Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1325: "Moonfall" multiplayer mode

The launch of the new game has attracted a lot of attention from the A company in the first month of the new year.

Not only the players, but also the industry.

IGN’s evaluation of "MUV: Moonfall" is a high score of 9.5 points, which is 0.5 points higher than the other world line of "Titanfall 2".

This is also understandable, because the operation of this game is "God-level" in this year, especially the game has a particularly powerful wall sliding strategy, which distinguishes the entire game from other FPS.

Unfortunately, for the sake of performance, the game screen will shrink in more intense scenes to maintain the smoothness of the entire game. As a result, under intense scenes, the special effects will decrease and the screen resolution will decrease. The entire screen will be relatively slow. It becomes more "pit", which makes the game experience a little bit worse.

Of course, the decline of this kind of experience does not affect the smoothness of the entire game, but occasionally pauses or screenshots, which can make people a little bit disheartened.

But the flaws don't cover up.

"This is an FPS game that opened a new era, a revolution in the FPS world."

Prior to this, most of FPS games were sudden, even if there was a plot, most of them served for the sudden, but in "Moonfall", through dialogue and performance, the whole story was brought to life. Up.

An impressive story is also very important for FPS games. The industry is ignorant and aware of this, but the impression is not deep.

If there is no Senxia, ​​this concept will gradually be used by the industry in the future. Among the players of a certain Chinese New Year game, everyone can basically know such things as "Soap", "Ghost", Reznov, Mason, etc. The villain’s sister control, etc., are familiar to game players. Although they are not well-known outside the game circle, they are still well-known in the circle.

Of course, the game industry is like this.

——You can never expect Sneaker's popularity to surpass Saber.

Although "Metal Gear Solid" is a masterpiece, but in terms of popularity among the public, "King Arthur" is still more famous.

At least when investors are investing, they will say "I want a heroine like Saber", but when they see Sneaker, they are basically confused.

Perhaps the second element is indeed niche, but the role of the second element can sometimes surpass the "two element" and reach a wider field.

But in the gaming circle, this concept is relatively small.

Pulled away.

All in all, the game "MUV: Moonfall" is well-known in the FPS circle.

After the game was launched, the number of online players in the entire Beacon Country reached 100,000 at one time, so that company A had to urgently add servers to avoid chaos. However, the game's online function was still queued. frequently. There was even a player who queued up on the Internet for half an hour before entering the game, and then this man also posted a message on the Internet.

In addition to the Internet, there is another phenomenon in this game. After the game was released, the sales of DC-P keyboard and mouse accessories suddenly increased a lot. Some merchants simply bundled this game with keyboard and mouse peripherals, and then Tone sold to players.

"This is the multiplayer mode, the interface is more gorgeous than the demo version..."

And Kanzaki Haruka and Nanami Love, at this moment, also entered the multiplayer mode.

The two had just played solo mode for a long time, and then they suddenly realized that there was still class in the afternoon—then they realized that when they sensed the time, it was almost time to end the get out of class.

Ah, ah, it turned out that Kanzaki Haruka not only missed class in the morning, but also missed class again in the afternoon.

Kanzaki Haruka, who completely gave up treatment, decided to continue the game-anyway, today is Friday, she is going to play all night.

And Seven Seas Love is also watching from the side.

However, because of the surprise just now, the two of them are not in the mood to continue playing/watching the single player campaign for the time being, so they decided to try the multiplayer mode.

The multiplayer mode starts by pinching the face.

The first limited edition will provide a set of Huang Weiyi's battle suit of the same style, which is also designed when changing clothes when pinching the face.

It is said that this outfit will be available as DLC in the future, but it will cost money to purchase it separately.

Kanzaki Haruka has played the demo version. She directly used the account and imported the face pinching data of the demo version. A character similar to Nanami Love appeared seven or eight points.

"Eh eh eh -?!"

After seeing the character above, Nanami screamed.

"Seven Seas... just like this..."

Kanzaki Haruka gave the character a name, and then he was ready to confirm and enter the game.


Nanami's face blushed, and then quickly stopped Kanzaki Haruka.

"Well, that's right, using your real name directly, there is still a problem... Nanase love... eh, yes? Kanzaki love... OK."

After naming, the game interface enters the multiplayer mode.

"God, god, god, Kanzaki love...?"

After seeing the character's name, Nanami Love was stunned.

In Nihong, after a girl married a boy, she needed to change her surname to that of her husband, so after seeing the name "Kanzaki Koi", Nanami's whole person suddenly became bad.

What does Xiaoyao want to do?

Is she trying to make some kind of hint to me?

Or when is she going to push me down?

Oh, but we are all girls, how can this kind of thing be possible!

But... But if it's Xiaoyao... She is actually a very handsome girl, if she dresses up a little... It seems... It's not impossible...

"Now, what mode do we play better?"

"Huh? What?!"

Kanzaki Haruka's question made Nanami Love react.

"Well, what game mode?"


Kanzaki Haruka is showing it to Nanami Love.

There are currently four types of game modes. Compared with the demo version, there are a lot more. One is a cart, the other is a point, and the other is annihilation. The first two types are similar to Overwatch models, while the latter are models borrowed and modified from Counter-Strike. Of course, the annihilation here is pure annihilation, there is nothing like saving the hostages or blowing up a certain place, because that would be too close. The fourth type of model is "hunting."

"What is this hunting?" Qihailian understood the previous mode, but she didn't know the last mode.

"Let’s see, this mode is a duel of five players in a fixed scene, four of which are driving robots, and the other player is acting as a BETA alien. These four people need to drive Titan robots to destroy each other. And the player who plays the alien needs to annihilate these four players... well, it's very interesting."

Kanzaki Haruka's eyes suddenly shined.

This type of cooperative FPS is really original in the industry, and Seven Seas Love immediately plans to try this model.

This mode is also a mode borrowed by Morinia. The game he referred to is called "Evolve Evolution".

In another world line, this game was launched by TurtleRock Studio, which developed the game "Left to Survive".

Well, as to whether the "Legend of Survival" on this world line was made on the opposite side, it is not easy to say...

The game "Evolve Evolution", in simple terms, is a game of four players PK one player.

The basic setting of this game is that four players play the hunter and one player plays the monster. The hunter has various props such as protective shields and stun guns. In the game, the monsters are actually relatively weak. They can be upgraded by playing wild and eating animals, and then after upgrading, you can fight the hunter. In the game, if the monster is killed, the hunter wins, and if four of the hunters die at the same time, or the monster is upgraded to level 3, and then the generator on the map is blown, the monster wins.

This model was borrowed by Senxia.

The game "Evolution" was very popular when it was just launched, and even reached the top of the sales chart. However, the stamina of this game is not enough. People who like to play the whole game will play it, but ordinary players rarely can stay. Live, as far as Senxia's personal feeling is concerned, the most troublesome part of this game is that the difficulty of the game is asymmetry, the design is unbalanced, and the mode is too single.

As long as the monster can survive in the early stage, it is completely meaningless in terms of the basic hammer hunter.

And there is another point where it hurts. This game... is too much money.

Therefore, Morinia just borrowed the idea of ​​this game, and then put it into the multiplayer mode of "Moonfall" as a supplement-this game mode can be used as a powerful supplement.

And this game is somewhat different from "Evolution". In the game, the strongest at the beginning are aliens, while the weaker ones are humans-although humans have Titans.

But in the game, the alien BETA has three support bases, destroying one base, the alien monster will be weakened.

In the later stages of the game, the player probably uses the remaining blood of the Titan and the flesh to PK against the alien monsters of the same remaining blood, and there will be no imbalance in combat power. At the beginning, the player drove the Titan to fight against the alien monster. Although it is weak, it is not impossible to fight back. If the technique is good, it is not impossible to kill directly.

At least in terms of balance, Morinka has done a good job.

At this moment, Kanzaki Haruka is controlling his character to enter the queue.

There are two game modes in the game, one is automatic matching, and the other is the "room" where the player opens the game. The results of the former will be calculated on the network, while the latter belong to practice matches and invitational matches and will not be recorded.

Kanzaki Haruka was assigned to the "guard" side. According to the plot of the story, this part is that a combat squad was ordered to investigate an anomalous signal, and then found the anomalous alien creatures here, but the squad was blocked by the alien creatures and they could not escape alone. At this time, the only way to rescue , Is to wipe out that abnormal alien...

"Mosimosi, everyone... can you hear it?" A voice sounded.

Well, this game supports voice.

"Hi!" Another voice sounded.

"No problem." Kanzaki Haruka also said.

"Eh eh eh, girl?!" After hearing Kanzaki Haruka's voice, he was shocked.

"It turned out to be a real girl!" The game is still in the preparation stage at this time. Everyone is in the room waiting for the game to load. At this time, only the character image of the other party is displayed on the screen. The game itself is loading. Players can only communicate through dialogue.

On the screen, there are three characters who pinch their faces and become sister papers, but these people know that they are boys when they hear the voice, so when they heard the voice of a girl suddenly made by Haruka Kanzaki, they were shocked— In this game that is all Chinese paper, a sister paper actually appeared!

"Hello, I hope everyone can get along well." Kanzaki Haruka's mouth twitched to deal with the opposite.

She came to play the game to play the gun, not to listen to the fuss.

"I'm playing for the first time, do you have any tactics?"

Since there is no plan to chat, the next action is of course to quickly get the topic back into the game.

"Ah, yes, yes!" Her voice instantly made the other side react.

"This map is a power station. I have played it several times before. Although it is not very powerful, if you need to explain please give it to me!"


The others seemed to be novices, and everyone agreed upon hearing this voice.

"In this mode, we need to find the enemy's three nests first, and after exploding the brainworms inside, we can deal with the monster." The other party briefly introduced, "At that time, we will spread out at the beginning. Two of them went to pester the monster, and the other two went to find the nest."

"Is it okay for two people to deal with monsters?" Kanzaki Haruka took a look at the gameplay. The alien monsters were still very strong at the beginning.

"Hey, if the two people cooperate, they should be able to destroy one or two lairs before the Titan's durability is consumed. At this time, there will be the power to counterattack."

Because the game has just been launched, there are no routines in the game yet, and everyone is exploring on their own.

In the eyes of this group of players, if the monsters can be entangled, others will look for the lair, which may be a good method.

"Huh, they are all boys." Kanzaki Haruka turned off the microphone, and said to Nanami Lian next to him.

"There are already fewer girls playing this kind of game." Seven Seas Love is quite conscious.

"Well, who told us to be members of the White Lily team, let these boys see how good our girls are!"

At this moment, the game finally loaded.

Four Titans appeared in the picture.

"Yo Xi, it's our turn to kill!" Xiaoyao was very happy.

"Ah la la, it's going to be a big kill."

The gentle voice of Yukino sounded from behind the two of them...


After looking up, I feel that "Titanfall" is more appropriate than "Titanfall".

Two-in-one meow~

Meow meow~

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