Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1477: Isn’t it normal for SF games to have magic?

In terms of playing games, Morinia can be said to be a representative of her original intention.

Even though he has become famous here, Senxia still does not forget the great path of a gentleman.

No, just because it is this time, Morinka believes that if you want to revitalize the gentleman industry, you can only rely on yourself.

As the saying goes, the generals of the heavens will surrender to the people of Sri Lanka. He must first suffer from his will, his muscles and bones, and his body is empty, and his actions are chaotic.

It is not a simple matter to overcome obstacles and show what you want to show to the audience.

"Since the Erdaime teacher has already said it, then we should also make some preliminary preparations." Qianjia said.

"Yes, the progress of the production team is faster than before. I didn't expect it."

Senxia also nodded.

The production team's movements were so fast, Mori Xiazhen didn't expect it.

In the 3D era, other than buildings and cities, such sceneries as wilderness and jungles are actually easier to embody—automatically generate technical matches!

The game developed by Morinia is called "Borderless Land". It is a desolate planet. Except for some special sights, most of the wilderness of this game is developed by the players themselves, so it is super simple. Convenience-rather, the terrain is complicated, but it is a burden for the players.

On the contrary, when the automatic generation technology is generated in the city, it is easy to encounter many troubles, and it is easy to make people want to bump their heads.

Senxia took out a piece of a4 paper and started planning: "Now our design has four initial locations, one is a plain, one is a hill, one is an ice field, and one is in space. City, the least completed one is the Space City."

Space City is the front line of "Starship Voyage: Borders" and the only city in the plot at the beginning of the story.

"Why is there no such thing as the sea? I think the underwater city is also good." Qianjia thinks the sea is also good, but Senxia doesn't seem to be involved in this part.

"Ah, the underwater part has been set up, but not at the beginning. This part is more difficult to do. If you want to do it together, the construction period must be extended by half a year."

Of course it's okay to do it casually, but the problem is that Morinka really can't do it casually.

"In terms of setting, we are going to inform the player that there are unknown elements in the ocean, which is very dangerous. After we develop the ocean, we will tell the player that we can already enter the ocean. I think this is no problem." Moriha is quite experienced in this kind of treatment.

"Then what are the characteristics of these four locations? Since they are developed by players, there must be some characteristics." Qianjia asked.

"Hi. The plain area is a place that we most follow the concept to design. Players can carry out various free constructions in the plain area. This area is the simplest and most convenient. Players can fully enjoy their social life alone. Carefully classified If so, the plain terrain can also have amber, mountains, jungles, etc."

This part is actually the most reproduced part of "Second Life". Second Life itself is actually a virtual community constructed by players. This is completely different from the general game concept.

Oh, by the way, in this "game", players can even make their characters pregnant and give birth, and the object is not limited to humans, and there are many ways to control the player in the game, if one player is willing to obey another player , The latter can even make the former invisible and inaudible, or can only do what is prescribed by oneself.

This is really the precedent of the times, and the secret treasure that this game can endure for a long time-but a pity, because there are too many discordant 18x ​​content in this game, or there are various language barriers, Some areas are difficult to play.

This is the worst part of this game.

"In the mountains and hills, most of these places will have monsters, which is a material production point in the story," Morinia continued, "If the player wants to capture monsters, this kind of place is also the best. ."

"The main composition of rpg?" Qianjia said, "but this place is quite suitable for witches to play."

"We are a sci-fi game." Senxia reminded.

"Miko is scientific!" Qianjia's eyes widened.

"Well... well. It feels less interesting without the witch. And our story, there is indeed a setting of extraordinary power..." Morika thought for a while, and felt that what Qianjia said was nothing wrong. .

"Where is the ice sheet and space?" Qianjia asked again.

"The ice field is a special terrain in the story. If the player does not pay attention to keeping warm, it is very dangerous in the ice field. The design of the ice field is based on indoor architecture. The players expand the indoor structure and communicate with the outside world through each'greenhouse'. Probably this is the feeling. As you can imagine, this is actually a sanctuary, and then players continue to expand it."

The first two are outdoor. This is an indoor environment and corresponds to it. Similarly, this is also to bring players a different experience.

"I think the'pollution' you want is very suitable for this kind of place. In order to seek geothermal heat, the players found the Cthulhu's seal... This feels good." Qianjia felt that this setting was very interesting.

"Um... also fine."

sf...Magic things, how can they not be regarded as sf!

There are also magic sticks in StarCraft!

And he admitted that Qianjia made sense.

"Well, in this case, we can use it to expand our worldview or something."

"Okay, okay, you don't need to think divergently! Let's clarify the basic situation first," Qianjia said, "There is also a space city?"

"The space city will not be developed at the first moment, but players are allowed to order some supplies from the space city. Because this is an NPC city, we are afraid that if it is opened at the beginning, it will be a little troublesome for the player Chancheng-and it really needs to be opened. If it does, the progress will continue to be postponed for half a year."

"So the fundamental problem is progress?"

"Can't deny it." Senxia shook her head. "But even if two people are pregnant in October, there is no way to shorten the time to five months."

"But if two people are pregnant, they can give birth to two tallers," Qianjia said.

"It depends on the situation. There are also cases for twins and accidental suspension." Senxia defended.


This is the sound of the door opening.

The two turned their heads and saw Kenichi Aso standing awkwardly at the door.

"You, you guys talk!"

He ran away like flying.

Then Morinka and Qianjia turned around and continued the discussion.

"What's wrong with him?" Qian Jia looked inexplicable.

"Who knows." Senxia said he was unclear.

"Wait a minute. What did we just say?" Qianjia asked again.

"Pregnant... high yield?"


Okay, I probably understand.


Second life can really do everything, and players can also enjoy the sensational equipment made by other players-provided that they have money. Because the resources inside the game are made by the players themselves, and they also charge for their content, but some will provide trial versions.

The second one is meow meow.

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