into hesitation again.

"Is there anything else I need to add?" Qianjia's father asked.

"No... nothing."

Senxia shook her head.

Senxia does have a lot of good games in his hands, but Senxia is still considering whether he wants to put these games on DC.

What exactly should be done, this is also the question that Morinia is thinking about now.

But for this kind of thing, Senxia is not easy to talk about it with Dad Qianjia.

"For games, I will find a way to give some plans. Both online games and stand-alone games are available. In addition, I suggest that DC open an online download platform. In regions with developed networks, if online payment and game functions are enabled, this will help DC That’s also a good thing...Of course, don’t use the Mithril model like the nondescript Internet downloads that Sega did a few years ago..."


The four masterpieces refer to the four books of the City of Learning, the Failed Knight, the Endless Fafner and the Forbidden Curse Master. These four "masterpieces" were broadcast at the same time, but because the routines were too "light novel", they were jokingly called. However, the quality of the first two is still acceptable, especially in the last part of the Landing Knight, Omanu Heart raised the force to a higher level in one breath.

By the way, let me talk about Nanoha. After receiving the SLB, Vivio was killed by melee...VIVID, you guys bought the peripherals! It must have been a peripheral! !

Surprising second change, 3K enough OwO

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