Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1476: 2nd generation teacher’s advice

"I said Senxia-kun, you seem to have smirked all morning, do you really don't need me to make a call and let the ambulance drag you away?"

At noon the next day, I was in the activity room of the Research Institute.

Senxia had been smirking for a long time at this moment, so that Qianjia, who finally came over, rolled his eyes directly to Senxia, ​​ready to drag him to the hospital.

"It's okay, I'm happy." Senxia said with a smile.

"Happy? Is it because your krypton gold game has bankrupted so many innocent young girls, or because you have raised the favorability of which girl to love, and then you despicably overthrew it?"

Can we not mention the "favorite degree"? !

Ha, but we are in a good mood today, there are a lot of adults, so I don’t care about you!

Morika glanced at it. Kenichi Aso and Misato Kyuu hadn't come here yet. The guy Takaya Kiriya was here, but was called away by his own "Mie-chan".

In the entire activity department room, there are only two people, Senxia and Qianjia.

Seeing no one in the room and no one outside the window, Senxia carefully took out a hard cover from her arms and shook it in front of Qianjia.

"Because of this," he said triumphantly.

"This?" Chika leaned over, and then realized that this was a photo album.

The cover is an image of a girl in a black gothic black gauze dress, but the girl's appearance is also hidden by the black gauze.

However, this kind of concealment does not seem abrupt. On the contrary, the same black veil mask covering the girl's face shows a kind of ladylike temperament, which makes people quite yearning.

"this is--!"

Qian Jia's eyes widened too.

"Hehehehe, yes yes!"

Senxia opened the title page, and there was a line of handwritten text on the title page.

"For my dear Morinatsu~"

"Ahhhhhhhh! This is a photo book signed by Mr. Nidaime!"

Qian Jia was not calm at this time.

No matter how much she is in front of others, no matter how gentle she is in front of Morinatsu, but at this moment, in front of this photo album, only Chika who is a fan of the second generation teacher exists.

"Damn it, Morika, how did you get this photo album!"

In the photo album, all the photos of the Erdaime teacher, it can be seen that the Erdaime teacher is very good at matching clothes, although in all the photos, the face of the Erdaime teacher is hidden, but it is not obtrusive It feels that they complement each other.

It is a pity that although there are occasional photos of Erdaime teacher who did not cover his face in the photo, these photos are taken from the side or from the back, otherwise the Erdaime teacher turned his head to avoid the face.

"I went to the Erdaimu teacher to accept the script of "Starship Voyage" yesterday, and the teacher gave it to me." Senxia said.

"Teacher took over?" Qian Jia asked immediately.

"Hi. We had a long conversation all night." Senxia was very happy.

Well, it’s actually a long talk all night, but in fact, the two people are actually tossing all night.

How to put it, it feels... great.

And the second generation teacher has said that since there is a layer of latex, there is no problem!

Hmm, that's it!

But how to say it, taking photos with the teacher is really a super fun thing.

Regarding the so-called "conditions" of the second generation teacher, Morinatsu is absolutely 120 willing.

As long as it is the opinion of the teacher Erdaime, let alone taking pictures, even women's clothing is not a problem!

Uhhhhhhhhhh, teacher Erdaime said that she wanted to take more photos, so Senxia will go by in the next few days. But the second generation teacher has to prepare some props.

"Can the teacher write this script?" Although Qianjia is also a fan, she is not blindly confident of the second-generation teacher. So Qianjia asked.

"Hi. Although it hasn't been finalized, we have roughly decided on the direction of the theme." Morixia said, "The game "Starship Voyage: Borders" will be a completely different game from the current structure. I have already talked about this point with the Erdaime teacher. Therefore, the Erdaime teacher believes that since we want to design with the theme of "the second life of mankind in the interstellar age", the so-called ergonomic content should be integrated into the permanent Japanese It’s not just a matter of producing certain ergonomic content."

"Well, what the teacher said makes sense." Qianjia also nodded, "Erogation is originally a part of life. If we incorporate this part of the content into the game itself, it would be a good choice. Sometimes too deliberate gentleman The content is indeed not necessarily the best."

"Hi, that's it."

"Then what's more specific?" Qianjia asked, looking through the photo album of teacher Nidaime.

Her fingers kept moving across the edge of the page. Qianjia seems to want to put her fingers on the page to touch, but she seems to be worried that her fingers will contaminate this photo. She feels a little bit worried about gains and losses.

"Her suggestion is that we integrate the ergonomic content into the setting We may not be able to manage the things of the players, but the monster settings of the entire planet are all made by us, and some designs made by the players. , Can also be expanded." Morinya said, "It's like Cthulhu."

"The player created an interesting location, but we brainwashed this location through the evil things on the planet, and then this location became our place..."

Qianjia expanded his thoughts a bit.

"Our planet setting itself allows a lot of monsters to appear. I think this is completely feasible." Senxia said, "By the method of'pollute' the player, the player's avatar is turned into an NPC, and then this place is It's ours."

"But the character that the player has worked so hard to produce and cultivate becomes an NPC, won't they object to it?" Qianjia said.

"So we adjusted the settings. The players are the pioneers of the empire, and they actually have the'reincarnation' system as a welfare guarantee." Simply put, the concept of the player's death and resurrection is set to Justified, "So a player who becomes an NPC can also be forced to respawn when the empire detects that the player's SAN value has been reset to zero."

"Ah, this setting is good." Qianjia nodded.

"Yes." Senxia continued, "and NPCs will not completely use the player's template. After all, those tentacle monsters will transform the player..."


"Moreover, the second generation teacher also suggested that we use some classic sci-fi and horror movies, such as Alien-you see, this setting, if it is ergonomic... it is also very interesting."

The two gentlemen, at this moment, are seriously discussing the problem...


The first more meow~

Dumb? Black dumb doesn't exist...

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