Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1098: The depths of the heart

"Rena, remember to do the same to prepare for college..."

"Hi... Hi..."

After hanging up the phone with her mother, Rena Dongjoo let out a sigh of relief.

Since February, Rena felt that she was in a state of chaos.

After the death of her relatives and returning to Tokyo from her hometown, Reina felt a little relaxed.

Sitting on the sofa, Rena turned on the TV.

Rena was the only one in the room.

Because of my parents and younger siblings, they are still in their hometown at this moment.

They won't return until half a month later, and the reason why Rena came back so early is because she is now a freshman at Dongda University, so some things need to be dealt with.

Two weeks of living alone.

The TV is on TV TOKYO. The TV station is broadcasting the PV trailer of Evangelion-RETAKE. In a few days, this new show will be released.

"It's the work of Mori-kun and Xue Naisang..."

Rena knows exactly what the origin of this work is.

Not only because Rena and Mori are classmates, but also because Nana, who was in the same group as her, dubbed Ryuta in this work.

On Rena's own side, seiyuu training is also needed starting this year.

Not only need to go to college, but also need to practice singing, dancing and learning how to become a voice actor.

There are many things.

For Rena, life after entering university will probably be busier than before.

But Rena did not regret it.

Because only this kind of self can be closer to your dreams.

After that day, Rena realized that her own efforts had value.

If your efforts can bring yourself closer to that person, then everything is worth it.

My life has never been so wonderful.

——This is when Rena's only thought.

However, Rena at this moment is suffering from gains and losses.

Because Rena knew that the road in front of her might be even more difficult than preparing for Dongda.

And more importantly, Rena didn't know how she should face that person now.

"Um... I'm a little hungry..."

Open the refrigerator.

Of course, there is nothing to eat at home.

After leaving home for more than a month, it is impossible for the Dongcheng family to store fresh food at home.

She turned her head and glanced at the scenery outside the window.

The sky is still bright, and the spring sun shines on the earth, making people feel calm.

Rena liked this feeling very much.

"Go out and buy it."

She thought for a while, and then left the room.

Wearing a blue and white dress, black pantyhose, and carrying a small backpack, the girl went out like this.

"But... he is also in Dongda..."

Then, Rena's heart reappeared that person's face.

After that happened, Rena didn't know what kind of expression and attitude she should use to face each other at this moment. Between them, even her boyfriend and girlfriend were not even considered.

"Obviously I made up my mind, but why am I so guilty now..."

Rena blamed her cowardice in her heart.

It seemed that at that time, Rena had used up all her courage, so at this time, she no longer had the potential to face each other.


Before reaching the commercial street, Rena found a shop. This was a shop selling video games. Rena didn't know much about this.

But when he saw the team photographed outside the store and the "DC-P" game consoles that were held by the user, Rena understood.

"Finally bought it, my Nana, I love you!"

At this moment, an otaku was holding the game and ran out of the store.

The other party bought the first big box version of "The Rebellious Lelouch's Gaiden: Nanali's Nightmare", which contains a figure of Nanali wearing a black tights.

Rena shivered as she looked at this customer who was still slobbering.

"Wow, it's terrible, the dead house is really disgusting..." The two little girls passing by seemed to be shocked by the other side.


Rena tilted her head.

Although the other party's actions were indeed... terrible, how to say it, this kind of action, cheering, and lofty thing for what you like, Rena doesn't hate.

"I heard that the game of Dark Souls is very interesting. I heard that Omi's players like it very much. Should we also try it?"

Two young people in line are discussing another game.

"You didn't even plan to buy it?! Don't you know how powerful the plot of Dark Soul is! This is the script written by Teacher Xia Sen!"

"But the producer of this game is Hidetaka Miyazaki, that guy is very sinister!"

"Then you are still planning to buy Nanali's nightmare, this is also made by Miyazaki Hidetaka."

"--This, how can girls' affairs be called sinister!"

Hearing all this, Renai's heartstrings were also beating.

It's all his works.

Rena stopped for a minute, and then continued to walk forward.

She is a little bit unwilling.

What's wrong with yourself? Why is it like this...

Rena sighed.

After that day, Rena deliberately avoided the person. Since the meeting that day, Rena has not met with the other party, and Rena has not contacted the other party. When the other party called, Rena asked her sister Xiaoyu. Go pick it up.

What am I thinking?

Rena didn't know it herself.


However, at this moment, the girl suddenly realized that she seemed to be a little far away.

Before I knew it, I had already crossed the shopping street, and seemed to have taken a lot more.

At this moment, I was at the door of an arcade hall.


Rena shook her head, gradually calming her dizzy brain.

"It's okay, I can face him... Rena... you can do it."

"——So I said, although the balance of the King of Fighters 97 is not as good as the 98, it is more fun to play!"

"They are all SNK works, but Yuehua Swordsman is obviously better. Xia Sen teacher, what do you think?"

——! ! !

Suddenly heard a familiar name.

"Ah, it's all good, but I think if these games are made into online games, it seems very interesting for everyone to match each other at home to play games. Well, it can also add live channels..." The voice said "Well, but when it comes to online battles, latency is also a problem. If it can be made into a new game, it would be better, and it would be good to make it into a league or something - ah, Rena?"

Several people came out of the arcade hall, and then Rena saw the man.

——Tianhai Senxia.

"Ah, long time no see, Rena."

Morinatsu greeted Rena with a smile.

Rena wanted to be dangerous, and then greeted him.

but failed.

The girl was motionless.

Dongcheng Rena was motionless.

Reina Tojo, stared at by Tenkai Morina, remained motionless.

"Rena, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Rena's appearance, Morinka also frowned.

"Are you... what happened?"

He walked towards Rena.

When Morinka stepped towards herself, Reina Tojo finally moved.

This step of Senxia made the girl's heart entangled and intertwined. She turned around and ran at the fastest speed in her life.

Never looking back.

"Rena!" Morinya apologized to Fujian next to her, and then chased Rena.

Rena has never run so fast. Even in the school's physical fitness test, Rena did not run at such a terrible speed—especially she was wearing a skirt and casual shoes.

His breathing became more and more rapid, his lungs were burning like fire, and his muscles began to sore.

The feeling of slight hypoxia made Rena's brain a little dizzy.

But she did not stop.

She didn't even slow down.

The girl ran all the way with her fastest speed.

Finally, the girl's body could no longer support such a rapid rush. Suddenly, Rena's feet were soft, and her whole body fell forward.


The girl seemed to hit something.


A voice sounded.


Rena also fell into a blindfold. She was wearing rough mouth, her lungs were burning and her muscles were twitching, but surprisingly, her body didn't seem to be injured, but... fell on the soft cushion.

She raised her head, then was stunned.

It was Morinatsu who caught Rena.


Then Rena felt that her brain was short-circuited.


"Rena... are you okay?" Morika's voice rang in Rena's ear.

"I, I, I'm fine..."

She struggled to stand up, but without catching a breath, she fell and sat down again.

Morika hurriedly hugged Rena.

He helped Rena adjust her sitting posture and temporarily sat on the ground.

This is a residential area. It's time to go to work. There are no people on the street. Although this posture is a bit indecent, it doesn't matter if no one sees it.

"Rena, what's the matter with you? Is something wrong?" Morika noticed that Rena was wrong.

Rena immediately shook his head.

"No, nothing..."

She tried to stand up, but Morinatsu stopped Rena.

"Let's take a rest. If you have something, please calm down and tell me slowly."


Then Rena fell silent.

Morinya saw Rena calm down, and he was also relieved. At this time, he continued to ask: "Is something happening at home?"

Rena shook her head.

Is not it?

Morika remembers that Rena went home because her family passed away, but it doesn't seem to be a close relative... right?

But looking at Rena's appearance, she did not seem to have acted because of this?

So Senxia changed the question: "Then...Are you being bullied?"

Rena raised her head and glanced at Morika, then continued to shook her head.

Rena did deny it, but the look in Rena's eyes just now was a bit subtle...

But it is true that since that day, I don’t seem to have met with Rena. Although I still have contact with the Dongcheng family, the people who answer the phone are basically Rena’s sister, Dong (small) Cheng (aunt) Yu (child). ).

Reminiscent of the look just now, the careful Morinka immediately thought of something.

Although you can usually pretend to be stupid, this is obviously not the time to pretend to be stupid.

"Is it because of me?"

Hearing these words, Rena was taken aback for a moment, and then his head immediately shook, as if to deny it.

However, after seeing Rena's reaction, Morinatsu sighed.

Rena's reaction was completely different from just now.

"Sure enough, it's because of me."

Senxia probably understood.

"It's not because of Morinatsu-kun! It's just my own problem!" Rena shouted.

"...I hurt you because of what happened that day?" Senxia continued to ask.

However, the girl was denying, she denied it desperately: "No! That day...that day was the best day of my life..."

At first, it was a firm tone, but later, the tone began to fade.

She averted her gaze.

Hearing these words, Morinia, who wanted to continue to inquire, also opened her mouth at this time, and did not say the following question.

Rena's answer was slightly unexpected.

"Then what's wrong with you? It doesn't matter, I'm here, you can tell it."

Rena's state is obviously not right, and this abnormal mental state is definitely not good to maintain in this way, but Morika feels that she needs to at least know what is wrong with her.

However, after hearing these words, Rena’s lacrimal gland seemed to suddenly

Rena wiped her tears with her hands, but the tears still couldn't stop streaming from her eyes.


She seemed to be denying something.

Morika didn't speak, but just patted Rena's back lightly.

Then, the girl couldn't bear it anymore.

"I--I don't want to--obviously can be with Mori Xiajun, obviously we can still go to the same school, but--I'm so scared..."

The girl's voice whimpered.

Her head leaned against Senxia's chest, tears wet Senxia's clothes.

"Obviously...Obviously it has been decided...As long as that is the case, I will be satisfied...but...There is no way..." Her voice intermittently, "As long as the thought of no way to be with Senxia, ​​just one Thinking that Senxia-kun would be taken away, I was so scared..."

"It's okay, I won't leave." A gentle voice sounded.


Rena hugged Morika, tears falling.


Xiyan on the corner turned around.

As Senxia's personal maid, she has always followed Senxia, ​​like just now.

She turned her head, but looked sideways at the street over there.

Her palms clenched, then relaxed.

Then, the girl resumed her usual appearance of a cold-faced maid.


Of course I know Shapin socks. I have studied it before, but the texture in the animation is indeed closer to latex.

I have been revising the sealed chapters for the past two days, and now they have finally released them all, and then I find that I have been spit out a lot and I am tired...

Recently, the plot has indeed jumped a bit, it is force majeure...

Two in one, meow meow~

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