Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1097: Fiery beginning

This son is so horrible, you must never stay...!


Although Senxia made a wave of five kills inadvertently, it has not yet risen to that point.

But it is undeniable that the sales volume of d-p is more than twice that of d. This is an indisputable fact.

This is a host that has gone for tens of millions and even higher sales.

What’s more special is that although the home console of dp is on the market, Senxia didn’t let d launch on the market, but cut its price in half, and then occupied the current market share of d in the low-end market compared to dp. Before listing, it did not fall but rose instead.

This kind of thing makes other manufacturers very curious.

This wave of hype by Morinia actually copied something from the future when a certain Mi mobile phone launched the red Mi mobile phone.

First, use the cost-effective d-p to attract everyone's attention, and then put the original d into the low-end market. In this case, there are products from the Order of the Phoenix between the mid-to-high-end and low-end markets, and the price-performance ratio is still very high.

Senxia's operation was not deliberate, but Senxia saw the original situation of Sega in the console market and came up with a method to suit local conditions.

Now it can be seen that this method is still very good.

And now the more interesting game is the Dark Souls game i.

There is a system in this game that after accessing the Internet, you can see the information left by other players. Some people will leave a guide, such as the black flame pot that Jebel saw to kill the boss, and some people will Hidden information will be left behind, and some people will leave words like "there is no hidden route here" or "it is information" to prank.

Players who experience this system are less than one-tenth of the players in the Dark Soul.

But this one-tenth of the players has made the reputation of this system very good. Many users who don't have the Internet are also trying to install the Internet or something.

In fact, the Order of the Phoenix and att and other American companies do have cooperation, such as "install broadband and get d-p" and "buy d-p free to install broadband" or "install broadband and get games."

Not to mention, the effect is not bad. The actions of the Order of the Phoenix have even accelerated the speed of Internet penetration in this world in disguise.

Of course, if the Dark Soul has only one such system, of course it is not enough.

But in Dark Souls, there is an invasion system. Players can choose to invade other people's world and then kill other players to get loot, or they can choose to help the invaded player and get rewards.

The addition of this pvp system makes the game quite playable, so much so that many people think that if the Dark Soul does not have a network, it is not a complete Dark Soul at all.

Of course, this kind of people are more of the kind of players who care about the game playability, and more plot parties are digging into the plot in the Dark Soul.

Mr. Jebel stayed up all night.

He is a former casual player, now a cultivator player.

Similarly, Jebel is also a person who likes to read stories.

Dark Souls is a good game, this game is easy to learn, but difficult to master.

However, the number of players in this era who were persuaded by the Soul of Darkness is much less than that of the other world line, because people in this era like this kind of difficult games.

Although Jebel is a casual player, his game skills are not bad, so he soon met the fireproof lady sister and learned part of the background of the story.

At this time, Jebel was surprised to find that although there was not much information left in the story, there was a lot of information in the game.

First of all, in the story, under each weapon, there will be a paragraph, some of these words are short stories, some are introductions.

This aspect is a small correction based on the story that Morinka thought of. This approach does not exist in another world line, but Morinka has added it willfully.

Of course, it's not completely absent, but Morinia's situation of adding text to almost every equipment is indeed absent.

In these weapons, there are also stories. If they are connected, you will find that some are stories of other undead, and some are introductions to the so-called "flame".

These texts do not have a long story, but click to stop, but this method of leaving white space makes the game more attractive.

Although a plot party like Jebble wants to see more stories, Senxia didn’t overwhelm the main story. While these stories have deepened the world view a little bit, they are more of an addition to the game. So it doesn't matter if you don't know, it's the same in the past.

The most important goal of the Black Soul World is to spread fire.

This is the content of the story.

In order to keep the world alive, everyone needs to spread the flames.

This is the theme of the story.

Jebel likes this theme of spreading fire and life, because this method will make him feel the special charm of this game.

As the story progresses, the darkness and depth of the game is gradually revealed, and Jebel feels very interesting.


"so tired……"

Sitting all the time, this kind of time is really overwhelming.

But watching TV is very laborious when lying down.

And at this time, Jebel thought, this game seems to be able to be split-screen on the handheld?

Mindful of this, Jebel incorporated the xbox expansion interface into the game console.

At this time, the picture on the front of the TV suddenly went black, and then the question "Is it projected to the handheld screen?"

After choosing Yes, Jebel discovered that the content of the game had been transferred to the handheld.

"Oh! That's amazing!"

Jebel let out an amazed voice.

Yes, the content of the Dark Soul appeared on the handheld.

Although the game has been re-adjusted because of the resolution, and it looks rough, the appearance of such a 3D screen on the handheld is still very shocking.

Not only that, but the design of the game has also been adjusted.

After being projected to the handheld screen, the ui of the screen changes, the health bar becomes flat, and the holding items become small icons on the left and right sides.

After entering the inventory, Jebel found that the game's inventory has also become suitable for handheld reading, and the text inside has also become larger and more suitable for reading.

Of course, what about ui is to say otherwise, the most incredible thing is still the picture.

You know, the most popular handheld device this year is Nintendo's gb. Although gb has launched a color version, this game is still very bad in terms of color. On this kind of game console, the 3D graphics are even more difficult to think about. .

And the future of handhelds such as gba, there is no possibility of wanting a picture of the soul of darkness.

But Dark Souls is such a capricious game.

Xbox is such a wayward visual handle handheld.

After the incredible picture is projected on the handheld, the shock of seeing the exquisite picture is really amazing.

This kind of strange feeling is like in the era of the carriage, he suddenly discovered that his car had changed from a carriage to a real "BMW" car.

That kind of shock is not something that language can express.

Think about it, one day, when you find that your mobile phone is capable of showing the highest image quality of Crysis 3, it will be clear what is going on with this shock.

Of course, after changing from a large screen to a small screen, there is still a feeling of discomfort.

Just like color.

On the TV, the big **** Sony Trinitron CRT TV can of course crush the audience. Just talk about the color, the Trinitron CRT TV, and even properly crush the so-called 4k LCD TV of the future freshman ticket, and the xbox Above, the screen with nts color gamut only 15 is naturally not enough to see.

It’s not that the manufacturer of the cathode tube madly going to the handheld screen game is you, Sega, but based on cost and safety considerations, there are probably not many people who will do that kind of thing.

Anyway, Senxia won't.

In addition to the color, the smear on the LCD screen is also a problem. The image will have afterimages when moving. Although it is not serious, there are still problems when watching carefully. This is the same as that on the TV. The experience is different.

But these shortcomings are far less shocking than the advantages that this handheld handle brings.

Especially when Jebel lay down.

"By the way, if I can get the room, I can even play games in bed!"

The former travel enthusiasts, at this time, have already begun to think about whether they can lie in bed and play games. That must be very interesting.

Then Jebel was ready to do so.

Because Jebel’s house is indeed wired with a network.

Jebel’s computer is in his bedroom, but when he wired the network last year, Jebel left a network interface in the living room in order to play D games, and set it up through the local area network according to the tutorial. Soon, Jebel So in my room, I played this game with my handheld.

"so cool!"

When Jebel was playing games on his big velvet bed, he found that this kind of game method was so cool!

This is called playing games!

I can play lying down, I can play on my stomach, I can even test and play, and I can play while doing a plank!

"It would be great if there was no such thread."

Then Jebel discovered that the thread on the game ear handle was really an eye-catcher. Although he can play games in a fancy way, the length of the wire limits Jebel's toss.

At this moment, she was thinking how great it would be if there is no such thread!

Regrettably, Jebel’s idea is difficult to realize in five years or even ten years, because wired networks and wireless networks are really two concepts.

In fact, even the speed of the wired network is not fast enough. The current dp content can smoothly enter the xbox through the network cable. This is caused by the low resolution of the handheld. Because of the low resolution, The amount of data when transmitting data is not too much, but if it is replaced by a machine ten years later, it may be difficult for this era to play games even on a wired network.

Jebel's idea is good, but it is not so good when it comes to realization.

After playing for a while, Jebel found that the sky seemed to be getting brighter.

"It's morning..."

He thought for a while, then saved a file, and then temporarily quit the game.

Although this game is fun, it is very exhausting. After one night, the junior immortal player Jebel could no longer support it.

He planned to look at the forum and then go to rest.

What Jebel entered is a domestic strategy forum, this is where everyone discusses the game.

"Who knows what monsters can rebound to attack? I rebounded to the boss, and then was killed by the boss, but my friend said that I could rebound the boss."

"I found a hidden fork in the road with a message, and then after I passed it, I found that the content was ‘it’s information’, and then I was ambushed by a dog behind me. Who is so hateful that he designed a trap with the enemy?!"

Seeing this post, Jebel also smiled.

Because of this kind of thing... he has also encountered it.

At the end of a small road, he found a message. He thought that this message would indicate any special hidden passages in the small road. But when he passed by, he discovered that a dog suddenly appeared behind him and killed himself.

The person who leaves the message is to design traps with the monster to **** his own person.

Jebel was a bit depressed at first, but when he saw that someone had the same experience as himself, Jebel immediately realized that he actually felt a kind of joy in his heart...

Speaking of it, there are still a lot of this kind of terrain in the game. Can you play it like this after a while?

However, for the handheld, ordinary games are okay, but this kind of gameplay is probably not so easy to do, so I have to change to the host and try again...

There are not many people who can access the Internet these days, so the number of people posting online is also a lot, but now the dark souls are at the busiest time, so in this forum section, there are many posts.

Everyone is expressing their opinions.

" I tell you, come and play Nanali’s nightmare, this game is also super fun, don’t patronize the soul of darkness!"

Well, there are such players.

"By the way, Nanali's nightmare..."

Jebel immediately thought that he also had this game.

Soon, he decided to play this game first. As for what to sleep, he had long forgotten it.

After drinking a cup of coffee to refresh, Jebel put the game disc of Nanali’s nightmare into the d-p...


Black Soul is most famous for the appearance of the ancient **** sun knight, and the most famous blood curse is probably the moon knight with a long jaw, although these two famous player characters are in both games.

Praise the sun!

Today's two in one, meow meow~

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