Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1035: Social is king



   Morinatsu sighed in relief. X23US. COM update fastest


   The response seems very good.


  The completion of Dark Souls 1 is very limited now, but part of the king city Yanorrond has been completed, and there is no problem with the boss and some monsters for a demonstration.


For the Dark Soul on Morinka’s side, the storyline only considers the first and third works of the original world line. As for Dark Soul 2... Well, there is no Dark Soul of Miyazaki Hidetaka, it is not a black soul at all. !


   In any case, Morinya has done his best to make such a demonstration with the only resources available now.


After all, they are not just simply making a black soul. Before, they also used the material here to do another demonstration... Well, it is the two-player hunting game. The game actually uses the black soul to change the texture. And the movement, and then changed the color and lighting, just like this, and the scenes are very limited.


how to say……


   Well, let's put the satellite!


   Morinka’s previous action was to launch satellites into outer space together with this side, giving players a little hope.


   As for when the satellite will land... Today’s weather is good, hahahaha.


   The speech given by Hidetaka Miyazaki seems to have been well received.


   The best game graphics so far, and the unique style and elements of the black soul, these are very attractive places.


   "Next, there will be the Demon Soul and Blood Curse series..."


   Seeing that the situation in front of her was so good, Morinka's brain naturally began to diverge.


   At this moment, the audience is still amazed by the game.


   At this moment, Hidetaka Miyazaki is talking about the network content of the game, the intrusion system, the assistance system, and the message system.


  In the game, players can not only play on their own, but also travel to the world where other players are, invade the opponent, and then kill the opponent.


   In addition, players can also choose to help other players. In a specific location, players can summon other players or NPCs, and then everyone can pk together or attack the boss together.


   The third information system is the information that the player can stay on the ground. Internet-connected players can see these messages on the Internet. Some of the messages are tips left by other players, and some messages are everyone’s experience. Of course, players can also praise the sun or leave messages like "it is actually a message" Come to tease other players.


  The content on the Internet is not very core, but for players, it has a lot of appeal.


   content like this is truly an unprecedented experience.


   There is such an operation?


   This kind of wonderful idea appeared in everyone's mind.


The evolution of   rpg games is a wonderful process.


In the earliest days, rpg games even required players to draw the game map by themselves to be able to remember the content of the game. Later, in rpg games, there were plot, level and other elements, and now, in the game again With the action element, animic adds an unprecedented network social system to the game.


   "I've always been curious about why the guy from Tianhai's family takes the network system so seriously."


   In the mud boom, Da Chuan Gong, who was lying on the hospital bed, was watching the live broadcast on TV, while Chiba Masao was sitting beside him at this time.


   "He said a word." Chiba Masao squinted at the picture.


   Shinko Shoichiro is also in the lighthouse country. After the game introduction is over, he will also appear on stage as the new host platform.


   "What are you talking about?"


   "Social is king."


   "Social...? Social...!"


   The word "social" quickly explained Morinka's strategy.


   From the establishment of qicq's platform to the process of sparing no effort to promote online games, the core of Senxia's strategy at this time converged into two words, that is, "social".


   "With that said, he understands what he did before." Da Chuan Gong sighed a little.


   Before Morinka took over, Okawa Ko also investigated Morinka’s business.


   But how should I put it, Morinatsu’s business is very strange except for the animation industry.


   Morinka has spared no effort to promote the application interconnection of various network platforms, and the online and offline communication is also continuous.


  Especially when Da Chuan Gong learned what Morinya was doing in a certain eastern country, he was even more puzzled.


   Morinya is in a certain oriental country, and he really spares no effort to promote the game, and he rushes to Internet cafes.


Generally speaking, a certain eastern country is one of the most serious areas of piracy. Sega didn’t make much money there, but Moriha’s actions were even stranger. He lowered his original copy to a level comparable to piracy. , And then go through the streets to promote the sales of Internet games in Internet cafes, and even after someone recharges, the owner of the Internet cafe can get a commission.


   This kind of thing, in the eyes of the people on the neon gold side, is very incredible.


But out of this circle and expand the scope a bit, it is not difficult to find that Senxia's games are based on the Mithril platform and qciq software. It can even be said that as long as the "Mithril camp" games are played online, they are absolutely inseparable. Open these two packages, a game platform, a communication platform.


   Oh, by the way, the Mithril camp is a name in the industry. These game manufacturers united through the Mithril game platform on Morinka are called the Mithril camp or the Mithril forces by outsiders. Among them, manufacturers relying more and more on the existence of the Mithril platform, especially those small butter manufacturers, such as elf, Yeshe, etc., these game manufacturers, their sales on the Internet are increasing year by year, this Let them pay more and more attention to online channels, but for this reason, some people call this camp the gal camp or the rice (beauty) burning (less) wine (female) camp, although the most in this camp are rough guys...


   "Sinxia attaches great importance to the interaction and communication between players."


   Da Chuan Gong is a business giant after all, so after Father Qian Jia finished speaking, he immediately woke up.


   It turned out that this is what Morinka wants to do.


   "Unfortunately, Capcom has no plans to make an online version of Street Fighter."


   Chiba Masao shook his head.


Capcom and Sega are very strong, so they are willing to develop the Transformation Crisis series for Sega, but a while ago, when Sega found Capcom and wanted to make the Street Fighter online version, they did not agree. Now, the main scene where Street Fighter is active is the arcade. If everyone can play Street Fighter with other people at home, it will definitely affect the sales of the arcade version.


   "This is related to Capcom's own interests, and they will not easily agree to it." Da Chuan Gong also knew that this matter would never be achieved easily.


   "But guess what Morinatsu said at that time" Chiba Masao said, "He said that Street Fighter is losing its light, and Capcom didn't see it."


  The arcade machine will eventually decline.


   No, the arcade has begun to decline.


   "Well, but I think Capcom almost agrees." Masao Chiba squinted at the TV.


   "Oh? How to say?" Okawa Gong looked at Chiba Masao here curiously.


   "Because I think Morinya's plan is very good. If this plan can be implemented, Capcom may make more money on the Internet."


Masao Chiba has calculated, and he found that the monthly profit of the hero locus game is not very large, but adding up the monthly turnover, it is very impressive, and even more terrifying is that the monthly profit of this game The flow is not decreasing, but increasing.


   You must know that for a stand-alone game, no matter how it is sold, its overall sales trend must be declining, but for the hero locus game, it is increasing.


   is not just the hero trajectory, including several games that Morinka launched in a certain eastern country.


   Although Capcom rejected this side, they began to investigate this matter in disbelief, and Chiba Masao knew exactly what happened.


   Although at this time, the term "ka bitch" has not become popular, but Capcom's unscrupulous attitude has gradually begun to show...


   "Do online games really make money?" Even Da Chuan Gong is thinking about this issue.


   An online game with 100,000 people online, a year later, the profits it will bring can even exceed the profits of some million-level masterpieces. This kind of thing is really unimaginable.


   But the fact is that now many game manufacturers have started to follow the trend and imitate the online game of hero trajectory, but all this is temporarily limited to the PC platform.


   Will the network be the way out for dc?


   Okawa Gong is also thinking.


   At this moment, Capcom’s representative also came on stage.


  The game being introduced on the table is a game of the Resident Evil series codenamed Veronica that will be released on the dc platform early next year.


   There are still many fans of Resident Evil.


   Although the news has been announced long ago, the machine that now releases another wave of news before the release is still very attractive.


   "Well, after we heard about the zombies, maybe we can relax."


   After the end of the Resident Evil, Huang Lei came to power. Actually, Ichiro Kuroshima should have come to power here, but his Japanese English is not understood by ordinary lighthouse people. This tm is embarrassing.


   There is no way, Morinya later found Huang Lei. After comparing Chinese English and Japanese English, Morinya found that Huang Lei’s Chinese English didn’t seem to be incomprehensible.


   So in the end, Morinya made a decision: let Huang Lei play.


   "Why don't we relax and see some cute zombies?"


After    finished speaking, a sunflower and a zombie appeared on the screen.


   There was a sensation immediately off the stage.


Plants vs. Zombies!


   "Why is this game so popular?" Da Chuan Gong couldn't understand.


There are many fans of Plants vs. Zombies. This game is also a typical example of the fragrance inside the wall and outside the wall. There are people who know the game Plants vs. Zombies on the mud bombing side, but what is the reaction of this game in the mud bombing... Then there is nothing. People might think this is a fun casual game, but they don't have too many ideas.


   But the situation in the lighthouse country is different.


   After seeing the Plants vs. Zombies icon, the scene cheered. The shouts were louder than before the Dark Souls.


"Of course, it's not just that," Huang Lei smiled. "The first and second generations of Plants vs. Zombies will land on the dc platform. This is unquestionable, but what we want to see now is not that flat. Games, but something more interesting..."


   Hearing this voice, the audience already shouted "Garden War!"


   "Garden Wars!"


   "Garden Wars!"


   "Yes, this is the Garden War!"


   That’s right, this game is the game that had previously released news, and was postponed because of dc malaise and ps2 not supporting the network: Garden Wars.


   "I took out so many games in one go..."


   Da Chuan Gong shook his head, the difference caused by thinking and concepts made him unable to understand why certain games are so popular.


   He picked up a form next to him.


   This table is the game table that Mori summer has drawn up before and after he took over. These games will be the key games to be escorted when dc-p is released.


   Some of these games are not released at today's conference, but they have already been developed.


   For example, the game called "Squirting Octopus".


Although    is just a code name, the development level of this game is ranked first.


   In addition, there are other games under development such as separation of Isaac, black hands of fate, and monster abuse.


   Of course, all the code names are mentioned here.


   "I have always guessed that this kid was actually prepared..."


   Chiba Masao looked at the stage with narrowed eyes.


   At this moment, Morinka is not on it, but Chiba Masao seems to be able to see Morinka's appearance.


   "He came up with so many games in one go, and he has now established several development teams in North America to develop secretly... He must have planned for a while."


   If it hadn’t been premeditated, why would he make an assessment for the club and prepare for the loan before he went to him?


This is like taking a bottle of good wine to the next door, but when I come to the other’s house, I find that this neighbor has prepared side dishes and small wine, and the TV is on, just waiting for this bottle. Wine!


   If Morinka were here, he would have been wronged, this tm is really a coincidence!


   "Let's watch it first." Da Chuan Gong said, "I always feel that you, your future son-in-law, are just beginning to toss..."


  Perhaps in the eyes of some people, Morinka is already pretty much tossing about It's a new machine and a new blockbuster game.


   But Okawa Gong always feels that it doesn’t seem so easy to end it like this...




   Now that a book friend said it, let me mention it.


The reason for saying Loslik is that there are more players in the three generations. The first generation of the royal city is actually Yanor Lund, which is the third generation of Leng Ligu, while Leng Ligu is the world in the painting in the first generation. Calculated by location, it is a large library of the first generation, while the fortress of France is the Black Forest. The plots of 1 and 3 take place in Rhodesland.


   Back then, the generation was locked with a modifier...


   But don’t care, this is Morinka’s version of Black Soul 2333


   Okay, in fact, the nun was slaughtered at the dlc at the beginning, and then I wrote Losric easily, cough cough...


   In short, two in one. ) Download the free reader!!

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