Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1197: idea

"I am back."

Senxia returned to Hin Tianzhuang with Shiyin.

Uh, in Shiyin's own words, it was not Senxia who brought her back, but the two "just happened to be on the way."

Although a little awkward, Shiyin didn't let Shiyin wander outside.

Although Mud Boom is a very safe country, there is still danger for a single girl who gets lost at night.


It happened that Qianjia was coming out of the hot spring after soaking at this time. She was wearing a yukata and she happened to meet Shiyin who had just entered the door.

After seeing her sister, Senxia was quickly forgotten by her sister Sangji.

But Senxia didn't bother the sisters either. He walked to the other side and arrived at the restaurant.

Kiritani Takao was called away by his girlfriend. Ayana, Rena, Nana, and Asagao went to dinner. They were discussing the group's official debut. Asagao is the agent, everyone has to discuss internally. So it is not convenient for everyone to join in the fun together.

But the rest of the "main" players are still there. After entering the restaurant, Morinia saw everyone chatting and laughing together in twos and threes, a scene that was so lively.

"Master, the food is ready." At this time, Xi Yan walked to Senxia's side, "Well, prepare an extra set of tableware, Qianjia-senpai's sister Shiyin is also here."

Senxia gave Xiyan a word, and then walked to her seat.

"But why is Shiyin's attitude toward me so bad..."

Senxia was a little troubled.

Shiyin is Qianjia's younger sister, and Morinka actually wants to get along with each other. If the relationship between the two parties can be improved, then it will be the best.

But Senxia found that this idea of ​​her own was too naive.

Shiyin's personality is a

She seemed to lose her temper as soon as she saw herself.

Anyway, I'm also your sister's friend, are you doing this to me?

If the friendliness between herself and Qianjia is 100, then Shiyin's friendliness towards herself is probably only 10 points.

It's ten times worse.

But Shiyin didn't seem to feel this.

The relationship between the two does not mean that they can get along in harmony casually.

"Sinxia-kun, are you worried about anything?"

At this moment, Yusu who was sitting next to Senxia handed his notebook to Senxia.

"Well, it's a little bit." Senxia explained embarrassingly, "Senior Sister Qianjia's sister will come here later, but she has a subtle attitude towards me, and I don't know how to deal with it."

Shiyin is a pretty girl, although she has a bit of greenness, but the green apple with a sweet and sour fragrance actually feels very good.

I just don't know why Shiyin treats herself like this.

Youqi nodded over there. She thought for a while, and then continued to write: "Have you met before?"

"Well, I have been in contact a few times, but not many. But every time I meet Shiyin, she seems to be full of hostility towards me."

This is not a nonsense Morinya, when the two parties met before, Shiyin's attitude towards herself was like this.

Morinya said about the relationship between the two of Yusu.

After Yousu listened to Senxia's narration, she laughed aloud.

"Yousu, do you know what's going on?"

Senxia asked quickly.

Yousu nodded, and then wrote on the paper: "Because Shiyin sauce is afraid of Mori Xia-kun, you can take her sister. Girls are sometimes so selfish."

"This... well, I seem to understand."

Although Yusu had never seen Shion, after hearing Morinka's words, Yusu seemed to suddenly think of the other party's reason.

After hearing Yusu's explanation, Senxia also suddenly realized.

If this is the case, it's no wonder Shiyin is hostile to him, right?

He probably understood.

"Um...but I want to adjust the relationship with Shiyin, you know what to do?"

According to legend, isn't the sister-in-law's intimate little quilted jacket of her brother-in-law?

Although the relationship between myself and Qianjia-senpai is a bit subtle, the hostility on your side seems to be too much!


Hearing what Morinka said, Yusu seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, she wrote on the paper: "I don't know what she thinks yet. But from my perspective , She may not hate you as she shows. If she really hates you, she will not even talk to you, let alone talk about Hin Tianzhuang. So I think she probably She values ​​her sister very much, but on the other hand she hates herself who cannot be hated by the enemy who took her sister."

Obviously knowing that the other party is a bad guy who is pestering her sister, but she can't hate it, so Shion feels disgusted with this kind of herself?

Maybe that means it?

As far as Morinya understands, it seems like this is the case?

"Ah, what you said, I feel as if I understand a little bit."

Slightly relieved.

Well, if you think about it now, this poetic sound that always confronts you is really a very emotional thing in a sense.

Hey, isn't Yusu saying that she has never seen Shiyin, why she seems to be familiar with Shiyin's identity.

While Senxia was thinking about it, Qianjia also walked in, and she sat directly on the other side of Senxia.

"Where's Shiyin?" Senxia approached Qianjia, "Didn't she meet you?"

"I went to the bathroom." Qianjia said, "but no one else seems to be here, right?"

"Speaking of it, it is true that both Yukino and Zhentong have not come yet. Well, it doesn't matter, they will be fine for later. For now, let's do this for now."

It is said that they are eating together, but in fact, when eating at Hina Tianzhuang, it feels more like a cafeteria.

When everyone got together, they would chat and return to their room after dinner. can you feel like a student apartment in your home?

Yes, and it's a super luxurious hot spring student apartment!

Thinking about it carefully, there is indeed a group of people who are eating and drinking at their own homes, but everyone is led by Xue Nao and Qian Jia.

"Well, it's just a summer vacation anyway, and everyone is very happy here, that's enough."

Yes, that's enough.

"By the way, you were asking what games everyone likes, do you want to make games?" Qianjia asked.

"Ah, it's almost the same." Morinka said, "But if I think about it now, I want to do what I have at hand first, and then concentrate on making a good game."

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"It's probably an MMORPG."

Well, in fact, the game Morinya wanted to make had already had an idea at the beginning.

Yes, it is the new generation version of the ultra-high degree of freedom "Brave New World".

But after thinking about it, Senxia realized that her thoughts were a bit too naive.

Brave New World is indeed a good game, but this game is a "text adventure" game. No matter how many pictures and content, this feature cannot be changed.

If this kind of content is to become a new-generation game, it is absolutely impossible.

"Talk about it?" Qianjia asked.

"Forget it, there is nothing to say, because it can't be achieved." Senxia shook her head.

"It's okay, it can't be realized now, can I succeed in the future, come on, talk about it?" Qianjia is most interested in this kind of story.

"It's probably a sci-fi version of Brave New World."

In fact, the game mode that Moriha thinks in his mind is something similar to the game "No Man's Sky" combined with RPG elements.

Well, Mori Xia has even figured out her name, and it's called "Starship Voyage".

You see, it is poetic and compelling.

This is a sci-fi online game conceived by Morinka. This game is an orthodox online game of action role-playing, but the degree of freedom in the game is very high, and it can also play a lot of content that seems to be an ergonomic plot... ahem, As a gentleman, how can this not be added to the plot of the ergonomic model?

When playing this game, Morinka felt that if she could, she would also play this game as an ergonomic game.

Well, it's just like the beautiful new world now.

The ergonomics of Brave New World occupies more than 30% of the game. If it is not limited to narrow overturning, but spreads to broad fetishes and the like, then the relevant content can be expanded to about 50%.

As for the other gameplays cultivated by pure love, there are also 10%, and the remaining 30-40% are related to adventure.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is only 30-40%, because many ergonomics plots also have relevant content.

In Brave New World, the situation is that the content in the game is normal, but the game has a lot of rigorous gameplay, and you can play whatever content you want.

"But this kind of game... do you want the programmer to kill you?"

Of course Qianjia knows "Brave New World".

However, Brave New World’s gameplay is okay at the text level, but if it needs to be replaced with a 3D picture, and then matched with the MMORPG gameplay, it can really kill people.

"So I said it was just an idea."

Senxia said embarrassedly.

But how to put it, the mode of "No Man's Sky" with RPG is really good.

Although No Man's Sky was called a cheating game when it first came out, this game got better and better in the future, and the overall quality became higher and higher. Senxia also liked this game type.

Hmm...Speaking of which, there is still a big killer in Senxia that hasn't been released...

The game "Minecraft" is still under development in secret, and it will be made very well in the future. I don't know if this game mechanics can make anything interesting with this science fiction theme.

"Ah, no interest..."

Senxia still felt a little dull in her mind.

It's great to make games by yourself, but it seems that something is missing... well, that's right!


No gentleman!

It is the same as the MOD of the Guilty Crown, the custom module of Brave New World, and the ergonomic content just in my mind!

"Well, that's how it is!"

Mori Xia suddenly realized.

"What I want to do is an ergonomic gentleman game!"

I was struggling at the beginning, and I obviously had so many games in my hands, but why wasn't I satisfied?

But now, Senxia has realized. He finally knew what he was missing

At this moment, his mind became extremely clear...


"Um... my head hurts..."

Just when Senxia complained about herself, Zhentong, who had just gotten up from the head of the bed, walked out of her room while shaking her head.

Before dinner, True Hitomi saw that Morinka was about to leave the mansion, adding that there was still an hour before the meal, and True Hitomi, who had been exhausted for a day, prepared to take a short break.

As a result, one hour passed after this break, but True Hitomi, who had just been lying on the bedside for a while, fell asleep accidentally.

At this moment, it was time for dinner. But at this moment, Zhentong was also a little dizzy because of this nap.


Then, Zhentong saw a young girl who was standing at the corner of the corridor with a blank face.

She looked around, as if she was looking for something, but she didn't feel like it?

The girl was wearing a white dress with her hair tied into a ponytail.

"Hello, who are you? Is something wrong? I think you seem to be" Shiyin over there suddenly heard a voice from behind her, she Suddenly became vigilant.

She turned her head, and then she saw the real pupil here.

True Hitomi was wearing a yukata at this time, with her hair tied back to his head, and she felt quite dignified. And the hair that became a little messy because of not sleeping well, and the somewhat improper clothes, gave Zhen Tong a lazy and wonderful temperament.

The poetry over there seemed to be relieved.

"Hello." She bowed to True Hitomi, and then said, "I am Chiba Chika's sister Chiba Shion."

"Ah, Qianjia's younger sister..."

Chiba Chika.

Of course True Hitomi knew Qianjia, although True Hitomi was mainly inquiring about information related to Morinia when she checked the information. Although she investigated the information of those people around Morinia, she did not go deep.

"Ah, hello." Zhentong said, "My name is Tiaoyue Zhentong."

The two have seen each other.

Then Zhen Hitomi noticed Shion's current state.

"Just take the liberty to ask, are you looking for something?" Zhentong asked.

"That... I want to go to the bathroom..."

Shiyin was a little embarrassed.

"Ah, please come with me. The bathroom is here, and I happen to be going there."

Jin Hitomi smiled.


Shion breathed a sigh of relief, and she followed Zhentong...


Just now the author, Jun Miao, fell asleep, and only found a bunch of garbled characters in the middle after uploading, which has been corrected!

Finally grabbed the ticket for the Spring Festival Transport, although it is a first-class high-speed rail ticket, the price is six or seven times that of a sleeper...

Meow today~

Meow meow~

Two-in-one meow meow~

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