Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1198: Kawahara gravel and sword art online


Kawahara Reki was sitting with everyone in the club watching the game at this time.

To be precise, it is a replay of the game.

It's dinner time, everyone has a dinner together, so I have time to watch these games.

The content shown on TV is counter-strike.

Some of the more exciting games in the preliminary rounds were taken out and played on stage.

In fact, the two games that are most suitable as shows are StarCraft and Hero Trails. Unfortunately, these two games are not very popular in the mud bombing, but the most popular fighting game in the mud bombing is too long. Short, one game simply can't hold up a program, so after a discussion on the TV station, they came up with Counter-Strike.

Although Neon Gold doesn't like games like StarCraft and Hero Trails, shooting games are surprisingly acceptable.

"Hey, if only the Sword Art Online after us can also enter the game!"

At this moment, the person next to him patted Kawahara Reki on the shoulder.

It is his editor, Miss Takasu Ogawa.

Well, yes, it is the editor in charge of Senxia. Since Ms. Dahe has always had a deep resentment for Senxia's pitfalls, Senxia simply matched the bridge and asked the other party to take charge of Kawahara's manuscript.

Not to mention, the Sword Art Online written by Kawahara Shiki really suits Miss Ogawa's appetite, and the adventures in the game world seem to be particularly interesting.

Sword Art Online is undertaking several projects at the same time. The novel is about to be serialized, and the comics project has already begun preparations. As for the game here, planning has already begun.

Thinking of the game of Sword Art Online, Kawahara Reki himself was quite excited.

This Sword Art Online game uses a fighting method similar to "The Legend of the Sword" and is a semi-locked game.

But unlike Xianjian Waichuan, Sword Art Online is an online game.

Well, yes, online games.

In the end, Moriha's side adopted neither the dungeon and the warrior model, nor the Dragon Valley model. In terms of the game's mechanism settings, it was closer to the sword spirit.

"Sword Spirit" is a game that is fully capable of challenging those large online games when it was just launched.

But it is a pity that the game was broken by the planners at the end.

Obviously a good game, but in the end it became the tears of the times.

But what I have to admit is that Sword Spirit is a very good hand feel, excellent picture quality, and there is this "greasy big sister" feeling game.

But in the era of the birth of the sword spirit, the end game has been declining, and with the constant planning and death, this game can only be spit out in the future.

But what if you look at it from another era?

What if this game was in the era before the advent of World of Warcraft?

Uh, of course, what I'm talking about here is not the graphics, but the game's combat feel and combat mechanism.

The game was not done well, but Kawahara Reki played "The Legend of the Sword". The feel of this game is very good. The special feeling of blow made Kawahara Reki feel that this should be possible in Sword Art Online. That kind of fighting pleasure.

Although the battle part of "Sword Art Online" is borrowed from "Sword Spirit", in other parts, the part of this game is borrowed from "World of Warcraft".

Of course, the painting style is relatively Japanese, and the background of the story is also very special.

Although the game of "Sword Art Online" is in the same line as the novel, the game of "Sword Art Online" tells the story of a day when the world of Sword Art Online becomes the real world.

On a certain day, the world shaped by Sword Art Online turned into a real world, and then people discovered that they could enter this world for adventure... It was probably such a story.

This development is different from the original world, and this development is somewhat similar to the FATE series.

The new chapter of FATE tells the story of the electronic world, while in this FATE chapter, it is the story of a teenager meeting a girl. As for the famous mobile game title designation, it tells the story of another world line.

Therefore, when Kayaba Akihiko (the man behind Sword Art Online) took another path, the world line had a certain rate change.

Yes, since we want to play, let's just play bigger.

Anyway, this kind of multi-worldline story is the rest of the game, the universe of Marvel and DC, various restart worldlines, and the plot of the demon man here is based on different developments, and there are two plot directions. Composition of the story.

The same is true for Ghost in the Shell. The comic version is a world, the Oshii theater version is a world, the later TV version is a world, and then the new TV version is a world, and then there is a movie version, which is another kind. The way is up.

There is also the "Tiandi Wuyou" series. The OVA of Tiandi Wuyou is a series. After OVA became popular, the TV version was released. This is another series. However, after that, Tiandi Wuyou 2 and Xintiandi Wuyou have a different composition. In addition, Tiandi Wuyou also launched a magical girl series-well, just like a certain moon magical girl Ilia, Tiandi Wuyou series also has this same design.

At this time, the concept similar to different world lines has actually already sprouted.

It's just that this concept of "parallel worlds" has not been summarized by various companies, and the master of everything is the FATE series.

Based on this concept, Morinka is like trying a similar move.

The animation's world line is based on the novel, and the world line on the game side is another calculation. If a stand-alone player is released in the future, it may be another world line.

This is not because the original game of Sword Art Online has a different route from the animation and novels, but the game on Morinka is more thorough.

To be honest, although the plot of the original World Line Sword Art Online game cannot be commented on, Aincrad, the main stage of the original World Line Sword Art Online game, was attacked by the protagonist Kirito on a hundred floors in one go. I don’t know how much better than the story in novels and TV that stopped abruptly after hitting the 75th floor.

However, Kawahara Reki of this world line does not know the future achievements of Sword Art Online. He saw the TV show at this time, and he even had the idea of ​​whether the gunfight could also be a game story.

If you let Kawahara Reki take a look at another world line, he will find that he actually wrote that way. After Kirito cleared the game SAO Sword Art Online, he had been to the world of GGO. This is one The world of gun battles-is also the origin of the name "Tongzi".

At this moment, Kawahara Reki felt that such a story would be very interesting.

It doesn't have to be a team, it may be that everyone is on the same map, and then use weapons to determine the final winner...

Well, commonly known as eating chicken.

It is undeniable that in the novel "Sword Art Online", there is indeed a game mode similar to the future "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds". Although there are some differences between the two, the connotation is actually the same.

It's just that when playing this part at the time, everyone was full of thoughts of "Tongko is my wife" and "Even if it is a boy, there is no problem." As a result, very few people noticed the game world itself.

But how to put it... With Tongzi, what kind of chicken do I have! Wouldn’t it be fine if I let Tongzi help me eat chicken? !

You see, the tongzi sauce is so hot and cute, so hot and beautiful. Although it is a boy, the skill of eating chicken is first-class...

Moreover, Morinia did plan to adapt and expand the subsequent part into a "chicken-eating game" based on this content.

It's true that Kawahara Reki didn't know at this time. The follow-up content had already been decided by Morinatsu, but Kawahara Reki didn't know it yet.

"What about the competition of Sword Art Online..."

Although Sword Art Online is also an MMORPG, this game also has a competitive mode. The competitive mode is a one-on-one battle, a sword showdown.

After the news of WCG spread, the production team also came up with the idea of ​​whether we should work hard to push the competitive mode of Sword Art Online.

Senxia has no opinion on this, he just emphasized that player experience and PVE must be the mainstay. PVP player PK must only be able to invest when the technology meets the former.

——After all, the future "eating chicken" is the main thing, but now in "Sword Art Online", the main thing is PVE.

To be honest, in fact, the audience of Kawahara Shiki's other novel Accelerated World is equally good, but unfortunately, the character of the male protagonist Haruyuki Arita is not popular with everyone. The famous "Accelerated Pig" stem is also very subtle. More importantly, Arita Haruyuki's persona... is too tragic.

What is the fate of offending the painter?

Arita Haruyuki is the fate of offending the painter.

In the novel, the actor Haruyuki Arita is actually a man with a height of one meter and six meters—this height is actually okay in the mud.

But in the animation, Haruyuki Arita has turned into someone who doesn’t seem to be even a meter tall, and he really matches the "pig"...tragically tragic...

"Now, Kawahara," an employee leaned over to Kawahara Reki at this time, "You are the original author. If you want to design PVP in a novel, what would you do?"

"Huh? I'm sorry, but in terms of games, I can't help it..."

Although Kawahara Reki wrote about Sword Art Online, he really wasn't a game planner. When someone asked this question, Kawahara really didn't dare to answer.

It would be bad if you let them go wrong.

"Hahaha," the other party smiled, "Yes, you really don't have a lot of contact with this aspect, so what do you think of our current game mechanism settings?"

"Well, the current setting is quite interesting. Unlike the novel, Aincrad, who has become a real world, is also good. The skill setting is also very interesting, and the combo strike setting is too fun.

In the game of Sword Art Online, players can switch positions in teams. In the game, some important monsters need two skills of the same type to be hit in one state.

For example, when the player uses a skill, he must use another skill with a "stun attribute" within three seconds to be able to stun the enemy. At this time, teammates can use the same type of skills to stun the enemy.

Although this setting is inherited from Jian Ling and other online games, in fact, this setting and the design of Sword Art Online are also very similar.

That being said, Kawahara Reki is actually right.

That's... he actually likes the dressing system in the game.

In Sword Art Online, there are many costumes, and the combination of costumes into costumes for characters. This "paper doll system" fascinates Kawahara Shiki.

Now the entire game is still under development, but the "face pinching" system is already done. As the original author, Li Kawahara had the honor to experience the pinch of Sword Art Online.

Well, it's pretty good.

Because it is an internal development version, there are many 18X content in this system.

But this kind of feeling can actually arouse people's inner impulse.

Well, especially when Kawahara Reki discovered that the developers of these good things had also added some clothing from a certain hospital to the face-squeezing He even felt that it was too meow. .

——Because it is the same engine, this kind of transplantation is possible.

"But what I care more about is that the skills and combat of the game, if it can be the same as the Soul of Darkness, it would be so interesting!"

By the way, Kawahara Reki of this world line is a good friend of Miyazaki Hidetaka. After the two met, it happened as soon as they saw each other. In the novel of Sword Art Online, there are many places that pay tribute to the soul of darkness.

"Ahem, this is an MMORPG, there is no content that is too hardcore!" The developer over there also showed a wry smile on his face.

To be honest, at the beginning of the development, everyone wanted to make an online version of the game that feels like Dark Souls, but Mori Xia took them back in one breath.

Otherwise, the Sword Art Online of this world line would really be the Black Soul Art Online.

But even so, Kawahara Reki was affected by the game here, and the content of the entire game is already

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I don't know why, when I wrote about Xue Nai's best friend, she didn't consciously want to develop her former heroine. As a result, Xue Nai's Crystal Palace had to open the Crystal Palace again... it felt painful.

Stop it quickly, I follow my train of thought, OvO

Two-in-one meow meow~

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