Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1034: Snow is burning

Please remember the domain name of this site: Golden House Tokyo Gentleman Story

The first thousand and thirty-four chapters snow is burning

Mori Xia in the speech was in English, but the audience here at Nihong also saw the live broadcast because there was a live translation.

Kawahara Reki was also watching.

At the beginning of the screening, Reki Kawahara was very much looking forward to it.

Especially the first act of the opening.

The almost perfect scene, lighting and animation are all shocking.

The story in my head is such a story!

When I saw this scene, the impulse that Kawahara Shiki produced was like this.

Yeah, almost unparalleled picture. This is the best picture right now.

Just a picture, Kawahara Reki was attracted by this scene.

And in the back, when he saw the real sword and spear and the crystalline monster giant slashing, the feeling of fist and fist really made Kawahara feel the excitement in his heart.

"Sword Art Online", this is the name of the outline he is currently writing. After meeting with Teacher Xia Sen, he is preparing for this matter.

But the picture in front of him gave Kawahara Reki a "this picture is better than I imagined."

I just don't know what this game is. If you can understand the content, it might be more interesting.

Teacher Xia Sen would actually be on the stage of Sega, and he was also responsible for the release of the new machine. This kind of thing was really unexpected.

The teacher Xia Sen in front of him had obviously put on makeup, which was quite different from what he had seen before, but he could still vaguely see the appearance of Teacher Xia Sen.

"But... why is it a handle?"

However, when the first product was announced, Kawahara Reki was confused.

A good new game console, but why is the first product a handle?


For a machine, this is a must.

"Huh? Also integrated microphone?"

But at this moment, Kawahara Reki suddenly heard the translation.

"...The new handle represents the new era. The handle also integrates a microphone system. This system allows you to play games with your good friends. The social system is an indispensable part of DC. In the near future , The social interaction in the game will also become an indispensable part of a game. Chatting with our good friends and finding ways to overcome the difficulties in front of us, this is the meaning of focusing our microphone on it."

Online game!

Sword Art Online is the future online game!

An excellent MMRPG full of social functions!

This is Sword Art Online, this is what Senxia wants to do!

At this moment, Kawahara Reki's heart vaguely understood.

And at this moment, the picture on the screen has once again become the previous promo, but the picture in front of it does not repeat the previous content, but continues the follow-up part.

The screen has become the part where the player is playing.

In the picture, it seems to be a 2D game, this game is cartoon style, giving people a very cute feeling.

Battle brick theater.

This is the name of this game.

This type of game is simple and easy to understand. It is a 2D-level game, similar to Bubble Shooter.

"This way."

On the TV screen in front of me, there are two characters, but there is only one player controlling the game.


However, the other character is obviously not an NPC, but a player on the Internet.

Online games!

Obviously, this is an online game!

The half-minute demo content is the part where this player and another player on the Internet clear the game.

But this was not the beginning. Soon, the picture began to change and became another scene.

The game does not display the name, but the screen is somewhat similar to the scene I saw before.


"The weapon is not that big..."

Unlike the Dark Soul, the player’s weapon is larger in the screen before him.


Then he exclaimed.

Because before these two players, there was a huge...dinosaur?

The two players worked together to kill the dinosaur and ended the demo.

Among them, the exchange and cooperation between these two players is unprecedented.

It's not just Kawahara Reki, this time, the scene also caused a sensation.

For the doubts about the handle, they have long been thrown out of the sky.

What they care more about is the game that appears on the screen.

Sega brought dry goods.

No, it's not Sega now.

The society in front of me is the Order of the Phoenix.

The presentation before him did not appear in the previous screen, but the content of such cooperative hunting has surprised countless people.

I want to watch it for a while!

What kind of game is this!

The picture far surpasses the PS2, and the amazing sense of blow and picture!

However, it is a pity that after the end of this film, Morinka appeared again.

The moment he saw his idol, Kawahara Reki almost wanted to punch him well.

However, the following content has ended.

What exactly is this game?

Kawahara Shiki, who was still too interested, was still so obsessed with the clip just demonstrated that he didn't hear Morinatsu's speech.

At this time, Senxia's speech has entered the follow-up part.

"I believe that all players are full of expectations for our game." Mori Xia smiled, "Yes, the content in the above demo film is our new work to be released and announced soon."

"We all know that game carriers have undergone many changes, from tapes to cassettes, from cassettes to CDs, and from CDs to DVDs. Prior to this, the content carrier used by DC was a specialized CD, which is the GD system. . But compared to DVD, the capacity of GD is also slightly insufficient. Taking this into consideration, the new machine we prepare will adopt the DVDROM system..."

Started to introduce the machine?

Kawahara Rejuvenated.

"It's not just capacity. Increasingly improving machine performance has also created conflicts with the backward game skills of home machines. Therefore, we will improve our game skills and increase our memory capacity."

Senxia said.

"DtPhoeni, this is our new machine."

New game console!

In just one year after the development of DC, Sega developed a new machine!

This shocked everyone.

The audience was whispering.


More than one person said so sadly.

"DCP is a host with better gaming performance. This host will support games with higher resolution or higher frame rate..."

The current game consoles are not very high in terms of resolution or frame rate.

But Morinka is an exception.

In the slideshow, Morinia showed the advantages of the new machine, two pictures, just by looking at the picture in front of you, this new machine has a better resolution and picture.

However, players don't think so at this time.

Their first feeling is: the old game console has been abandoned!

Yes, the old game console has been abandoned!

The old players have been abandoned!

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell everyone that this new DCP will be fully backward compatible, and the DC game console will also be fully upward compatible. In addition to a better picture and audio experience, there will be no have difference."

It's like the kidney machine launched the plus version, which is how Moriha is dealing with it now.

Fully up and down compatible!

After hearing this, many people are confused.

What is this operation?

There has never been such an operation!

No matter what kind of game console, there is no such strange operation.

The new machine and the old machine are up and down compatible, but the screen is different?

Is there such a way to play?

Gang leader Qiao has not yet manufactured a kidney machine, and everyone is completely unclear about the machine upgrade strategy in the future era of smartphones. The scene in front of them makes everyone look confused.

But Senxia had obviously decided to play like this.

"The new host has higher polygon performance and can display more content. To be specific... well, it is ten times that of a certain machine from a friend."

ten times……

This stalk is very popular on the Internet recently.

In Europe and the United States, after purchasing PS2, many players will compare their screens with Sega’s machines, because there are a lot of games between the two.

Therefore, Sony’s big talk on the Internet has long been punctured by the players. This matter has been fermented for a while recently. Now, it is not only the players on the Internet, but also many players and hobbies that are not suitable for the network system. I also knew what Sony was bragging about.

And at this time, Senxia actually said it directly!

The players were still listening to the situation of "upper and lower compatibility" with a bewildered look, but at this time, Senxia suddenly ridiculed, so that everyone came back to their senses.

The reporters are even more excited!

This is messing up!



Big trouble?


What is afraid of being a person?

There is no news!

You say that Senxia is doing something, I'm not yelling, of course I'm yelling!

The more Morinya got involved, the happier the reporters.

But it is not over yet.

Morinia explained the basic performance and situation of DCP to the players.

At this time, everyone knows that this new host is not a new generation host, but has the same feeling as the normal version and the deluxe version.

This feeling is simple and easy to understand.

"...Although the Order of the Phoenix has become independent from Sega, our game lineup has not shrunk. In response to this, game manufacturers such as A, F, and Capcom have all developed for our new machines. For the new game, below, I invite Mr. Hidetaka Miyazaki from A Revelation Studio to talk about the blockbuster masterpiece developed by A."

After talking about the new machine, here comes the heavy part. Yes, it is the ease of game introduction.

At this time the slideshow has also changed and it has been placed in an old city.

Players can see right away that the scene in front of them is the first scene that appeared in the promo video.

"Hello, gentlemen and ladies. I am Hidetaka Miyazaki, and I am also the developer of this new game... But before I start explaining, I would like to ask you to watch a video."

Hidetaka Miyazaki spoke.

At this time, the picture switched again and became the picture of the previous mixed video.

But this time, the screen did not jump to another place, but started to fight with real swords and guns.

"A third-person game."

Kawahara Reki stared at the picture steadily. He had a hunch that such a scene could bring him wonderful inspiration.

The knight wearing a sun-like armor was walking in the ancient city.

But at this moment, a hound did not know where it came from. The Sun Rider rolled over and avoided the hound, and then hit the hound with a fat beating.

The shock is full.

After annihilating the hounds, the Sun Rider continued to move forward. After killing several enemies that looked like skeletons or living corpses, the Sun Rider came to a door.

Very smooth!

The fighting picture is excellent.

Kawahara saw this at once.

Unlike the previous dragon hunting game, it felt a little stiff. In the demonstration before me, the characters' movements were very comfortable, and the perfect and smooth movements were really very comfortable.

There was a fog in front of this door. After the fog was removed, the music and the picture began to change.

At this time, a monster also appeared in the screen.

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