Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1096: Tianhai Senxia was so terrifying!

At this moment, Senxia is following the old thief Fujian...Bah, playing games in the arcade hall with Teacher Fujian...takes materials, and doesn't care about the sales of DC-P and her own games.

How to put it, because the sales of DC-P and "Dark Soul" are really terrifying.

Although Nanali's nightmare was also good, it was simply vulnerable to the sales of Dark Souls.

After seeing that kind of sales, Senxia felt a little breathless.

No way, sales are beyond common sense.

That’s why Morinatsu went to JUMP to discuss Nanoha’s affairs at this time. On the one hand, he was carrying the power of the game. On the other hand, because the sales of this game really exceeded expectations, Morinatsu couldn’t accept that kind of refreshing at any time. The feeling of watching.

So Senxia chose to paddle...Bah, choose to collect style.

After seeing Teacher Fujian, Senxia knew that the way of collecting styles was also learned.

The so-called collecting style does not mean that you can collect it if you want.

Only Teacher Fu Jian, who is such a suave, handsome, and extraordinary master, knows how to collect style.

Pulled away.

All in all, the four owe kings who know how to collect styles...the king, this time they are beating the pupils in the arcade hall.

On the other side, Chiba Masao and Okawa Gong are also shocked by the sales.

"The game of Dark Souls is not only good in sales, but also has a good reputation. So far, the sales of this game are really good."

After seeing the data, Qian Ha Masao also sighed.

The sales of Dark Souls game...probably in line with five million.

You know, on the DC platform, the best-selling game, that is, Sega’s own Sonic, has only more than two million sales.

There are many games in the wrong era.

The Dark Soul and Bloodborne Curse of the original world line is probably one of them. If it were in an earlier timeline, this kind of difficult game would have more players willing to challenge.

However, in earlier times, the performance of the system was not enough, and the intrusion system needed to be connected to the Internet. So where exactly should this game be placed... who knows.

"I didn't expect that Senxia boy was really so good..."

Qianyu Masao murmured.

Moriha's previous operations really dazzled Chiba Masao. Especially the other party had an extremely understanding of a certain eastern country and greatly reduced the cost of the game through the channels of a certain eastern country. This was really shocking.

However, other game manufacturers have probably figured out this operation, so in the future, I am afraid there will be no such operation.

"Yeah, this is really amazing."

Da Chuan Gong was lying on the bed at this time, his health condition has now begun to deteriorate, and he was ready to put Sega's management down completely.

"I can see DC come alive again, and I will die without regret." Dachuan Gong sighed.

"Don't you say that." Chiba Masao shook his head.

Hearing Chiba Masao's words, Okawa Gong also sighed, "Yes, I can't leave yet."

Sega not only dumped the home machine department, in fact, except for the arcade department, Sega almost dumped all of its hardware department to the Order of the Phoenix.

The Sega headquarters has vaguely thought of turning into software developers. They are even observing Sony and Nintendo.

It is conceivable that if Da Chuan Gong is gone, Sega will definitely draw a clear line with the Order of the Phoenix here.

Of course, Sega, who has put down the burden, has even begun to make profits. They will naturally start to expand and want to develop higher.

At this time, the only person who could suppress all of this was Da Chuan Gong, the president of Sega.

But the old man can no longer stand the toss.

"Yeah, the test is still to come." Chiba Masao also sighed for a while, "And I don't quite understand what the kid is thinking. He is obviously in charge of the Order of the Phoenix, but his own game never considers monopoly... "

Yes, all games including Dark Souls are not exclusive.

Of course, the game of Dark Souls prioritizes the optimization of the text DC-P. As for other console and PC versions, there is no way to postpone it for about three months to six months. That's it.

It would be okay if Senxia is the kind of third-party wall-paste, but Senxia is not right now.

But this kind of operation by Morinia made people confused.

Of course, Morinha is not doing good things here.

Because he has previously announced that the Mithril platform will be docked with the DC-P platform. Although the game will not be universal, the Mithril platform has provided a digital version of the platform for DC-P.

The Mithril platform is now the only and most mature game platform. The mature technology here is much more distinctive than the dispensable attitude of Sega before.

"Well, but at that time, it will be Morinya's business. But speaking, he seems to want to build DC-P into an Internet game platform."

Chiba Masao thought of what Morinatsu had done.

Senxia's goal is unanimous and clear, and that is the network platform. On Omi's side, the current discussion on DC-P is even higher than that of PS2.

This is not even Sony expected.

In fact, to put it plainly, this is very simple, that is, conceptual hype.

The Internet is now the hottest thing. The Internet bubble has not been punctured so far, but is at a tipping point.

At this time, the so-called "network system" of PS2 is absolutely incomparable with the host of the Order of the Phoenix.

More importantly, PS2 used to boast that it has faster Internet speeds and better performance. In fact, people said that they provide a network system, but they did not brag, but PS2 originally said that it completely surpassed DC. Of course it will trigger people's associations.

As a result, looking at it now, DC's network system has not been surpassed by PS2, not to mention the current DC-P?

Now the hottest concept, PS2 has not kept up, which is really not good!

At this time, the cool DC-P appeared.

The full version of DC-P is not the same as traditional game consoles, but uses a PS4-like shell, divided into a three-stage design, and the surface is a fiery red LOGO, which can be said to be too cool. Cool.

And the handle feel of the DC-P is absolutely super-rolled.

The power of money lies in this. The super-hard handle of the future will be "referenced" by Morinia. Sure enough, it will naturally kill the whole audience.

Even in the PS4 era, XBOX's handles have completely crushed their opponents. This is no longer a gap in the times, but a gap in design concepts.

Faced with such a cool host, how can players in Europe and the United States not like it?

"But the local people don't really like this concept." Da Chuan Gong also paid attention to the situation of the host, and he was more concerned about the situation in the country.

Because this machine is far not as good as foreign sales in China.

Moreover, this game console is in the mud bombing country, and the leading sales is not the game "Dark Soul", but the more two-dimensional, or more inclined to the aesthetics of the mud bomb "The Rebellious Lelouch's Gaiden: Nanali Nightmare.

Even the fried rice version of Lelouch's work...Bah, it's a high-definition version, and it sells more than Dark Souls.

Dark Souls sales are also very good, but it is actually ranked third.

This is very subtle.

"In China, I seem to be more interested in another game." Chiba Masao said, "It's the monster hunting game."

Monster Hunter, the game, once had a glimpse at the press conference.

No one knew what this game was at the time.

But everyone gradually discovered that at that time, all the games in the promo had information, only Monster Hunter did not.

The consultations that Monster Hunter has are only a few shots.

But the players on the mud bombing side seem to be interested in this game.

At first, they were just curious about why a game was ignored. Later, the A company also put a little bit of wind on the Internet, and slightly mentioned the gameplay. At this time, more people are interested in this. The game generated interest.

In the four or five months after the press conference, among ordinary players, the popularity of this game, which even has no name, has continued to rise.

According to Chiba Masao, Morinka is going to officially show the game in the E3 exhibition chapter two months later.

But as for the time to go to market... Anyway, it won't be possible before E3 next year.

"Senxia's thoughts are indeed very jumpy." Dachuan Gong said, "Sometimes I don't know what his goal is."

The core of Senxia is simple: work hard to enter the Internet age.

From the perspective of the two of them, the "Internet" is already Morinia's obsession, and this can be known without confirmation.

But other than that, they have no way to understand what Moriha wants to do.

Let's say that Moriha is serious about the Order of the Phoenix, but Moriha is not willing to launch exclusive games, and there is no way to force other manufacturers to launch exclusive games.

But if Moriha is not interested in the Order of the Phoenix, he has arranged a lot of games for this host, and even took his own Internet technology. Although the Mithril platform has Sega's help from the beginning Coming.

And many of the games Moriha selected were taken out urgently to save the Phoenix Order.

For example, the two games, Zuma and Bejeweled, whose sales are rushing to the tens of millions, and the Garden Wars game, which is obviously favored by the Order of the Phoenix.

Well, it’s true that the game Garden Wars supports DC-P. This game is also ready to appear on PC, but the game Garden Wars has no way to land on PS2.

Not only this game, but on PS2, there is no way to play the two-in-one version of Lelouch, which is the magical version that combines Nanali and Lelouch into one.

Oh, yes, and those games that support MOD and DLC content are also castrated on PS2.

Especially the games developed by the Mithril forces, the number of these games is well understood, but the version that has landed on the PS2 is basically a castrated version.

This is also impossible, because PS2 is not just a network.

At this moment, Chiba Masao was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out: "So that's it, I understand that kid's thoughts."

"What?" Da Chuan Gong's thinking was a little unclear, he just listened to Qian Yu Masao saying here.

"That kid didn't make an exclusive version, it was on purpose."

Qianyu Masao sighed.

Then he continued: “Sony’s game consoles do not support downloading file extensions, and their system’s acceptance of player-defined content is also very low, so many games launched on Sony’s machines are castrated versions. Moreover. This is not just one or two. The entire Mithril forces are now accustomed to using Internet content as their own expansion. If it is the host of Fenghuishe, of course there is no problem, but Sony’s host is impossible."

"This way, over time, everyone will think that the games on Sony machines are castrated versions, and only the host of the Order of the Phoenix can play the full version."

If it's just the Morinatsu family, it's actually fine.

But the problem is that Senxia is not just a family, Senxia has a very powerful weapon, that is the Mithril forces.

Recently, the strength of Mithril has become stronger and stronger, and they have also learned a little bit badly following Senxia here, that is, they know how to continuously launch network systems for updates.

Players with the Internet can play new content in the first time. For players of the physical version, after the game launches certain expanded content, the manufacturer will put it in the FANDISC for bundling sales, and then use it as a patch. Now, whether it is the host of the Order of the Phoenix or the PC, you can play the complete game.

"But Sony is different. Their machines can't play a complete game." Chiba Masao said with a smile.

"What about the PC version?" Dachuan Gong asked again.

"The performance of the PC is not as good as the home machine. If it is a machine with the latest specifications, the cost will be much higher than that of the home machine. Therefore, in the mainstream game of that kind of large-scale development, PC players actually do not have as many host players. This part The impact on the host is minimal."

The performance cognition between computers and home consoles is different from fifteen years later. After fifteen years, players think that to get the highest picture quality, they need a computer, and if they want to play games relatively cheaply, they buy home consoles. But now, it is the home computer that represents the performance Many home computer can run games, placed in the environment of the computer host, the computer host can't drive it at all.

"Sure enough, it's a young hero!" Da Chuan Gong sighed.

If Morinya knew about this, he would definitely deny it.

Because there is no such operation.

Senxia wants to dominate the whole platform, and wants more people to play her game.

But the problem is that others don't seem to think so.

Because at this moment, Sony also saw the sales here and came to a similar conclusion.

"Tianhai Senxia...It's terrifying!"


Meow Meow Meow Today~

Kadokawa is getting more and more funny...21019

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