Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1455: Linkage between Boundless and Lelouch

"Lelouch's linkage plot?"

萌香 is viewing the event at this time. Vertex novel

The game "Boundless" is a game with "activity" as the main strategy. This is Senxia’s experience of learning fgo by himself. In the game, in addition to the main gameplay, the limited open activities are the main content of the game. Each limited plot task can bring players a difference. Experience.

The game has been open for nearly a month, and Golden Week is approaching. At this moment, of course there will be new activities!

As the first event, "Boundless" chose the recently popular "Lelouch of Rebellion" as the background blueprint for the plot.

The world view of "Boundless" itself is an infinite world line, so no matter how the linkage or chaos enters, such a story can proceed smoothly.

This is the power of "Boundless".

Today is the first day the event opens.

In this task, the stigmata of c.c will be restricted.

The Ica boss said that he was going to the lighthouse country to discuss business recently, so he would not participate in this event, but he said he would make time to fill the c.c stigmata.

According to Mengxiang, many fans and fans of Lelouch are ready to smoke c.c.

In the story, the stigma is not just a piece of equipment. According to the setting of "Boundless", the stigma represents the will of the character itself, so having a stigma of a character also means that the player can interact with the character Conduct activities.

In the game, players can talk to these characters in the will space of the stigma, and these characters even have voices.

Moreover, when the player uses skills during battle, the character itself will also appear.

Although it is a gossip, Moe Xiang heard from the "Uncle Party" that in the next version, "Boundless" will make these characters appear constantly in the game, which is like Jojo's substitute.

This setting is naturally excellent.

But Mengxiang's love for c.c is average, she actually likes Nanali better.

In this event, the main characters on the stage are c.c and Lelouch. Although Nanali’s stigmata will have a limited time probability of rotation, it will have to wait for the rotation.

What Mengxiang is watching at this time is the plot of this linkage activity.

The plot of this story is the story that took place in the first season of the animation, which is completely different from the story of the second season that is currently on the air.

In the story of the second season, Lelouch is now playing "Three Kingdoms War" next door.

Well, yes, after tearing up the manuscript, Senxia really wrote a "Lelouch's Three Kingdoms War".

Since there are Knights of the Round Table in Brittany next door, isn't it too much to have a Romance of the Three Kingdoms here?

Not to mention, this setting is quite reasonable and highly acceptable.

However, the linkage script is still the story of the first season, and it is not an animation plot, but an extra-line plot similar to "Nanali's Nightmare".

In this plot, the pollution of the enemy of the world flows from the cracks in the space, polluting the Tokyo area in the 11th district, trapping Lelouch and others in this place, and no matter the monsters pouring in from the edge, human beings are gradually rampant. All these have led to very serious consequences.

In the story, Lelouch, who realized that Tokyo was no longer working, was determined to take Nana to leave here, but when he was about to use the Black Knights to break through, the Black Knights suddenly rebelled and took Nana. Contaminated.

Well, to be more precise, they wanted to pollute Lelouch, but Nana saw it through, and the younger sister replaced the older brother.

Hmm...Yes, in this story, Nanali played the role of the villain very subtle.

In the story, the player broke into this space, but as soon as he entered, he was attacked by Nanaly's army.

At this time, the player encountered c.c and escaped the threat under the guidance of the opponent, and then met the decadent Lelouch.

At this moment, the story is to cheer up Lelouch.

But Mengxiang thinks this is difficult.

Nana Li was contaminated to save Lelouch. In the eyes of the king of sister-controlled Luluxiu, this kind of thing was almost unacceptable to him.

The sister who wanted to protect finally protected herself, even Lelouch of the "Black Prince"... No, it was Lelouch that made him fall into this kind of despair.


Mengxiang sighed.

In the storyline, Lelouch wants to cheer up, but it is not that simple. Players need to collect various materials, and then complete a variety of plots, so as to help Lelouch.

The first part of the story is that players need to collect enough weapons and ammunition to fight monsters.

Then, at this time, Mengxiang met Karen Hongyue. She was fighting in the eleventh district with the uncontaminated remnant of the Black Knights and looking for "zero".

However, it is a pity that when the task is done here, Mengxiang’s physical strength is no longer there. The strategy stopped here for the time being. The obsessive and selfless strategy of the front-end time, Mengxiang felt a little scared after thinking about it. Tempered liver.

"This story is quite interesting." Mengxiang thought this story was quite interesting.

Because the boss was not there, Yoo Xiang was quite boring after she ran out of energy, so she decided to go online to see the battle reports of those strategy experts.

"The shipwreck! The c.c shipwreck! Neither order has c.c!"

Yes, as soon as she entered the forum, she saw that someone was wailing.

"Ten five treasures in a row, don't stop me! I have five treasures in a row!"

Mengxiang clicked on it and found that this man was right, but it was a stigma of a supporting role in a Samsung story, a shameless "fan Yao" stigma.

"Another crazy one."

In theory, players can hoard the sacred spar in advance.

But now it has only been less than a month since the server was opened, and there will be fewer people who have the time and energy to hoard money, and most players will use it to draw.

In addition to drawing cards, the Saint Quartz can be used for many purposes, such as purchasing rare items, directly supplementing physical strength, etc., all of which need to be used.

It's like Mengxiang.

She wanted to stock up the holy spar very much before.

However, some time ago, in order to catch up with the progress of the boss, all the Saint Quartz was invested in the liver main line and equipment. As a result, until now, she has not much Saint Quartz left.

In this game, physical strength is really important in a sense.

Most players have the same experience as Mengxiang.

So at this time, many people have chosen krypton gold.

How should I put it, Senxia positioned this game in the same paragraph as the ship c, but the appearance of so many krypton gold bosses is really a relatively subtle matter.

But the game still maintains a more conscientious strategy, because after all, the number of these krypton gold bosses is relatively small, and most of the other people are the main players of the game.

If ordinary players are lost, only the krypton gold bosses will leave the game, so the stickiness of the game is very important.

"They are all drawn cards, I want to see the strategy!"

Mengxiang complained.

In the forum, it is indeed very lively, but everyone is discussing the shipwreck, and there are still some people discussing the intensity of the c.c stigmata.

cc stigmata is a stigmata focusing on control and defense, suitable for long-term combat, but among players, everyone is generally studying how to "speed pass", what three rounds are cleared, and what one-round high-difficulty dungeons No harm, so on the forum, the stigma of cc, the wind reviews are not very good.

"I think it's very easy to use..." Without the plot discussion posts, Mengxiang is naturally watching these intensity posts.

Unlike these people, Mengxiang feels that c.c's stigmata has very good skills. The matching of parts and suits are actually very useful.

She thought about it, and Mengxiang used her own experience to see the problem: this set of stigmata is suitable for middle-class players, allowing them to control the boss all the way and use this method to clear the level.

On the contrary, with this kind of combination, it is basically impossible to hit high-level players with high injuries, which means that this set of stigmata cannot allow players to speed through the instance.

But how should I say, even if the stigma of cc is only drawn, the game experience is very good for the player, and if it is combined into a suit, it is also very capable of bringing a set to the boss. Reassuring.

Once again, this game is not a simple drawing game like fgo, so it is possible for players to collect a whole set of stigmata during the limited card pool is open. The probability of the Krypton Gold boss making up the whole set is even higher.

Of course, black-faced players and salted fish players are out of round.

"Damn it, the plot has just entered the main line, and the subsequent plots will not open until three days later!"

At this time, there are already players on the Internet who have played the follow-up.

Meng Xiang opened the post easily.

The player had a spoiler in the story. The following story is that the player organized a resistance army. The Black Knights and the remnants of Brittany worked together to fight against foreign enemies. It was really very passionate, but this is it. At that time, the story took a turn for the worse, and a group of people were ambushed.

Then... Then there is no more, the rest of the plot is locked, and will not open until later.

Don't watch "Boundless" has a high degree of freedom, but in the event plot, it is basically a one-way street, and the player's plot is the same, there is no other way.

This tangled man, the only thing he can do now is to wait. Wait for the script to open three days later.

"Ah, questionnaire?"

At this moment, Mengxiang saw a questionnaire. This questionnaire appeared as a notification. After clicking on it, a questionnaire interface will appear. After filling it out, some sacred crystals will be rewarded.

Although not very keen on questionnaires, how could Mengxiang miss the Saint Quartz?

She immediately clicked on the questionnaire.

The content at the front of the questionnaire is all related to the activity, including player satisfaction, expectations for the plot, and perception of this linkage form.

Mengxiang thinks they are all pretty good, and they generally give four to five stars.

But when it comes to the second page of the survey, the entire questionnaire is completely different.

"If your character can export to the character image, and have your own mv, what do you think of this form?"


Mengxiang thought of the previous "virtual singer" conference.

mmd is the above production software. This software allows players to make an mv for the character themselves.

This page is quite considerate. I am probably worried that some players don’t know what it is. It also provides entry explanations and links to interface jumps so that players can view related content.

In fact, Mengxiang was quite interested at the time.

Think about it, if you can also make a favorite villain, and then let her sing and dance, will this be a very interesting thing?

It's not just Mengxiang. Many players who love the development of this kind of character actually imagined that their character can move.

Otherwise, there won't be so many bosses going to customize the figure.

But she finally chose to ignore it.

No way, the event on "Boundless" is about to start, and Moexiang, who has already maxed out all his credit cards, does not have the strength to do other things to make money and liver games. These two points have already consumed Moexiang. Full energy.

But as this post says, it seems to be a good thing for players to export their characters as models, and then dance!

"What do you think of Hatsune Miku? If there is a stigma of Hatsune Miku in the are you satisfied with this format?"

Linkage again?

Obviously, Mengxiang immediately thought of "Linkage".

If Hatsune Miku can link with "Boundless", it seems to be quite interesting!

Hey, not only that, it would be interesting if you can control a character like Hatsune Miku.

Moe Xiang also likes the role of Hatsune Miku.

In the questionnaire, she expressed her expectations for this.

After filling out the questionnaire, the sacred spar was sent to Mengxiang's mailbox.

"Ahhhhhhh, it can be ten consecutive times!" Mengxiang immediately discovered that she had enough sacred crystals, and she could now draw.

But Mengxiang seemed to have thought of something, she was shocked, and then shook her head.

"It's not right, it's Nanali I want to smoke!"

Mengxiang said that it was Nanali that she wanted to smoke!

Moreover, after he had drawn Lyrical Nanoha, he was now in a state of desirability, and it didn't matter if he had another stigma at this time!

No, no, no ten even~!

However, it seems to be a good thing to be full of c.c stigmas. Sometimes a stigma is not enough...

Mengxiang had already issued a c.c stigma before, and then she drew two more shots with red hands, but another one came.

In her opinion, having this stigma is enough.

However, c.c works well...

It doesn't seem to be a loss if it is full

"Try it, what if it happens again?"

After three single draws two, Mengxiang feels that she has a great advantage and can continue to draw...


Today’s two in one, meow a bark~


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