Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1014: No ethics when trying to copy

Sega has done online downloads. In my big beacon country, Sega used to provide paid MD games for online downloads, but it is a pity that the online versions of the games provided by Sega are castrated versions, and the fees are too high for people. I wonder if they are brain pumped.

After hearing Morinatsu's words, Chiba Masao also shook his head: "Ah, it was a pity at the time, Sega didn't do it..."

The things that Sega made in my great beacon country, in fact, are not very sustainable.

This is determined by objective laws, unless Sega's games are really fun to make players toss and turn, and sleepless at night.

Unfortunately, Sega is different from Nintendo. They have made many classics, but on DC, they have not made a game that can save a world like a VR warrior.

No way, this world is made up of countless inevitability and accident. The prosperity of home appliances is inevitable, while the success or failure of Sega is accidental.

Things on ACG are inevitable, but things on gentlemen are also accidental, so Morinka needs to work hard to expand the gentleman culture and realize the gentlemanship as soon as possible...


All in all, what Morinka wants to do is almost like this.

"By the way, I see what you mean, you seem to be mentally prepared for what games should be developed on DreamCast? It seems that you have been thinking about this a long time ago?" Father Qian Jia asked curiously.

"There are indeed several plans, but I'm not quite sure how."

Although it is a "salvation" level game, with the exception of individual projects, the development time for other projects may be one or two years later. If it does not go well, it may not be available for three or four years.

No way, developing games in the real world is such a difficult thing.

In the era of red and white devices ten years ago, development could even be completed within one month, but now, ten years later, things are not that simple... eh, wait, just one month of development can be popular and The game... there really is!

"Um...I really have some ideas that feel pretty good. Do you have paper and pens?"

Chiba Masao nodded, and then asked the maid to bring some paper and pen.

Senxia thought for a while, and then wrote the words "Bejeweled" and "Zuma" on the paper.

Sorry, Baokai, I copied you again...

Well, yes, the two game names that Moriha wrote are the names of games made by Baokai. In addition, Plants vs. Zombies are also games developed by the other party...

In other words, these three games in Senxia's hands were all developed by Baokai, and Senxia's preparations were a fortune.

"Follow him, Baokai hasn't been established yet anyway, maybe Baokai is gone because of the difference in the world line?" Senxia made a small complaint in her heart, and then she ignored the matter.

The top priority now is to save DC.

Although Moriha used to be a wait-and-see, at that time because DC had no relationship with her for a dime, but now the situation is different. DC wants to become independent from Sega, so no matter what, she still has to Do your best.

Baokai, you are contributing to the vast DreamCast. You saved the DC fans all over the world!

Senxia forcibly dumped the pot.

"Bejeweled is a simple game...well, in a nutshell, we developed it for PC users," Senxia casually said, "After research, this game fits the operating habits of casual users very well, I expect It should be a big-selling game. However, the control method of this game may not be compatible with DC."

Bejeweled is a game made by Baokai within a few days. The content is not very complicated. As long as Morinia is willing to spend time and experience, as long as the programmer is enough to make a demo, it is no problem to make a Demo. of.

It is precisely because of this that Morinatsu said so.

"Bejeweled is a elimination game, probably like this..."

Morinya showed off this game.

"By exchanging these different colored gemstones to make their colors consistent, you can eliminate..."

Senxia gave Daddy Qianjia a detailed introduction to the gameplay of Bejeweled.

Well, if you are from a big eastern country, you may be more concerned about another game of the same type. The name of this game is "Happy Diminishment".

Well, it is the legendary Xiaoxiaole.

Although it is a small game, it is definitely a game that can be played in a certain oriental country in the future.

No, in fact, it was already possible to sling a piece at this time.

After the first appearance of Bejeweled in history, it directly rushed to the top of Microsoft's MSN game platform, and it was really dedicated to all kinds of dissatisfaction.

After talking about the game, Morinya continued to talk about the Zuma game and showed the form of the game.

"Zuma's game draws on the design of Bubble Shooter, but it is not the same as Bubble Shooter, and compared with Bubble Shooter, Zuma has more diverse forms, and each level can be different..."

Zuma is also a very good game. Baokai gained fame by launching Zuma in 2004.

"Well, it is indeed a very good plan, suitable for all ages," Chiba Masao said, "But can this game save DC?"

"Not at all."

Senxia replied.


Father Qianjia looked at Senxia.

"DC is now at a stage where it is about to be settled. No game can save DC. If you want to save DC, you can only use games to slowly pile it up."

As for what kind of game can get the cool points of the players, to be honest, Senxia herself is not sure.

After all, DC is a game console that died early. Although XBOX will appear in the future, there will also be works like Halo on it, but this large-scale product will not be able to save DC immediately-not to mention, the first generation of XBOX is also completely burning money. Burned out, and Sega now has no way to continue burning money.

After independence, Morinya will invest in shares here, and the support from Sega's headquarters will probably be less, not more.

So Morinka changed his mind, and that is to start with small games, because there are many small games that can change the world...

"But we need masterpieces. Casual games are good, but this also means giving up core users."

Dad Qianjia thinks so.

"There are also masterpieces... well, our works will also be logged on the DC platform." Mori Xia said, "We are now developing some very interesting large-scale games. We will also support the DC platform and target the DC platform. Features special development of the game."

Well, what Morika is talking about is the game of Dark Souls.

The game of Dark Souls is about to bounce tickets, and there is a lot of debt. Since the tickets are going to be bounced, then simply add some elements.

"But if it's a promotional video, we can make one."

A part of the scene of Losric has been fixed, and with the light and shadow effects of the current engine, it looks very powerful.

If it's a promotional video or something, it's quite simple.

After all, as for the promotional film, there are still a lot of late-stage stuff...

Moriha estimated that what appeared in his mind was the picture of God of War 2 game.

"God of War 2" claims to be a game that can drain PS2 performance.

DC's overall performance is slightly inferior to PS2, but it's actually not far away. Moriha confirmed this when he got the development kit, but to be honest, there is really no game that can drain the two. Machines.

Hey, by the way, the God of War game seems to be very good, too. This game is also capable of saving the world?

Well, this can also be used as an alternative.

Sony, I'm sorry, anyway, my uncle didn't have power in the PS2 era, and there is no need to "guard my uncle's smile" (fog).

"It seems that you have a lot of ideas here." Father Qianjia admired Senxia, ​​"Animic is now ready to move to 3D games."

"No, we do both 2D and 3D, and we won't give up on 2D games," Morinka said.

"Why?" Father Qianjia was a little surprised, "The current big trend is 3D, and you have spent so much energy doing this before."

"Yes, 3D is indeed the future direction, but 2D will not be eliminated. We are also developing new 2DLIVE To be precise, 2D is also the top priority, especially 2DLIVE. It is an important technical reserve in the future era of mobile games. At that time, just by selling technology, you can make a lot of money here.

"You young people understand games better than my old man." Father Qianjia didn't plan to continue the question of sacred wine.

"Uncle, you are in the prime of life." Senxia said.

"Well-but I always feel like you kid have a lot of words hidden."

Chiba Masao looked at Senxia's eyes.

Obviously, Morinha's all kinds of hesitations stopped, which made Qianba Masao feel a sense of disharmony. This kid must have not said a lot.

"Whether these things are said or not, whether they are done or not depends on my subsequent research on DC - and there are some things that must be fully confirmed before they are said, my uncle."

In any case, you still have to wait until you fall into your own pocket. Although DC means this now, after all, it hasn't fallen into Senxia's pocket yet?

Father Qian Jia shook his head: "Forget it, so let's do it, we will discuss it again when the matter is confirmed. However, it is really uncomfortable to hear someone talk only half way."

"If you can't forget it, there will be a response. Uncle, your hard work will not be wasted."

"I hope so, are you going to develop DC games afterwards?"

"No...I'm paying attention to things on the other side recently-well, there are a few games on the other side of the eastern country, which will be released soon..."


Work Calvin, while his brain is running wild, suddenly thought that it has not been updated yet, hurry up the code word...

Bilan imagined an extra episode, the heroine of the Liver Emperor Krypton King, and felt that he had already become a tyrant. Think of the feature film Gran, really a sad African...

3K full chapter, meow meow~

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