Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1326: Game thing

Snow, snow, and snow are adults? !

Kanzaki Haruka and Nanami Love hugged and shivered.

Behind the two of them, there was a smiling Xue Nao-chan.

Yukino-chan is as cute and charming today as ever~

But facing such a Xue Na, the two people behind were trembling.

"Two of you who killed me, you didn't go to class today." The gentle and lovely voice, but the words that were as warm as the spring breeze made them feel that they were in the cold winter of thirty or nine days.

In fact, it is almost the same. It is the end of January and the temperature is really very low.

"Teacher found me specially today," Yukino smiled, and then knelt down in front of the two of them-they were sitting on the carpet before, "Xiaolian, Xiaoyao, you were originally my members. Well, but as good friends of the student council president, you didn't even go to class. This is really nerve-racking."

It has already been said before that Shiraito Women's University is a very strict noble women's university. In other universities, absenteeism is not even a mistake.

But at Shiraburi Women's University, this is a big deal.

You know, the students here are either excellent grades or eldest ladies from various families-for example, Hitomi, who is the heir to a shrine, and in a sense, is also the "eldest lady".

Because of this strictness, no one is here to attend classes. This is a big deal.

"Listen, listen to my explanation, Master Xue Na!" Kanzaki Haruka explained quickly.

"Well, I can understand." Yukino smiled, "Today is the release of my brother's new game. Well, I am also creating the script. You can like it, of course I am very happy."

"Yes, is it..."

The two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just this kind of thing, please explain to me before next time." Xue Na said.

"Hey, hey!" For fear of Xueno's repentance, Kanzaki Haruka said quickly after Xueno finished, "I understand!"

"So, come with me now." After Xue Nao finished speaking, she stood up.

"Where to go?" Kanzaki Haruka subconsciously asked.

"Of course I went to the activity department. I need you to do some things."

The two nodded, and then followed Yukino to the activity room.

At this time, there is a whole game hall, but there are no people in this game hall now, and the winter is very cold, so the two people would rather play games in their own rooms.

In this place, in addition to PCs and arcade machines, there are also a lot of home machines. At this moment, Yukino brought two people to the two machines.

"The game "Moonfall" has been installed on these two machines. You guys have a try."

Hearing Yukino's words, Kanzaki Haruka and Nanami Love turned on two machines.

"Yo Xi, that's fine. Your goal is to win 100 wins for everyone in the multiplayer mode, and then write me an afterthought of no less than 10,000 words. You must fully explain the game. Feel it."


After hearing what Yukino said, Kanzaki Haruka was a little confused, and Nanami Love, who was next to him, felt that something bad had happened, but he didn't know what it was.

"Will 100 games be too much..." Kanzaki Haruka thought it was not very reliable.

"Ah la la, don't you think it's okay?" Then she saw Xue Nao's kind eyes.

"Yes! No problem!" Kanzaki Haruka said immediately that he could do it.

"Yeah, then there is no problem~" Xue Na smiled, she had already come to the door at this time, "Then, it was decided happily. You are not allowed to leave here until you win 100 games, just like that. ~"

Yukino left the room.

Then with a "click--" the door was locked...



The two looked at each other.


Kanzaki Haruka was a little bit weeping without tears.

"But I don't know how to play games..." Seven Seas Love also panicked.

But even if they don’t want to play, they must continue at this time...

By the way, when the two started playing the game, the "Kanzaki Koi" on her own DC-P was also kicked out because of hanging up for a long time, and the system then added a player to join the game-this is the game The unique mode is to let other players go up after a player drops or exits maliciously. This approach will also give these "firefighters" some additional rewards.

But these players do not care.

In fact, these people are spraying each other at this moment-they think that it is because they are too disgusting to talk to each other, so that the sister paper has the idea of ​​"steaming goose hearts in four studios", so they ran away.


"Is the bounty model not ready yet?"

"Hey, it will take about half a month to start the test, and it will not affect the launch in a month."

When Kanzaki Haruka and Nanami Koi fell into the game hell, Morinatsu was thinking too.

He is in A company at this moment.

At present, A company is stepping up the production of the first major update of the game. This major update will add a "bounty mode".

This is also a kind of multiplayer mode.

In fact, this is the original "bounty mode" of "Titanfall 2".

Senxia was watching this model at this time.

He also skipped class today.

Uh, I can't say that, because Morinia doesn't have any required courses today.

The bounty mode is a special multiplayer mode. The rule is that the side who saves enough money first wins, or after the time is over, the side with more money wins.

In the game, the way to get the "bounty" is to kill the minions and Titans of the NPC, or kill the enemy on the opposite side.

In a sense, this method sounds a bit like MOBA: kill the enemy's minions and "heroes" to make money and gain experience.

But Senxia did not start in this way.

Morinka knows a lot about "first-person" MOBA games, but these games may be played by some people at the beginning, but they are just fresh, so Morinka is still working on the original Titanfall 2 model instead of going. Make super magic changes.

For things that are superior in their own right, Senxia still tends to maintain the original flavor.

But for special games, Morinia has his own ideas.

He thinks that keeping the good parts and then removing the bad parts is the most appropriate attitude.

For example, Daewoo had a plan to make a "New Legend of Sword and Fairy", that is, to reset the generation, and Senxia gave this plan a splash.

The story of Fairy Sword is classic and well designed, but the gameplay is a bit worse.

You know, the score of "Sword 1" in Famitong is only 21 points, and for Famitong, which has a full score of 40, this score is already garbage.

And to be honest, there is nothing too innovative about the gameplay of "Sword 1" itself. It was hard to make a Japanese version, and it was thankless to make a uglier version...

Therefore, the condition given by Senxia is "If Fairy Sword 1 is to be redone, the story will be kept, but the system will redo it all for me!".

Then Daewoo had no sound.

Senxia is very optimistic about the fairy sword story and the design of Zhao Linger and others, but is not optimistic about the entire system of the fairy sword.

And Senxia felt that even if it was going to be a fairy sword story, it would be okay to include some fairy sword TV series.

You know, compared with the game, the evaluation of the fairy sword TV series in the mud boom is much higher.

And this point almost tells everything.

And as far as the fairy sword TV series is concerned, the best portrayed character is the villain in the story.

The worship of the moon in "Sword" and the Wutian in "Journey to the West" can be regarded as the most powerful villains of a certain oriental power at the beginning of the new century.

On the side of Senxia, ​​he also accelerated the pace of driving out Daewoo's original elder.

Ahem... Actually, it's not driving away, just letting them all play other games. For a certain "Father of the Sword", Senxia asked him to rush to get his new Monopoly game, and on the other side, he was Let the Teng Xuanyuan Sword series be done quickly.

As for the original IP of Xianjian, it was controlled by Senxia.

Of course, Senxia's actions also caused dissatisfaction over there, and some people even left for it.

In fact, when "The Legend of the Sword" came out, some people left. They yelled "This is not a fairy sword" and then left.

For Senxia, ​​he didn't think there was anything.

Instead of making the fairy sword more and more scumbag in the future, it is better to let it be transformed in his own hands.

In fact, the Mori summer version of "Sword 2" will also appear at this year's E3 exhibition.

Moreover, Morinia also prepared a super surprise for all E3 audiences.

Well, although it is not the content of the game, it also burned a lot of money for Morinia, and he thought these people would like it.

Senxia felt his thoughts fly away, and he quickly turned his gaze back to the present at this time.

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

Fix it, there is a paragraph missing here...

At this time, a PV is playing on the TV.

Senxia looked at it for a while, but he didn't even see what the work was. He was a little confused, and then looked at it for a while before he came to realize.

"The fruit basket of the new July fan..."

This is the PV of the work "Fruit Basket" to be aired in July.

"Fruit Basket" tells the story between the heroine Honda Toru and the Somo family who is possessed by the Zodiac.

When Morika first saw the animation PV, she didn't react, but when he looked at it again, he found that the animation was "Fruit Basket".

But... the style of painting is different.

The picture of the whole work is a little different from the "Fruit Basket" in Senxia's "memory".

"I remember not just this work..."

Because of the PV in front of him, Morinya thought of something she had seen before.

He patted his forehead, and then said to Lihua, "Lihua, help me find all the PVs of the works that will be broadcast this year. Also, if there are any content from the new show in January, get them for me. Want it now."

"Okay." Lihua usually complains about Senxia, ​​but when she works, she is still very serious. After hearing what Morika said, Lihua immediately contacted Musashino Animation.

Musashino Animation is an animation company. The works and materials of other companies will also be included for reference, so Morinatsu soon got the content she wanted-of course, part of it was recorded on video tape~www. So only the physical version is available, and there is no way to transmit it over the network. Those who have to wait for a while Musashino personally send the information.

These are all digital videos that Senxia got in his hands. Some of them need to be analyzed frame by frame, so they are converted into digital versions and saved. Now it is convenient for Senxia to watch.

"This is last year's Inuyasha... well, there are some changes in people... The main change is... photography? But the changes are not big."

"This is the PV of "Magic Butler", this change is big... The PV of "God of Go"? Well, there is some original feeling, but it seems that something is wrong..."

Senxia thought for a while, then raised her head and saw Lihua here.

"Lihua, the style of these animations seems to have changed last year and this year. Especially these PVs have changed a lot."

Senxia was a little strange.

"Yes, the industry is indeed looking for new styles in the past two years." Lihua replied, "Musashino's works are very radical in the style of innovation, which has also caused changes in the market as a whole. Especially. Recently, the sales volume of EVA-RETAKE's first volume has exceeded 80,000, so it has stimulated the industry even more."

The broadcast of Evangelion RETAKE has ended, and the ending of "Re: Evangelion" brings guarantee of DVD sales.

By the way, the ruffian made a cold meal of Evangelion 2000 during the broadcast of Re Evangelion last year, and the sales were also very good.

But unlike the original Evangelion, the style of RE's work has undergone a distinct change. The use of highlights has made the character's figure more sensual and delicate, while quietly setting off an industry style change.

"The style of painting is outdated"

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