Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1456: This game is poisonous!

May 1, Golden Week. Vertex novel

Like a great eastern country, Mud Boom also has a Golden Week at this time. Although the meaning is different, it is indeed the Golden Week.

At this time, many families will choose to travel, many people will stay at home and play games, and some will lie down on the bedside.

But for the 2ch screen names, today is an interesting day, because just today, there is a post here.

"This game is poisonous! This kuso game has cost me two months of living without knowing it!"

After clicking on it, they found that this poster was a player of "Infinite Realm Line".

The player accused the game of "inhumane behavior" towards him.

Because of the anonymous relationship, the other party did not disclose the game, but he did write down his own game experience.

"... The first time I encountered "Boundless" was at the end of March. At that time, Nanoha's live broadcast was about to end. Then I heard about "Boundless"."

"... When I first came into contact, this game was indeed very interesting. And as a game produced by a company, this game naturally has a close relationship with Nanoha..."

Anyone who knows a little about Nanoha knows that in this game, there is a place called "Time and Space Administration", and there is also a very powerful "enemy of the world" setting.

Of course, the one that I love most is the "Parallel Universe" series of a company.

A company likes to use the concept of "parallel universe" in the work, and the same is true in the work "Naba".

And "Boundless" is to follow Nanoha's setting down and expand into a whole world.

Of course, the number of people who know how to play this game is still very small.

After all, the audience is not necessarily the players, and the Internet is not for everyone.

But anyone who has watched Nanoha’s work will not know about "Boundless". What's more, this game has exploded on the Internet before. As a web game, it is said that the profit and revenue have already exploded. .

Therefore, on 2ch, most people have a play on it.

As an anonymous website, there are really all kinds of people on 2ch, and the demographic composition is very messy.

So people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, immediately entered this post, ready to see how this host criticizes the game.

Well, if you forward it again, it will be more interesting.

However, the original poster did not play cards according to reason.

At the beginning, the poster not only told about his love for the Nanoha series, but also explained how good his first impression of the game "Boundless" was.


What is going on here?

It's a pity that there is no such thing as a "water army" in this era. Otherwise, netizens would have already criticized the original poster when they saw this.

But they don't know, so at this moment, they can only look down with doubts.

Fortunately, the inconspicuous host told me how this game pitted his money.

"...How to put it, the design of the game is very conscientious."

"...The entire style and system design of the game, as well as the setting and background of the story, are very comfortable. In the game, players have three types of equipment. One is weapons, one is armor, and the other is stigmata. The weapon is the player’s magic device. This setting is the same as that in Nanoha. The armor is a protective suit. Players can obtain it through purchase, adventure, or manufacturing. Finally, the stigmata is the player. A player can equip up to fifteen stigmata, or three sets of four skills..."

"There are many ways to obtain the stigma in the game, which is one of the core content of the game. We can use the'stigmata' in the game to extract the stigma. After having the stigma, we can cultivate the stigma, Let the stigmata exert its greatest ability..."


This setting is quite interesting!

Players’ skills are obtained through stigmata, and players can also customize their own skills. No matter what you think about this setting, it’s super fun!

However, this original poster's problem turned out to be here in Stigmata.

After saying so much above, the original poster told the sad story when he drew the stigmata.

At the beginning, he just wanted a five-star stigmata of the baby Lyrical Nanoha.

After having this stigma, the character of Lyrical Nanoha can be unlocked, and the player can interact with this character.

However, the tragic thing is that he was completely insulated from Lyrical Nanoha from the beginning, and even later he discovered that at the beginning of the game, he did not realize that there was a limited card pool in the game!

The player who had been entangled for a long time first rushed to the monthly card, and then found out that he could not get this role anyway. He also gave up at that time.

However, after entangled for a long time, she discovered that the subsequent boss had been smashed by Lyrical Nanoha. After entangled for a long time, he finally started the evil road of krypton gold.

But anyway, at this time, he finally had Naha.

Then... Then he discovered that Lyrical Nanoha is super easy to use, and the sound is super cute, the interaction is simply great!

At this moment, he gritted his teeth and chose to completely extract the stigmata of Nayha.

However, when the stigmata was drawn, Lyrical Nanoha came a lot, but they were basically the "adult version of Lyrical Nanoha".

Although Lyrical Nanoha is very good and strong, he still wants a younger version of Lyrical Nanoha.


Then he discovered that his credit card... was maxed out!

The original poster was ready at that time.

Hundreds of thousands of yen, that’s it? !

too terrifying! This world is terrible!

What was even more frightening was that he immediately discovered that there were real rich people in this world.

Full of treasures and equipment, nothing else is rich.

Kneel directly.

Although it is terrible, this kind of person does exist.

And this poster was lucky enough to report to the local tyrant's golden thigh, and became the exclusive life player of the local tyrant, creating equipment and items for the other side.

Moreover, she pieced together everything, and finally made up enough of her living expenses, barely able to survive.

Originally it was nothing.

However, the game has been active recently.

The second season of "Lelouch the Rebellious" has been broadcast for a month. At this time, the game also took the opportunity to get a wave of enthusiasm and linked up with Lelouch.

"...Actually, I don't have much feeling for Lelouch. I sympathize with his experience, but this animation itself is not a work that impresses me like Niha. My favorite character is also in it. Nanaly..."

Then, the host drew three shots.

Afterwards, he was surprised to find that he had three treasures!

However, the original poster who has learned the lesson from the last time did not have krypton gold this time, but chose to accept it as soon as it was good.

But how to say it.

After this, the host found that the c.c he had drawn was so easy to use as an explosion!

Not only that, but the voice of c.c in the background is also full of magic, making people want to stop.

Then, the host's children's shoes thought of his luck and character before drawing cards.

He feels that he has a great advantage, he feels that he can go up a wave.

Then, he played gg.

"When I come back to my senses, my only 100,000 yen left is completely gone. Lying in my picture are only CC and Lelouch full of stigmas, and Nanali with two stigmas... "

The original poster's tone was very sad, it was like those who heard it were sad and those who saw it wept.

"The original poster w without self-control"

"I'm very curious, how the host plans to spend this month."

"Oh, it's a great advertisement, I want to play this game!"

However, it is a pity that there are not many posts that sympathize with and comfort the host, but many people laugh at the host here.

"You guys, just cynicism!"

On the other side of the computer, Hayami Mengxiang was gritting her teeth and looking at the picture on the computer screen.

These people are simply too hateful. At this time, they laughed at themselves!

I am here to seek comfort, and by the way warn you not to krypton gold!

On 2ch, there are a lot of players in this game, so Mengxiang chose to post this post here, to vomit about this toxic game, which is a small vent. After all, this kind of anonymous forum is often called "junk" Box" Well.

It's a pity that because it's a trash can, other people like to hear about Mengxiang's experience, and there are few people who truly sympathize with her.

This is a sad story.

But Mengxiang couldn't help it.

"Don't talk cold words! This game is indeed poisonous, I don't know what's going on, the 200,000 yen in the wallet is gone!!"

Although many people complained, Mengxiang's words also resonated with many people. At this time, some people said that this game is indeed poisonous.

Seeing the existence of an online game where his colleague Tianya has fallen, Mengxiang finally feels better.

She was comforted, went back to the game, and then started liver activity.

Now that the game has entered the second stage, Lelouch's plot has been reversed.

It turned out that Lelouch himself did not have the so-called "decadence", his decadence was just his own strategy.

Because Lelouch knew his opponent was his sister, Lelouch used this strategy.

At this time, Lelouch did not hesitate to make himself look like a fool, even being insulted by people, he could not bear it, because Lelouch had a goal that must be achieved and that was to save Nanali!

For the sake of my sister, what if I am an enemy of the world!

How should I say, Mengxiang, who is not a fan of Lulu Xiu, has been fanned at this time.

"But I don't have enough energy..."

After drawing the card, Mengxiang's remaining physical strength is not enough to continue to Ten Lien, so she simply has completely krypton gold to the physical strength, after the second phase of the game opened, she broke through the second phase of the plot.

After discovering that she had no physical strength, she returned to 2ch and wanted to read her post.

But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it. After looking at it, she is almost furious!

It turned out that at this time, someone posted here.

"Don't believe that negative marketing. The so-called poisonous game is just a business strategy, just to satisfy everyone's curiosity."

Mengxiang immediately opened the reply.

"You haven't tried it at all. You're a hearsay guy, maybe it's a guy invited by a hostile manufacturer!"

Although it is anonymous, the ip is the same as before, and it is still possible to tell who Mengxiang is.

Not to mention, this poster is also a real one.

"Okay, then I will go into this game and refute all your arguments!"


There is no more, and then the original poster disappeared.

Mengxiang didn't care either, because it was too late, so she fell asleep after posting the post.

Well, she saved this post by the way, and plans to continue to attack the host who had been counseled halfway tomorrow.

By the next morning, when Mengxiang just got up, she went online to play, then emptied her stamina and finished daily tasks. Then, she went on 2ch, and then entered the previous post, wanting to see the bad host What are you doing right now?

But what Mengxiang never expected was that this product was really persuaded.

Still nothing!

"Huh, he really is a coward!"

Turning the page all the way to the end, the opponent did not appear.

It really is a scum!

Mengxiang didn't just let the other party go, but started taunting afterwards.

However, just as Mengxiang wanted to reply, she discovered that this host had actually appeared again? !

"This game... poisonous..."

The other party left such a line.

This reply appeared, and the crowd watching the excitement also came over.

"What happened?!"

A group of people asked what happened below.

"One night... In just one night, my bank card lost 120,000 yen... and I actually studied how to use the Internet for two hours to subdue it. I was crazy!"

This poster told his tragic experience on the Internet.

He just wanted to go back.

However, after entering the game, he unexpectedly found that his wallet was completely empty before he knew it!

Oh my God, how could such a terrible thing happen in this world, and this kind of thing happened to me? !

"When I came back to my senses, I found that I already had five c.c stigmas and four Nanali stigmas. Why, why did this happen?!"

The host stayed up all night and spent the whole night playing games, which is why he never answered.

When he woke up, it was all because he...had no money.

Well, he wants to be full of stigmata...

This game is poisonous!

He wailed...


Two in one bark~

Taiwu's game is simply poisonous, be careful...

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