Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1333: Opponent Ninja

In the first January of the new millennium, in addition to various news, the most exciting thing for gamers is actually another game.

To the demon ninja...

Cough, don't laugh.

Although in another world, this game is a gentleman's game, and even turned into a very painful krypton gold web game...

But in this world, Mannin is a soul series game, this game is a soul series game with a modern background.

This world-powered version of Hidetaka Miyazaki seems to have a history of spreading the soul series all over the world. It is said that he also wants to make a Victorian soul game and a soul game from the Sengoku era. Able to make a soul game of the primitive age...

If people from another world line knew that the game "To Demon" has become like it is now, this will probably trigger a huge discussion.

Pulled away.

All in all, at the end of January, the game "Forbearance" finally went on sale.

The achievement of Inaba is for game lovers who bought this game for the first time.

Kazunari Inaba did not originally have a DC-P or played Sega games. He is a loyal fan of Sony and an old fan who has fallen in love with Sony since the PS era.

Well, now the PS era is not over...

Inaba Kazusei first came into contact with DC-P at the end of last year.

He is a fan of 3D games and loved the game Final Fantasy 7 very much. Although Sega also has many 3D games, Inaba Kazusei has always disliked Sega, so he didn't play those games.

But after DC was "sold" to the Order of the Phoenix, it was the first time that Inaba Kazushin faced the machine.

Although it is a bit unpleasant to say that, Kazunari Inaba actually thought the title "Phoenix" was more handsome at first, and then became interested in this home machine because he liked the LOGO.

He decided to buy this machine because of the game "MUV: Moonfall".

Super handsome 3D shooting game, and the heroine is super beautiful.

Speaking of it, Kazusei Inaba also finds it weird. It is a very strange thing to play a girl in the game, but when he is playing the game "Moonfall", he is fascinated by his own role as Huang Weiyi. Lived so that when he was in multiplayer mode, he also chose women as his image in multiplayer mode.

After clearing the level in the plot mode, Inaba became obsessed with the multiplayer mode, and even his PS2 was put aside.

After frantically playing for nearly a month, Inaba Kazusei finally struggled out of the huge and fascinating world of "Moonfall".

But he still feels uncomfortable, but he is also afraid that he will continue to indulge in the super-sense PVP environment of "Moonfall".

Moreover, since I purchased DC-P, of course I have to play more games.

It just so happened that at this time he heard that the game "To Demon" is about to be released.

If this is the case, let's try it first!

In fact, when buying the game, Kazusei Inaba didn't even see what type of game the game was. The reason he bought the game was actually because the cover of the game was a couple of super loving girls in tights.

Especially the character named "Yukikaze", this character is an NPC in the game, but it hits Inaba's heart.

As a result, he had already bought the game when he came back to his senses.

Now that I bought it, of course I will play it first!

Inaba Kazusei put the game CD into the machine, and then logged on to the Internet to view it.

Inaba Kazusei originally did not have a network. His network was installed after purchasing "Moonfall" last month. Not to mention that with the network, the game "Moonfall" really has a super comfortable experience. , Fascinating.

"Oh, it turns out to be the same type of game in "Dark Souls"!"

After seeing the comments on the forum, Inaba Kazunari finally understood what was going on with this game.

Although the game of Dark Souls Kazusei Inaba has never played, he also knows-after all, this is a game that is very well-known in the whole world. Maybe some people have not played it, but most people know it. Games.

What, as a gamer, you don't even know "Dark Soul"? You are simply OUT!

This is probably the situation.

Knowing that it was a game similar to the soul series, Inaba Kazusung also had a bottom.

He actually likes action games. He actually wants to play "Dark Souls", but he heard that the difficulty is too high. He actually just took it as an alternative and didn't implement it.

But since I have bought it now, just give it a try!

After entering the game, a CG first appeared.

The story depicted by CG is the story of modern Tokyo.

The karma-rich Tokyo was infested by the evil gods and turned it into a city of demons. This is the background of the whole story.

After the opening CG, the game entered the interface.

As soon as Inaba was established, he chose to start.

Subsequently, the game entered the pinch interface.

When Kazuyari Inaba was playing "Moonfall", he already had enough "face-squeezing" experience, and the game engine of "Moonfall" was not far from the engine of "Ninja", so Inaba Cheng simply started to pinch according to his own ideas.

Of course I chose sister paper.

There is no doubt that you have to choose a girl!

Since "Moonfall", Kazuo Inaba has no interest in the male protagonist.

And more importantly, "Forbearance" is a third-person game.

As a third-person game, Inaba Kazunari felt that instead of looking at a man's ass, he might as well choose a sister paper!

Raise the size of the sister paper's hips to the maximum, and that's it. In this case, when the character is running, it is also an enjoyment for the player.

——This is the "pinching technique" given by a senior black soul player when Kazuyari Inaba was watching the forum.

Simply put, it is a thin waist and big hips, highlighting the most frequently seen parts of people in the game.

After pinching the face, the game begins.

At the beginning of the story, the player is in an apartment building.

As soon as the protagonist wakes up, he realizes that the scene in front of him is very strange, the surrounding environment is very dark, and the whole room has a very strange feeling.

At the beginning of the game, the protagonist is just an ordinary person. She is wearing a sailor suit and the props are her schoolbag.

Inaba Kazunari controlled the protagonist to walk out of the room.

Just coming out of the room, a tentacle monster appeared in the corridor.

Kazunari Inaba controlled the protagonist to start the battle, but was helpless, the monster grabbed the protagonist's limbs and swallowed it.


I actually died so easily?

Inaba Kazusei felt a little embarrassed.

But just when Inaba Kazunari thought he had died, the original dark scene appeared.

What appeared in front of Inaba Issei was a Japanese-style courtyard.

The outside of the courtyard was wrapped in a strange black air, and there was an indescribable strange feeling.

"you're awake?"

Just when Inaba Kazunari wanted to look around, the plot triggered.

What appeared in front of Inaba Issei was the previous "Ninja Ninja Yukikaze" that appeared on the game poster.

The other party said that Kazunari Inaba was too inspired, so he was involved in the "City of the Devil's Tire". This is the real world that can only be reached by the Demon Ninja, and most people cannot see it. But although the protagonist is an ordinary person, he has come to this world.

The characteristic of this world is that the human beings who enter this world will not die, because this is a city composed of "human karma" and the "evil" of evil demons. As long as human karma does not disappear, it can be resurrected infinitely. But this resurrection only has the body, but these monsters will degenerate the human spirit.

This setting may be familiar to people who have played "Dark Soul", because it is similar to the setting of the undead in a sense.

But Kazusei Inaba has never played Dark Souls, so when he saw this part of the setting, his first thought was: Did the Tentacle Monster degenerate the protagonist by overthrowing the protagonist? doesn't seem to be right, because in the game, in addition to women, you can also choose men!

Why am I so impure!

After Inaba Kazunari secretly cursed his impure heart in his heart, he continued to play.

After learning about the situation from the Xuefeng NPC, the protagonist also became a ninja opponent and got a ninja suit.

After changing the defenseless sailor suit to a tight-fitting ninja suit, and then replacing the schoolbag with a rib (Japanese-style short sword), the originally scumbag "girl student" instantly became a "trainee girl ninja" .

"Wow, this feels really good!"

After putting on the tights, Inaba Kazusei's eyes lit up.

As the old drivers said, the hips and waist of the characters appear the most in the screen.

After changing into the tights, this seductive feeling suddenly rose.

Wow, refreshing!

Inaba Kazusei said that looking at this butt, it was really... awesome!

He didn’t know that, in fact, it was not the player who made this statement at first, but Mori summer wearing a player’s vest. He got inspiration from a certain Overwatch Ass, or Ass Pioneer game, and then spread it to Up everyone.

Now it seems that the effect is good.

After confessing everything, Xuefeng left, and she also taught the protagonist how to enter this mansion against the devil.

The protagonist left the mansion and returned to his apartment.

Going forward, you can see the tentacle monster before, but the protagonist who has gained the ability to deal with the devil can also directly climb the stairs to the outside.

But Inaba Kazushin decided to PK with the tentacle monster in front of him.

Brother is no longer the brother five minutes ago, let me teach you what is called ninja fangs!

And then—Inaba Kazu into the gorgeous street.

This is a sad story.

His original set of combos had already knocked out two-thirds of the tentacle monster's health, but at this time, Inaba Kazushin was greedy for the knife, and he was hit by a set of combos from the opposite side, and then killed. .

After three or five times in a row, Kazusei Inaba finally killed the tentacle monster.

Not to mention, after this tentacle monster died, it also dropped a very good equipment. The previous suffering was all worthwhile.

Although the game is difficult, Inaba Kazunari finds it very interesting. Although it seems to be a difficult game, it is very difficult to play now.

He went all the way, and then came to Sensoji Temple.

——The whole story is based on the condensation of modern Tokyo, so there is Sensoji Temple, a relatively well-known place.

In this place, the first BOSS of the game appeared.

This is a "nightmare shadow".

To put it simply, it is a black ball floating in the air. After the protagonist came here, it slowly landed.

Then, this place became the place where Inaba Kazushin was blooded.

"Nightmare Shadow", a monster that naturally ridiculed the newcomer's name, had tormented Inaba 10 or 30 times back and forth. It was really a "Nightmare Shadow" to persuade the newcomer.

"Um... take a look at the strategy."

Inaba Kazusei put down the handle, and then began to check the guide.

Going to the Internet to read the guide is also a habit that Kazusei Inaba developed when playing "Moonfall".

He entered the forum at this time.

However, before Inaba Kazucheng went to read the guide, he found another post.

"Teach you how to abuse the shadow of the tentacle with bare The shadow of the tentacle is the monster that killed the protagonist in the beginning.

"What, that monster could be killed in the first place?"


Inaba immediately opened this post.

There are a lot of pictures in the post. Kazusei Inaba waited for a while before seeing the content in the post.

It turned out that this expert player, with the help of a schoolbag, actually played a wave of "reverse" skills.

"Rejection" is a popular technique from the Soul of Darkness, which is to use armor to defeat the enemy's attack, so that the enemy can be attacked by oneself.

In "Forbearance", this technique also exists. And because in this version, the character does not have the kind of shield-like armor, so the repelling technique is achieved with weapons, and props like "Kunai" can be "repelled" through special attacks. And the schoolbag happens to belong to the category of special weapons-although it has no attack power.

At the beginning of the game, the player has almost no offensive power. It is very difficult for ordinary people to kill the shadow of the tentacles. But through this technique to create the enemy's vulnerability, through a "critical strike" one-fifth of the opponent's HP can be knocked out at once.

The player can also kill the tentacles by going back and forth several times.

After killing the Tentacle Monster, and moving forward soon, we could find some shotguns against the ninja corpse, but because we didn't go to the ninja base, some skills were still impossible.


Meow meow today~

Two-in-one meow~

Meow meow~

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